Trust is about being vulnerable with someone, but unfortunately, that means they can take advantage of us.Trying to learn more about the warning signs, Reddit userBigMcLargeHugeGrandeasked everyone whose partner told them “not to worry” how their relationship evolved after they found out that the person who was supposed to be just a friend turned out to be much more than that.This post may includeaffiliate links.
Trust is about being vulnerable with someone, but unfortunately, that means they can take advantage of us.
Trying to learn more about the warning signs, Reddit userBigMcLargeHugeGrandeasked everyone whose partner told them “not to worry” how their relationship evolved after they found out that the person who was supposed to be just a friend turned out to be much more than that.
This post may includeaffiliate links.
Found proof my wife was cheating while looking for a s*****e note/clues after she died.
My ex had cheated on me with multiple other girls, the day I found it I went to one of our mutual friends to vent and cry, asked her if she know anything and she said no. Turns out she was one of the girls who he’d got with behind my back. So yeah that was a fun thing to find out.
My ex had this female friend that he was super close with. He claimed that it was just a platonic friendship, nothing more. She sometimes hung out at our place and acted friendly towards me. We lived an hour from his workplace. His parents lived closer to his job. When the weather got bad in winter, he told me he was just going to stay at his parents house. Guess who else lived close to his workplace? Come to find out from his mom, he rarely stayed at his parents place. It turned out that he was staying with his “just a friend " and they were f*****g the whole time.
Lmao. This happened twenty years ago so I’m not pissed about it anymore and it’s kinda hilarious. Her “he’s just a friend” ended up proposing to her in such a way that it made the local newspaper! That’s how I found out they were f*****g.
When my ex and his child’s mother, who he had left years prior because he was so depressed he was s******l as she was so awful to him, started ‘getting on better as coparents.’ Long story short he broke up with me one night, telling me he wanted no part of our 3 week old daughters life and went directly to ex’s house so they could ‘be a family’.
First girlfriend of 4 years cheated with our mutual best friend, second cheated with ‘just a colleague ‘Third cheated with ‘just her boss’.Needles to say my head is pretty f..ked up.
“Don’t worry it’s not weird if this coworksr offers me gifts and confessed he kinda liked me”.Yeah, sure, apparently it was weird. Quite a lot actually lol.
Yep, wife would take our kids and spend the night with her best friend and her kids. Once a month became every other week, then almost every weekend. Turns out she was having an affair with her best friend’s husband. What’s stupid about it was it was alright with her friend after our divorce.
I was dating a coworker which is already a big no-no to many people. Especially since we worked on the same team in the same department. We were LDR. He in London and me in the US. He also was a prominent up and coming YouTuber at the time. He uploaded a video with this influencer woman. Told me not to worry about it, but she was definitely smitten with him and they both were eye-batting in his video. Turns out he was cheating on me with her. He promised to call it off. We got back together and he cheated again with her. He’s now become a Christian, given up his YouTube, but still appears in all her videos because she’s now a big YouTube influencer full-time.
Technically he said “she’s just a coworker.”But he never wanted me to drop him off at the front of the store (I worked there briefly, I knew it was normal for our coworkers to get dropped off at the front). Eventually I started looking at the schedule and noticed he only put in effort into his appearance when he worked with her. His friends said they were a little too close.It was my first relationship and so I once thought it would be kind of sy to ask what he fantasized about and instead of coming up with something we could do, he told me he fantasizes about his coworker. When I cried, he told me I was kink shaming him and that “sometimes (he) just wants a fat latina a*s.”Took two more years for me to walk away. Things got way worse. I’d honestly say the above is one of the least hurtful things he has said 😂Moral of the story: if “your person” isn’t treating you right, LEAVE. Don’t wait two dn years. Nothing is gonna change.
