Engaging withweirdnessscratches people’s itch to feel strong emotions like fear and disgust, just in a safer, more controlled environment. That’s why we are often interested to explore unusual topics, like truecrimestories and paranormal activities, and eat fried insects for fun (protein, yum!).To further foster our curiosity for strangeness (because it’s the opposite of boring), we prepared a list of the most bizarre memes from the ‘Weird Meme’Facebook group. Scroll down to find them, and make sure to upvote the ones with the highest level of odd.This post may includeaffiliate links.

Engaging withweirdnessscratches people’s itch to feel strong emotions like fear and disgust, just in a safer, more controlled environment. That’s why we are often interested to explore unusual topics, like truecrimestories and paranormal activities, and eat fried insects for fun (protein, yum!).To further foster our curiosity for strangeness (because it’s the opposite of boring), we prepared a list of the most bizarre memes from the ‘Weird Meme’Facebook group. Scroll down to find them, and make sure to upvote the ones with the highest level of odd.

This post may includeaffiliate links.

Man wearing funny “duck disguise” shirt, later dons a yellow duck hood, creating a humorous meme.


Weird meme showing a Google Earth view of a family moment, with a grandpa teaching softball in 2012.

Text conversation meme with humorous exchange about a loud noise and a fallen shirt.

In aprevious interviewwith psychologist and founder and CEO of the Private Therapy Clinic, Dr. Becky Spelman, we spoke a little bit more about why people seek weird or disturbing things online and in real life.“The captivation with disgust can be attributed to several psychological factors. Firstly, there’s a phenomenon known as “benign masochism,” where people derive pleasure from experiences that are initially perceived as negative.”

In aprevious interviewwith psychologist and founder and CEO of the Private Therapy Clinic, Dr. Becky Spelman, we spoke a little bit more about why people seek weird or disturbing things online and in real life.

“The captivation with disgust can be attributed to several psychological factors. Firstly, there’s a phenomenon known as “benign masochism,” where people derive pleasure from experiences that are initially perceived as negative.”

Tiger and cat side by side, showing similarity; humorous meme with text “I see no difference."

Funny meme about a dog’s reaction to thunderstorms, highlighting its protective nature.

Hand holding a small glass jar, reflecting a funny meme about difficulty in throwing away useful items.

“This can include watching scary movies, eating extremely spicy food, or, in this case, viewing disturbing images,” she further explained.“It’s a form of thrill-seeking, where the knowledge that these experiences are not actually harmful allows people to enjoy the sensation of being “disgusted” in a safe environment.”

“This can include watching scary movies, eating extremely spicy food, or, in this case, viewing disturbing images,” she further explained.

“It’s a form of thrill-seeking, where the knowledge that these experiences are not actually harmful allows people to enjoy the sensation of being “disgusted” in a safe environment.”

Man carrying a large letter ‘F’ across a grassy area, showcasing one of the weirdest memes.

Weirdest meme with a hermit crab in a glass shell, humorous commentary below.

Weirdest meme showing a black crow labeled “Rest of my clothes” and a colorful parrot labeled “My socks."

Some people even seek out these experiences as a way tocope. “Engaging in activities that are slightly unpleasant or discomforting but ultimately harmless can provide a sense of control and a way to confront fears or anxieties in a controlled setting. It’s a way to experience and process negative emotions in a context where the individual feels safe and in control. This can be therapeutic and help in building resilience against stress and anxiety.”

Tiny fan held in hand with caption “Not a huge fan,” showcasing a funny meme.

Dinosaur meme with a caption about scientists recreating dinosaurs, humorously referencing movies warning against it.

Weirdest meme featuring a grocery store aisle sign listing beer, pizza, potatoes, guns, bibles, sweatpants at aisle 11.

While it can provide many benefits for people, Spelman warns that if not consumed in moderation or kept in balance, it can have negative consequences. “These behaviors can escalate, leading to a desensitization to disturbing content, which might require increasingly extreme experiences to achieve the same emotional effect. There’s also a risk of normalizing or becoming insensitive to real-world violence and suffering.”

Funny meme of a content frog on a leaf, subverting expectations of a witch’s spell going wrong.

