Engaging withweirdnessscratches people’s itch to feel strong emotions like fear and disgust, just in a safer, more controlled environment. That’s why we are often interested to explore unusual topics, like truecrimestories and paranormal activities, and eat fried insects for fun (protein, yum!).To further foster our curiosity for strangeness (because it’s the opposite of boring), we prepared a list of the most bizarre memes from the ‘Weird Meme’Facebook group. Scroll down to find them, and make sure to upvote the ones with the highest level of odd.This post may includeaffiliate links.
Engaging withweirdnessscratches people’s itch to feel strong emotions like fear and disgust, just in a safer, more controlled environment. That’s why we are often interested to explore unusual topics, like truecrimestories and paranormal activities, and eat fried insects for fun (protein, yum!).To further foster our curiosity for strangeness (because it’s the opposite of boring), we prepared a list of the most bizarre memes from the ‘Weird Meme’Facebook group. Scroll down to find them, and make sure to upvote the ones with the highest level of odd.
This post may includeaffiliate links.
In aprevious interviewwith psychologist and founder and CEO of the Private Therapy Clinic, Dr. Becky Spelman, we spoke a little bit more about why people seek weird or disturbing things online and in real life.“The captivation with disgust can be attributed to several psychological factors. Firstly, there’s a phenomenon known as “benign masochism,” where people derive pleasure from experiences that are initially perceived as negative.”
In aprevious interviewwith psychologist and founder and CEO of the Private Therapy Clinic, Dr. Becky Spelman, we spoke a little bit more about why people seek weird or disturbing things online and in real life.
“The captivation with disgust can be attributed to several psychological factors. Firstly, there’s a phenomenon known as “benign masochism,” where people derive pleasure from experiences that are initially perceived as negative.”
“This can include watching scary movies, eating extremely spicy food, or, in this case, viewing disturbing images,” she further explained.“It’s a form of thrill-seeking, where the knowledge that these experiences are not actually harmful allows people to enjoy the sensation of being “disgusted” in a safe environment.”
“This can include watching scary movies, eating extremely spicy food, or, in this case, viewing disturbing images,” she further explained.
“It’s a form of thrill-seeking, where the knowledge that these experiences are not actually harmful allows people to enjoy the sensation of being “disgusted” in a safe environment.”
Some people even seek out these experiences as a way tocope. “Engaging in activities that are slightly unpleasant or discomforting but ultimately harmless can provide a sense of control and a way to confront fears or anxieties in a controlled setting. It’s a way to experience and process negative emotions in a context where the individual feels safe and in control. This can be therapeutic and help in building resilience against stress and anxiety.”
While it can provide many benefits for people, Spelman warns that if not consumed in moderation or kept in balance, it can have negative consequences. “These behaviors can escalate, leading to a desensitization to disturbing content, which might require increasingly extreme experiences to achieve the same emotional effect. There’s also a risk of normalizing or becoming insensitive to real-world violence and suffering.”
“Additionally, if these behaviors are used as a primary coping mechanism, they might prevent individuals from developing healthier emotional processing and coping strategies. It’s important for individuals to monitor their engagement with such content and ensure it doesn’t interfere with their emotional well-being or social functioning,” said Spelman.
Everything considered, it’s important to find healthy ways to cope so the seemingly innocent search for weirdness doesn’t progress into something that hinders our well-being.
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