She was my best friend since elementary school. We stopped talking for a few years after high school as life just went into different directions. Well we reconnected and my now ex husband started acting extremely weird. He would get in my face and scream at me saying she’s just a sister, he even had me get on medication because I was acting crazy for thinking about him cheating on me. Turns out he’s loved her since high school ( we all went to school together and we were high school sweethearts ) he moved her in when I went to visit my grandma. When I returned home he told me I was just a placeholder for her and he never loved me. Turns out she always hated me, she now goes around telling people she rescued him. She will learn later on that he’s a narcissist.
Dated three years. Lived together. She started getting “busy” with work and then gaslit me for three months about how it was insane I expected to see her more than two hours a week. She forgot her location sharing was on, saw she was hanging out at an unknown house. “Just a friend, you’re being intrusive,” she said. I bought it for months.Kicked her out once I realized what was going on. She insisted they were just friends. A month later she’s dating the guy.She’s still with him! Congrats, J, you can have her. You landed a real winner, the borderline personality, abusive serial cheater. Good for you, spider.
He got a marriage license with his “sister”. He said sister, but it was his ex wife’s sister. I asked if she was his sister, half sister, or sister in law. He said sister every time 🤢 some people are just completely disgusting and can’t be trusted.
He broke up with this girl like a year or something before we dated, she was in his friend group and she was his “best friend”. She was a total b***h to me during our entire relationship, and he always took her side. I don’t think he ever actually cheated on me with her, but that was almost as bad.
She was f*****g the new underage volunteer at the firehouse. I had nothing to worry about because, “He’s just a kid”.
Ex and I were together six years. Gay marriage wasn’t legal here yet, so we weren’t married.Bought a house. Beautiful little ranch in the country. I was working a lot of hours so we could afford to cashflow some new landscaping. I was busy. Three weeks after we closed on the house, one of his employees started hanging out. I didn’t think anything of it. We d**ked with cars, hung out and drank beer. He was a cool guy. Claimed to be straight.Turns out he wasn’t straight. Also turns out that he was banging my boyfriend while I slept in the next room. Also turns out that they were officially dating three weeks after we closed on the house, and they both took off and stuck me with the mortgage.He’s bald and overweight now.
My first serious girlfriend. Loved her dearly and thought I’d actually marry her. Every love is different and I’m happy with my current relationship, but it is different. This was a very special thing, or it was to me at least.There was a guy in our friend group that she admitted to me she had feelings for around the same time she realized she had feelings for me. Didn’t love that information, but I felt comfortable in our relationship and I wasn’t going to give her some weird ultimatum to end that friendship (she had known him for years from school.)Turns out, that guys roommate also had feelings for her (another guy I knew through friends) and told her and her mom about it. This infuriated me as this guy that I was acquainted with didn’t respect my relationship at all and was professing his “love”to my girlfriend. And now there’s a dude who wants my girlfriend and a guy that my girlfriend admitted to having feelings for in the past living together and wanting to host friend gatherings. Drove a wedge for sure and eventually her and I split up just from growing apart and poor communication. Not two weeks after breaking up was she f***g the guy that she admitted to having previous feelings for. Made me wonder how long she had been mentally checked out for.In hindsight it’s also wild how many dudes in that friend group wanted to fk my girlfriend.
Oof. This thread makes me sad and opens old wounds. But my story was that I actually showed up to my girlfriend’s work to pick her up (she knew I was outside) and as I walked up I saw them through the window, he pinched her a*s and she just giggled. That’s how I knew. We broke up a few weeks later because a friend of mine told me they were fg. And also that he was fg her too. She was a mess.
My ex boyfriend had girls on Instagram that were” just friends”.I ended up finding out they were all his ex’s and still sleeping together.There were like 3 of them,I knew better than that which is how I eventually found out .just sucks that I had to do my own investigating because he was a liar from the beginning.
We were married less than a year, got divorced due to lack of trust regarding his close girl friend (among other things). They had a child together a few months after our divorce was finalized and are now married.