3D graph meme illustrating a blanket’s confusing geometry, reflecting the funniest weird memes.

Weirdest meme about extreme sports and homework shared online.

Weirdest meme showing a black frosted cake with an emo Elmo design, a result of a baking miscommunication.

Social media meme about repeating stories, humorous take on limited memories.

Weirdest meme showing a tree resembling a sneaky figure emerging from the woods by a pond.

“Additionally, if these behaviors are used as a primary coping mechanism, they might prevent individuals from developing healthier emotional processing and coping strategies. It’s important for individuals to monitor their engagement with such content and ensure it doesn’t interfere with their emotional well-being or social functioning,” said Spelman.

Weirdest meme about forgetting a rhombus shape learned in elementary school.

Weirdest memes showing labeled ham slices and an empty plate with crumbs.

Cat meme about reading online arguments at 3:00 am, one of the funniest weird memes shared.

A field with distant machinery resembling Star Wars AT-ATs, featuring the meme text “PLEASE TELL ME IT’S NOT JUST ME”.

Close-up of a fish with an open mouth, resembling a funny meme about kids coughing.

Weirdest meme about a fridge copying human behavior by staring at you for five minutes.

Everything considered, it’s important to find healthy ways to cope so the seemingly innocent search for weirdness doesn’t progress into something that hinders our well-being.

Text meme about staying in bed, humorously comparing rubbing feet to a grasshopper.

Person in sunglasses making a funny expression, with meme text about anxiety being both mental and physical.

Text post meme about a 5-year-old stressing over a pretend driver’s license. Funny and weird meme humor.

Funny meme of a person watching a demon-like creature fly away, symbolizing depression leaving.

Anime character holding a bird with text overlay: “Most accurate subtitle ever”; a weird meme example.

Funny meme of moisturizer shaped like a mouse on a fingertip, with humorous tweet about going on Ellen.

Duck meme about anatidaephobia, the fear of being watched by a duck, with humorous caption.

Text meme humorously suggests texting like old-time explorers, saying “Dearest friend, I have survived another week. The horrors persist."

Doctor examining X-rays with a patient discussing a forged head injury, humorous meme context included.

Alligator on an inflatable raft in a river, showcasing a funny meme moment with nature.

Funny meme featuring a cake with “You’ve Aged” text; comments suggest adding “Well :)” for humor.

Text meme humorously contrasts cooking with socializing with the cook.

Social media post sharing a weird meme about jogging humorously suggests doing it without moving your arms.

Meme of monk reading with surprised expression, highlighting distracted reading humor.

Man leaning on balcony vs. mom’s perspective meme; highlights funny contrasts in perception.

Weirdest meme with a confused cat compared to a Mazda car.

Funny giraffe meme showing one giraffe facing forward and another appearing upside down during a video call.

A funny meme featuring a man planning to steal the Declaration of Independence after tequila.

Weirdest meme showing a bunk bed with a fan blowing air into pants above a sleeping person.

Woman in a car with a humorous expression, representing one of the weirdest memes shared online.

Text from a funny meme shared online about a toddler’s reaction to an outfit.

Weirdest meme showing bricks messily crammed into a wall, captioned with parenting humor about kids and chores.

Car with a funny license plate reading “UMMMM NO,” shared as a weird meme online.

Dog looking at its reflection with text overlay: “Why am I like this?” Humorous meme moment.

Minesweeper meme highlights the confusion many feel about the game, humorously reflecting shared experiences with weirdest memes.

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Dog holding a large rack of ribs with a humorous caption about the funniest memes featuring apologies to neighbors.

Weirdest meme of edited adults with oversized heads on kids' bodies, humorously dressed for a party.

A woman with a smirk, reacting humorously to a colleague’s remark.

Weirdest meme featuring a caulk joke with a paper bag suggesting humor in misunderstanding.

Weirdest meme of a distorted cat with a caption about stepping in water wearing socks.

Funny meme of a sad frog cartoon character doing laundry in front of a washing machine.

Security camera detects a cat as a vehicle, exemplifying weirdest memes humor.

Weirdest meme with a sign reading “Cotton Chicken Candy Nuggets,” humorously referencing a popular theme song.

