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If you’re here, you’re likely aware of what Valentine’s day is, how it came to be and why chocolate sales skyrocket right around this time… wait, you don’t know why folks go nuts with chocolate?
Heck, the iconic heart-shaped candies—Sweethearts—were originally lozenges, a form of medicine for sore throat. Pharmacist and inventor Oliver Chase created the machine that could punch out these pills really quickly before he had another million-dollar idea and switched to using the machine’s potential to craft candy.
And since we’re on the topic of fun facts, ever wondered how the X became a sign for a kiss?Well, back in the olden days, X used to represent Christianity, i.e. the cross. It was also used as a signoff on documents. And people would often kiss it as a sign of their oath. The gesture slowly but surely grew to include book, letter and paperwork certification, being referred to as being “sealed with a kiss”.
And since we’re on the topic of fun facts, ever wondered how the X became a sign for a kiss?
Well, back in the olden days, X used to represent Christianity, i.e. the cross. It was also used as a signoff on documents. And people would often kiss it as a sign of their oath. The gesture slowly but surely grew to include book, letter and paperwork certification, being referred to as being “sealed with a kiss”.
I have tried doing this for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day the past few years to lift the spirits of my neighbors. It is probably a tradition I will keep trying to do going forward.All bouquets were obtained from Walmart where each cost around $4.57 each so while it sort of hit the bank hard I am just not going to eat out the next 2 weeks instead. If it is something that you can do too it is worth it to see everyone’s reaction!
And while pets are a popular choice for a Valentine, they are not the most popular ones.That title goes to teachers. And rightfully so.In fact, they get so many gifts that they out-do the likes of children, wives and moms.
And while pets are a popular choice for a Valentine, they are not the most popular ones.That title goes to teachers. And rightfully so.
In fact, they get so many gifts that they out-do the likes of children, wives and moms.
Besides candy, the next most gifted thing are flowers. Over 50 million roses are given on average on Valentine’s Day worldwide. Mother’s Day is the other celebration for flowers.And it’s also important to pick the appropriate color for the flower, aseach color has its own symbolism, like red is for passion and love, and white is for purity.
Besides candy, the next most gifted thing are flowers. Over 50 million roses are given on average on Valentine’s Day worldwide. Mother’s Day is the other celebration for flowers.
And it’s also important to pick the appropriate color for the flower, aseach color has its own symbolism, like red is for passion and love, and white is for purity.
I’m gonna cry. I love her so much!
Besides love, other great historical things happened on Valentine’s Day. Things like Oregon and Arizona becoming states on February 14th of 1859 and 1912 respectively. Oh, and the dude who invented the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell,filed his patent for the inventionon Valentine’s day too.
Now, if you’re still wondering what to do for Valentine’s day, the listicle you’re currently browsing should be a great source of inspiration.But if you feel like you want to get them a meaningful and practical gift, focus on something that could involve both of you. If it’s an experience, go to a concert, dinner or take them somewhere that only you two know for a picnic.
Now, if you’re still wondering what to do for Valentine’s day, the listicle you’re currently browsing should be a great source of inspiration.
But if you feel like you want to get them a meaningful and practical gift, focus on something that could involve both of you. If it’s an experience, go to a concert, dinner or take them somewhere that only you two know for a picnic.
If you do insist on getting a gift instead of an experience, again get something you both can enjoy. If a tandem bike might be a bit of an overkill (high risk, high reward?) then get a board game. Or getallof the subscriptions to streaming services for one month and binge everything. How’s that for a month-long Valentine’s Day?
And if you need more, Bored Panda suggestsjumping into the rabbit hole that is ‘reading another article’.
I am a 30-year-old female, married, but my husband and I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day, never have. Today at work (I work at a gas station), a customer bought the bouquet and handed it to me before leaving. When I said “Aww, thank you!”, I accidentally also said “But why?” and she said “Women empowering women, especially today (we don’t live too far from MSU so last night and today were rough).
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