I knew I was going to lose them but did nothing because I was so deep in my depression but never let them know about it. I could see how their smile was so big when talking about this “just a friend”, how shinning their eyes got when they saw them, how proud they sounded when talking about their friend accomplishments, their life, their travels, their studies, everything. I accepted that this friend was a better match for them they could give them everything I couldn’t. So I let it happen and we broke up. It’s been a couple of years, they’re still going strong and yes I still talk with my ex we are ok but I’d be lying if I said I don’t have regrets.
I dated a girl and at around year two of the relationship things got a bit rocky. Around this time line her and her highschool crush reconnected on social media. I noticed she’d frequently liked everything he posted on Instagram and it worried me a bunch. I’m not sure if it was just my own insecurities playing me a fool but the look she had while she would scroll through his posts was a look that was familiar to me. It was a look she used to give me. It’s hard to explain. I escalated things and in result she broke up with me. Come to find out they started dated a few months after we broke up. She eventually moved out of state to live with him and end up marrying him. Me and her have known each other for a long time so it was like dowsing my heart in molten lava to never disintegrate and burn forever. It felt like I didn’t mean anything to her the entire time. I developed severe trust and self esteem issues and inevitably didn’t feel fit to date anyone for a very very long time.
He honestly was just a friend. However I got pushed towards him because of people assuming I had a thing for him. It started getting in my head, and eventually I started thinking about it….a lot. We ended up being fwb when we were both single, and eventually had an official relationship between September 2012 and December 2015. He left me when he chose a career and New Brunswick women over me. We tried being friends – it didn’t work. I think the last time we truly both engaged with each other was in August 2017. The rest of the time, it was me just talking to a wall until I had to finally accept I’m dead to him. I…really……wish…He was just a friend in the end. .
We were together for seven and a half years. She was a friend we played games with in discord almost every night.We played ffxiv and I accidentally stumbled upon them cuddling in gridania. I was told it was nothing.He broke up with me, a week later he went across the country to meet her and a week later he moved her across the country to be with him.It’s been 8 months and I log in to keep my house but still can’t play the game….
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Together for seven years. Through my cancer diagnosis and recovery. Love of my life. She had “just a friend” in the UK she’d talk to daily. Never made a big deal about it even though it did feel weird in my gut.She left me with no explanation.Then come to find out she basically left the USA to the UK to go be with him.You think you know someone. Still tears my heart apart each and every day. Listen to your gut.
Partner had a “just a friend” ex, ok, whatever, it had been a number of years since they were together and seemed nice enough when we’d met. Cheated on me while I was out of town, now they’re married. Ended up happy for all of us, relationship didn’t have staying power even without the cheating.
All in the span of like 4 months. My marriage to this a*****e was barely holding together.1. “I met a new friend Lexi”2. “She’s just a friend, don’t worry”3. “She’s like the sister I always wanted. We’re so connected”4. “Lexi and I have this soul connection, you can’t understand”5. “Lexi told me she has feelings for me and wants to be with me. I also have feelings for her. She talked to her boyfriend and he likes me too so we’re gonna all be together.”6. “You need therapy so you can join us and it’ll make our marriage stronger”7. Divorce.
My wife had a long time friend I never met, knew him for over 15years.I thought, it’s nice she had her own friend and let her do whatever. Problem, It was a group of friends, that never saw me, so they didn’t think much of me and pushed my wife into the arms of their buddy…She was of course at fault too. She cheated, took a long time I therapy to understand the hurt she brought me.So huh, I’ve never wanted to be jealous, like so many guys that hound their girlfriends, but huh, I should have been a bit more cautious.We had 12 years together. And a kid.Life sucks sometimes.
While watching Netflix on a shared iPad, explicit emails including pictures and fantasies for the next time they meet. “He’s just this guy at work” when I asked who is Joe to you? She then quickly changed her password on her email. Called me and said things went a little too far, they talked about s*x and past conquests… Meanwhile I’m contacting lawyer for divorce papers just acting like I’m accepting her lies.