Sheriff and two men in western attire in a humorous meme about saying “mornin'” instead of “good morning."

See Also on Bored Panda

Patio designed with tiles forming a pixelated character; humorous meme with text about a wife’s reaction.

Yellow street curb resembling a video game character, part of funny memes collection online.

Dog with a long nose next to a sock puppet, a funny meme scene involving humor and a playful comparison.

Humorous meme of a mouse wearing a helmet approaching a mousetrap with cheese.

Two dogs in a meme: one looks concerned, saying “But my family is sleeping,” the other in a hood replies, “I said bark."

Fly enjoying peanut butter on a plate with funny meme text overlay.

Dog standing behind a pole, humorously hidden, with text about sharing memes but not answering messages.

Duck observing a tipped-over duck statue, creating a funny meme moment with existential humor.

Weirdest meme featuring a dog enjoying pets despite humorous internal conflict text.

Map meme showing an exaggerated walking route across continents with humorous text about a friend’s suggestion.

Weirdest meme featuring a humorous dialogue and close-up reaction of a woman, emphasizing awkward humor.

Child shares about “hero” in a meme, featuring a story about their grandmother’s bravery against a thief.

Two fish discussing a breakup with a humorous twist, highlighting the weirdest memes.

Weirdest meme of a man summoning a goat-headed figure to play basketball.

Weirdest meme featuring a cow lying on grass, with humorous dialogue about staying indoors.

Man holding a duck meme with the caption: “When someone is crying and you don’t know what to do. I got you a duck."

Unicorn meme illustrating transformation from hopeful dreams to grim reality, capturing one of the funniest weird memes.

SpongeBob meme illustrating the surreal feeling when your alarm becomes part of your dream, showcasing weirdest memes theme.

Weirdest meme showing a smoke detector labeled “installed on the ceiling” instead of a date.

Text meme reads, “Always remember that you are someone’s weird coworker,” showcasing funny content.

Weirdest meme depicting a blurred helicopter with text about rolling down a car window.

Biscuits with funny faces, illustrating a weird meme about dieting humor.

Eel with funny expression in coral reef, part of weirdest memes.

Weirdest meme featuring a Pepe ice cream treat with a box in the background.

Person wearing red cartoon-themed Crocs, illustrating a funny meme.

Weirdest meme showing a person sitting on a bus, half-animated facing a blazing sun through the window.

Text exchange about a rat problem in the bathroom, humorously dismissed by a landlord. Funny memes.

Weirdest memes: A tweet about feeling awkward with knocking in public bathrooms, posted by Sean Gallagher.

Weirdest meme text about hearing yourself in a concert video.

Bush with a “Do Not” sign humorously defying orders; text reads, “oh i think i will.” Weirdest memes theme.

Cat-dinosaur hybrid meme showing a big plan vs. a small reality argument.

Weirdest meme featuring a character smirking, captioned about a sister with a secret boyfriend laughing too hard.

Two-part meme about how brains memorize cheat codes over important information.

Man standing by a “harmacy Drive” sign with missing “P,” waiting to sue. Funny meme shared online for humor.

A meme shows a shrimp-like figure slumped over a computer, with the text “Why does my back hurt?"

Text meme with poem about work, dreams, and memes, labeled “The Millennial Work Anthem."

Funny meme showing January as much longer than other months on a timeline.

A tired child meme expressing reluctance to wake up for work.

Astronauts in suits with text about time difference joke, showcasing one of the weirdest memes.

Cartoon character mimicking a conversation with a cow, illustrating a funny meme.

Woman on bus with a humorous expression, illustrating a funny meme scenario about coworkers liking posts.

Weirdest meme showing a shower curtain arranged to look like a ghost with caption “When I am alone at home."

“Weirdest meme with candles in a circle around the word serotonin, humorously hoping to summon happiness."

A funny meme of an orange frog with text, featuring SEO keywords: weirdest memes.

Weirdest meme: a colorblind test image with hidden design of a surprised character visible to those with normal vision.

Two characters from animated films with funny expressions, featuring weird memes text about being non-mysterious.

Two emojis labeled “Angry” and “Angry pro max,” contrasting expressions in a funny meme.

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