If you love comics that are equal parts absurd, heartfelt, and surreal, thenIrregular Galaxy Doodsis a must-see. This artist’s work is filled with pastel colors, offbeat humor, and a unique perspective on life—one that can make you laugh one moment and feel deeply understood the next.In our previous interview, the creator shared, “I draw inspiration from conversations, everyday objects, and a generally overactive imagination. I have an ungodly amount of note files on my phone with a ton of ideas, half-ideas, incoherent jive, and puns.” Now, we’re catching up again to dive even deeper into the world of Irregular Galaxy Doods—so be sure to read on for more insights from the artist!More info:Facebook|Instagram|patreon.com|twitch.tv|tiktok.com|threads.netThis post may includeaffiliate links.

If you love comics that are equal parts absurd, heartfelt, and surreal, thenIrregular Galaxy Doodsis a must-see. This artist’s work is filled with pastel colors, offbeat humor, and a unique perspective on life—one that can make you laugh one moment and feel deeply understood the next.

In our previous interview, the creator shared, “I draw inspiration from conversations, everyday objects, and a generally overactive imagination. I have an ungodly amount of note files on my phone with a ton of ideas, half-ideas, incoherent jive, and puns.” Now, we’re catching up again to dive even deeper into the world of Irregular Galaxy Doods—so be sure to read on for more insights from the artist!

More info:Facebook|Instagram|patreon.com|twitch.tv|tiktok.com|threads.net

This post may includeaffiliate links.

Pastel-colored comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring a conversation about TV shows and news.

This time,Bored Pandawanted to know some of the most fun, absurd, or unexpected ideas the cartoonist has considered for their comics but hasn’t yet explored. Here’s what we found out: “Okay, so I had this dream; Ash Ketchum drops a Pokéball, and instead of doing nothing, it starts capturing the ground… and it doesn’t stop. The energy field stretches across the entire earth and captures the planet within the ball. The caption would be ‘Gotta catch ‘em ALL.’ I’ve never made it into a comic because: 1. I’m too lazy to draw it all, and 2. Part of me is worried that if I render it visually, it manifests into reality. I actually told a comic friend that he could draw it if he wants… but he hasn’t posted in over a year soooo… If anyone wants to make it please tag me, and don’t blame me if the world ends.”


Pastel-colored comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods shows a character turning off the TV after checking the news.

Pastel-colored witty comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring a bird conversation about resistance.

We asked the author of Irregular Galaxy Doods what form of media they would choose if their universe could be adapted into something else. Here’s what the cartoonist had to say: “A game, definitely. I’d love to make an RPG with quirky little characters doing silly things, but also, it would get philosophical, and it’d explore things about life and stuff. I’ve thought about trying to make something super basic using RPG Maker, but I think about a lot of things tbh. A movie would be pretty sweet, too; if any bigwigs are reading this, let’s make it happen.”

Pastel-colored witty comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring two cartoon creatures discussing hair.

Pastel-colored witty comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring a character discussing motivation and cats.

Pastel-colored comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring a humorous scene with a wizard and another character.

Pastel-colored comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring a cute character gifting rocks with witty dialogue.

Pastel-colored witty comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring two characters discussing social media behavior.

Pastel comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring a mouse and a witty cloud dialogue.

Pastel-colored comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring a duck and bird discussing wealth inequality.

Irregular Galaxy Doods Returns To Bored Panda After 4 Years – And It’s Better Than Ever! (New Pics)

Pastel-colored comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods with cute characters sharing goals for the year.

Pastel-colored witty comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring a genie and a chicken discussing a wish to be taller.

Pastel-colored witty comic with characters discussing regrets about a band and a hairstyle.

Irregular Galaxy Doods Returns To Bored Panda After 4 Years – And It’s Better Than Ever! (New Pics)

Pastel-colored witty comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring humorous conversation about setting people on fire.

Pastel-colored comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring a character consulting a crystal ball about the weather.

Irregular Galaxy Doods Returns To Bored Panda After 4 Years – And It’s Better Than Ever! (New Pics)

Pastel-colored comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring a worm asking a question to a mysterious creature.

Pastel-colored comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods with a character at “Beanie Bois Coffee” and another puzzled about a phrase.

Irregular Galaxy Doods Returns To Bored Panda After 4 Years – And It’s Better Than Ever! (New Pics)

Pastel-colored witty comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring characters discussing haste with a definition.

Pastel-colored comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods with a witty reservation joke in a supermarket.

Pastel comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods with witty Christmas dialogue between colorful birds and a hidden presence.

Pastel-colored comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods features bread rolls in a witty conversation about self-judgment.

Pastel comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods with a fox asking about 2025 and a bunny giving a thumbs up.

Pastel-colored comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods showing two characters discussing a hug request.

Pastel-colored comic featuring a witty duck offering cool rocks, by Irregular Galaxy Doods.

Pastel-colored witty comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring two cartoon cats discussing the state of the world.

See Also on Bored Panda

Pastel-colored comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring a humorous bird in a business setting discussing data entry passion.

Pastel-colored witty comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods, featuring cute animal characters having a humorous conversation.

Pastel-colored comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods with a giraffe and chicken having a witty conversation.

Pastel-colored comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring two characters discussing pronouns and literacy skills.

Pastel-colored comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring a worm and a mouse in a fire setting.

Pastel-colored witty comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring a fox and bunny having a humorous conversation.

Pastel-colored witty comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring a pangolin and a ghost.

Pastel-colored comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring a conversation about theft with whimsical characters.

Pastel-colored comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring a bunny taking a stand with a sign.

Pastel-colored comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring a mouse with a microphone and a balloon.

Pastel-colored characters in a witty comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods, discussing unusual and humorous topics.

Pastel-colored witty comic featuring characters with humorous dialogue by Irregular Galaxy Doods.

Pastel-colored comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring two characters discussing emotional support and gentle mockery.

Irregular Galaxy Doods Returns To Bored Panda After 4 Years – And It’s Better Than Ever! (New Pics)

Pastel-colored comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods of a character with a bag of oranges spilling on the floor.

Pastel-colored comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring a bird and a phone with witty dialogue.

Pastel-colored witty comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods showing two birds in a humorous gym scenario.

Pastel-colored comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring a bull character reading a letter and laughing.

Pastel-colored comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods featuring a duck with colorful rocks, offering them in a lighthearted scene.

Pastel-colored witty comic by Irregular Galaxy Doods with two cartoon characters discussing a lost brain.

Irregular Galaxy Doods Returns To Bored Panda After 4 Years – And It’s Better Than Ever! (New Pics)

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