Not even me but a friend:He was dating this girl for ~4 years. He started dating her when she was still with her previous boyfriend who didn’t treat her particularly well (not abusive just neglectful). He got very comfortable in the relationship and stopped really trying much.After the 4 years I see her making posts on Facebook hanging out with a new co-worker. I mention to my friend that this guy looks to be making a move; he says that he’s a friend and her only co-worker in the same age range so naturally they hang out a lot. I straight up tell him that he’s not being a great boyfriend and she left her previous guy for him and he needs to put in effort to not get Tarzan’d.A few weeks later he posts some pictures on FB (I was friends with him already from a different circle) of him and his family camping…with her joining them. They’re snuggling at the fire and she’s kissing him on the cheek, etc. I tell my friend that he really needs to get his s**t in gear or things are going to get bad for him. He brushes me off again saying he knew about the camping trip and that he was “invited”–she knew he absolutely would not go–but declined because he trusts her.Less than two weeks later she broke up with him. A year later she’s engaged to this new guy, and honestly it was probably the best thing for her. He treated her a lot better and encouraged her to be a better person. She’s at a much better place in life than she would have been with my friend and last I saw looks to be thriving. He…settled for a girl that is nice enough but obviously has some esteem issues to stay with him. He’s just floundering in life.
I was with my ex for about 2 and a half years and she became friends with a male coworker. He was “just a friend” and I had nothing to worry about.We bought a house together and 1 month before we were able to move in she went on an overnight work trip. She came to me the next day saying they slept in the same bed together fully clothed but nothing happened outside that.I was pissed but didn’t know what to do about the house situation. I said I was gonna tell the coworkers girlfriend of 9 years what he did, the coworker called me up threatening me if I told his girlfriend. He blamed everyone else but himself for his actions. A true narcissist.My ex blocked him and I focused on trying to repair what she broke. Less than a week later I find out she never blocked him and they met up and had sx. She broke up with me to be with him, he supposedly left his girlfriend of 9 years for my ex but never really did. I moved into my house alone and spent the next 6 months trying to sell it.I only spoke to my ex about finances and the house but we eventually sold the property. She called me up one night to apologize for what she did. I guess in those 6 months he was cheating on her, being verbally abusive, made her work life hell, they broke up and got back together to repeat the cycle of abuse. Got so bad I guess he was stalking her and tried to break into her apartment, she had to call the cops on him twice.So she blew up her reputation with friends, family and coworkers, had to leave her job, lost a lot of money, lost a house, and lost a boyfriend that loved her more than anything.I miss the person I thought she was, I loved her dearly. But the person she turned into can go f**k herself, it’s still has me f***d up 1.5 years later.
My long distance (saw him twice a month!) boyfriend (at the time, now ex) started following this very lovely brunette on social media one evening. I wouldn’t normally notice something like that but it happened in conjunction with him beginning to start arguments with me and ignoring me, when previously we were terribly smitten and communicated constantly.She was local to where he lived, my nightmare. Very beautiful and clearly quite interested in him.I noticed she began liking all of his posts, every single one, except the single one he posted of me.I noticed he began turning his location off when he thought I might be asleep (based on my usual sleep schedule.)When I asked him who this girl was, he told me they were just friends. They had met at a party. But he was very angry that I had the nerve to ask at all. I hated arguing with him, all I ever wanted was to bask in the light of his love, so I stopped inquiring immediately.I should mention he was not a sports fan, at all. This is a notable detail because one day he had essentially not spoken to me at all, but had posted a story at a baseball stadium. So I asked if he was busy, and if so, that was totally fine and I would stop anticipating a response and let him get back to me in his own time. He told me he was at a baseball game and couldn’t text. (I am not a psycho who expects texts all the time, I just wanted to know if the silence was anger.)I thought it was odd that a baseball game would mean that you can’t send out a text at all. But I let it go, once again, delusionally in love and willing to believe anything that meant we were still on good terms.Well I had a strange premonition about the whole ordeal, I just knew it had something to do with her. I glanced at her Facebook/IG… in the few weeks I had been casually glancing at her social media, she had NEVER posted a story. Of course, she posts a story. Of herself smirking into the camera, seated in the same blue baseball stadium seats my beloved boyfriend had posted.So I texted him immediately to ask if they were there together. He ignored me.So I texted her (DO NOT DO THIS).I can’t recall exactly what I said, but my doormat personality ensured that it was quite sweet. I just said something to the tune of:“Hello there! I am sorry to bother you, but I couldn’t help but notice you’ve become good friends with James lately. Just wondering if he has mentioned being in a relationship? I don’t mean to pry but I wonder if his behavior has made him seem single or available, so I am just curious. Forgive me if I am being paranoid, I am finding long distance to be very trying.”Which is cringe. I know. I’m dreadfully ashamed now.She answered that it was “none of my business,” and sent the screenshot to James, who called me immediately saying I’m insane and so embarrassing.Ugh. Just typing this out is so painful. I was so heartbroken because it confirmed everything to me. My sweet boy, who a month ago, would have drained the sea to prove his love to me, had turned into someone I did not recognize. A man who was more concerned about what Jenn thought of a text message than my breaking heart 500 miles away.He dumped me, telling me that I was crazy and paranoid. He genuinely freaked out and asked if I “bugged his phone,”… I said no… you two are acting very publicly interested in each other and I have eyes? He insisted that I was nuts and they were not at the game together.. (ok…)Maybe a year later he came back to me. I loved him so much, I would have forgiven him anything. I asked him once if he had been at that game with her and if he had slept with her and he said yes. I asked if I was actually crazy and he said nope! 👎Always fear the “friend.”.
We were in a long distance relationship, but visited each other very often.Late one night saw a tagged photo pop up on facebook, him in the background of a photo of some of his friends, with his “just a friend” female colleague. Luckily took a screenshot - the photo was removed in the morning.It was a long time ago, and time and distance make clearer all of the red flags and little things I was ignoring back then. I am much happier than I could’ve ever imagined and have found my soulmate years ago.However, whenever I remember that night I stumbled upon that photo, I swear I am transported back to that precise moment… I remember it so vividly. I idolized him. He broke my heart into a million pieces and messed me up real bad, took quite some time to heal.
My ex was always talking about a guy that was in all her grad classes. Granted, she was in a small program of about 20 people, so it wasn’t weird that they had all the same classes. Over the course of 6 months it became clear that our relationship was ending. When we finally broke up I asked if it was because of this guy. She swore up and down that there wasn’t another guy and that we just grew apart. Two weeks after we broke up they were officially dating. 10 years later they’re still together, so I’m glad it worked out for them, but it would have been better if she didn’t lie.
This was my first real, true love and the one I thought I would marry. Our relationship lasted 4 years, from my age of 19 to 23 (he was 2 years older).It was the bff girl friend of my then-boyfriend. The two had a very intense friendship, frequently talking until 3am at the phone. They hung out a lot, he “helped” her with her relationship problems, bought her gifts he didn’t want to buy me. Planned dancing courses and training meetings with her, he didn’t want to do with me.All our friends thought they had an affair, I was the last one that defended them.I was jealous, but he convinced me that it was just my own fault and insecurity. (“You are so annoying sometimes and it’s hard to be around someone depressed, I need some time away from you”).The weekend she broke up with her boyfriend, my bf slept over at hers and against his promise “cuddled” with her during the night. He was so distressed over this that I (!!) had to calm him down… (sounds crazy, is true…)When he took her to his parents to spend the weekend there (it was a yearly family event), I had a meltdown at home. I wanted to come with them, but he conveniently couldn’t wait 2 hours more for me, until I returned from work.They slept in the same (guest) bed at his parents’ that we had our first time in.One month after her breakup, I also broke up with my boyfriend. I was severely depressed, had high anxiety and was emotional dependent on him. But he didn’t even had respect for me anymore, and admitted such. When he didn’t care about being together anymore or not, I broke up with him.I had to live with him for a few months more, doing my bachelor thesis in STEM. Thank god, therapy saved my life.Lol writing this down feels insane, but all of it really happened.Today, I can’t believe I didn’t see their “friendship” for what it really was- emotional cheating. It does a lot of lasting, emotional damage.Trusting again took me a long time, don’t know if I’m 100% there again…
This is less heartbreak and more eyeroll inducing, but as things were getting worse & worse with my ex, he kept talking about this girl at work who kept bothering him and following him around and it was really annoying, but she was the manager’s daughter so there wasn’t anything he could about it, but she was SO ANNOYING.Anyway, drama ensued and we broke up.Then he ended up marrying her.Now, I know you’re going to say, “Oh, he was cheating on you,” which isn’t wrong, but I don’t think he was cheating with her. He didn’t talk about any of the other women he cheated with until he trickle-truthed it out to me. He seemed to be genuinely annoyed that she wouldn’t leave him alone, so who knows what happened there.
I had an on again and off again relationship with one of my exes and whenever we’d break up, he’d always get with the “girl he told me not to worry about”.
First gf ever - Muslim girl who was in trouble with her family for dating me, nevermind being unfaithful - decided it would be a good idea to date a predator 30 year old as well as me when she and I were both 17. She denied, denied, and denied some more. When she went home (she was an international student from egypt) she told me she was in love with this other dude and already banged him a few times, also saying that it was happening since the beginning of the relationship. I had to hold all her things at my house while she was away for the entire summer. That made moving on pretty hard. Definitely damaged my trust for others.
My ex was bff of a girl who was REALLY dominant and manipulative, to the point she insisted on me to know my ex bc “I would never be a b***h and monopolize him”, that I “didn’t mind him passing more time with her than with me”. Plus, anything she did that made me uncomfortable? He was there to defend her as a crusader defends Jerusalem and eventually I was “too insecure” and “causing too much arguments” and he left me. At the end I thank him since now I see clearly they were emotionally abusing of me.
I’ve never had a male friend who didn’t end up hitting on me or confessing his feelings.
She majorly crossed some boundaries with her best friend, ignored my complaints, and ended up having s*x with him. I was pretty fed up and decided to end the relationship. She threatened s*****e, and left me a voicemail of her taking a bunch of pills. I called her, feeling responsible, and she told me to call him for her because she needed him at the time. I sent him a text telling him to handle her and never talked to her again. She’s fine, and alive 15 years later. They aren’t friends anymore.
They met at the pet store they both worked at - I was married to her for 7 years, he had just gotten out of jail for doing awful things to children. Our house was out in the middle of nowhere, far from any restrictions on where people on the registry could live. They planned to “get rid of me” so he could move in to the house.She borrowed a gun from a family friend of hers to do the deed, and they couldn’t help but brag to some coworkers about what they were about to do. I was warned about what was about to happen, and sure enough, that day they were there to make sure I would permanently be out of the picture.I got the police and his parole officer involved, since he was not allowed near weapons or to have internet access, and sure enough, she had bought him an iphone with cash so he could stay in contact with children. The police did nothing due to massive corruption, and eventually offered to help him delete the evidence off his phone while in front of my house’s outdoor security cameras.I guess you could say I have trust issues now.
He is just a friend from 12 years ago when I was at university. He is in another country now. Don’t worry about him ( while talking in the phone at 1 in the night) 3 months later, divorce with 2 kids, a night job and no house. Had to spend all I had to get a place close to the kids school so that it would be easier for me. Just because she decided to talk to and old friend. Remember boys, there is no such thing as “just someone I used to know “. Be safe out there.
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