When you think about it, we’re all just dust that exploded so hard it started thinking about itself. That’s why things like deadlines, getting groceries, andemailsmight seem trivial in the grand scheme of things. But we live in a society, as the internet philosophers would say, and do those things regardless.The Middle Class Fancy page sums up quite well what it’s like to be a person in this day and age. They poke fun at the nightmarish hellscape we call modern capitalism with their spot-on,relatable memes. So, if you’re feeling like having a chuckle at the state of the world, scroll away and have some fun!More info:Instagram|Facebook|Twitter|MiddleClassFancy.comThis post may includeaffiliate links.

When you think about it, we’re all just dust that exploded so hard it started thinking about itself. That’s why things like deadlines, getting groceries, andemailsmight seem trivial in the grand scheme of things. But we live in a society, as the internet philosophers would say, and do those things regardless.

The Middle Class Fancy page sums up quite well what it’s like to be a person in this day and age. They poke fun at the nightmarish hellscape we call modern capitalism with their spot-on,relatable memes. So, if you’re feeling like having a chuckle at the state of the world, scroll away and have some fun!

More info:Instagram|Facebook|Twitter|MiddleClassFancy.com

This post may includeaffiliate links.

Middle class fancy meme featuring a potato masher, box grater, and ladle labeled as “why won’t this drawer open” starter pack.


Slice of buttered toast with text about the satisfying simplicity and appeal of this middle class fancy comfort food.

Relatable meme about accidentally starting a FaceTime call while trying to make a restaurant reservation.

The following that the Middle Class Fancy page has on Instagram is no joke. As of 2025, there are 3.3 million folks following them on the platform. Considering they started in 2020, that’s quite impressive, too!Instagram isn’t the only place you can find memes from this creator(s). They’re also on Facebook and X, pulling in an audience of 191k and 16.5k, respectively. With such a huge following, you probably could’ve seen their content online already, so, scroll down and let us know if you see anything familiar!

The following that the Middle Class Fancy page has on Instagram is no joke. As of 2025, there are 3.3 million folks following them on the platform. Considering they started in 2020, that’s quite impressive, too!

Instagram isn’t the only place you can find memes from this creator(s). They’re also on Facebook and X, pulling in an audience of 191k and 16.5k, respectively. With such a huge following, you probably could’ve seen their content online already, so, scroll down and let us know if you see anything familiar!

Middle Class Fancy meme comparing tattoos and corporate meetings for employability.

Text meme about the regret of delaying getting gas, showcasing middle class fancy humor.

Middle class fancy meme about incomplete restaurant websites, asking who builds them without essential info like hours and menu.

The memes on Middle Class Fancy don’t all relate to socioeconomic hardships and absurdities, but they’re still largely about whatmillennialsand the older Gen Z face every day. As far as the realmiddle classin the U.S., it’s been dwindling in the past decades, but the situation isn’t as dire as some make it out to be.

Middle class fancy meme with restaurant decor items, overpriced menu, and humorous caption about mediocre food.

Text meme humorously expressing frustration with Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse name, relatable middle class feeling.

Relatable meme about wanting to be a golden retriever in a middle class family, humorously expressing a desire for a dog’s life.

In 2023, 30% of the American population belongs to the lower-income bracket, and 19% are in the upper-income tier. Compared to 1971, these numbers were 27% and 11%, respectively. Experts explain that increases in income for the lower and middle class didn’t keep up pace with the increases in income for the upper class, hence the ever-growing divide.

Relatable meme listing acceptable times to start drinking beer on different occasions.

Middle Class Fancy meme with a humorous tweet about Costco’s founder wanting hot dogs and optometrists.

Text exchange about discovering agriculture humorously with relatable memes theme.

Another recent studyshowedthat whether households belong to the middle class in the U.S. depends on where they live. In some states, like Massachusetts and California, your yearly income needs to be way higher than in, say, West Virginia or Kentucky. Nationally, the income range to be consideredmiddle-classwas from $49,500 to $148,500 in 2024.

Cheesy nachos with text overlay about staying humble, featured in relatable Middle Class Fancy memes.

Man in pink plaid shirt smiling, representing a relatable middle-class meme moment about self-checkout struggles.

Lemon raspberry loaf with a frosting face, labeled in a bakery display, showcasing a humorous middle class fancy meme.

Relatable middle class meme about life priorities shifting from travel dreams to Tupperware concerns.

Middle Class Fancy meme humorously describing the quirkiness of jury duty and compensation.

Relatable middle class meme about a grandpa being called “Peepo” due to a baby’s mispronunciation.

Interestingly, when asked, most of the U.S. population believe they belong to the middle class. Gallup’s annual Economy and Personal Finance poll in 2024showedthat 54% of Americans identify as middle class. 31% consider themselves working class and 12% identify as lower class. Interestingly, only 2% said they belong to the upper class.

Relatable meme from Middle Class Fancy showing a humorous dad text exchange about a light being left on.

Text post meme from Instagram account spegarius about grocery shopping in the Oreo section.

Middle Class Fancy meme about life enjoyment without hiking.

In reality, “middle class” and “middle income”, which are often used interchangeably,meandifferent things. Middle class is more so a lifestyle, while middle income means households who make two-thirds or double the median national average. Yet for many middle-income households, themiddle-classlifestyle is hardly attainable.

Middle Class Fancy meme about cooking times in microwave versus oven.

Relatable meme about middle class envy over wraparound porches.

Middle class meme about the disappointment when your usual server doesn’t deliver your food at a restaurant.

But what does it mean to be middle class? For many, it’s the classic American dream: not having to live paycheck to paycheck, home ownership, vacations, a summer house, and being able to save up for the future. 42% of the people who fall into the middle-income categorycan’t affordto buy a house, for example.

Middle class fancy meme comparing paper towels to napkins on the cob.

Funny meme with asparagus stalks humorously arranged, captioned to mock middle class gardening knowledge.

Man in front of food kiosk wearing a jacket with many pockets. Text reads, “Dude, don’t you think you’ve had enough?” Relatable memes.

According toBankrate, 33% of Americans earning between $50k and $79k also live paycheck-to-paycheck. And 60% of those whoskippeda summer vacation in 2024 said they couldn’t afford one. Megan Doherty Bea, an assistant professor of consumer science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison,explainsthat while these households may be earning enough to fall into the middle-income category, they also may have high credit card debt and student loans.

Woman in a suit with 80s hair, standing before an old computer, captioned “Me after a long hard day of responding to 2 emails.” Middle class fancy.

Relatable meme comparing Mother’s Day and Father’s Day posts humorously.

Relatable meme about childhood math struggles, featuring a dad shouting math questions at the kitchen table.

Middle class fancy meme about a nephew’s playful roast over FaceTime regarding toy trains.

“Relatable meme from Middle Class Fancy about a humorous restaurant experience."

Close-up of crispy fries with humorous text overlay, capturing a relatable middle class fancy meme.

Knitted garlic pillow with pink bow on chair in a cozy room, showcasing relatable middle class fancy humor.

Relatable meme from Middle Class Fancy Instagram about a dedicated person keeping a bonfire lit.

Stone Moai statue in store, humorously defying HOA rules, showcasing middle class fancy meme culture.

Middle Class Fancy meme: a humorous tweet about interpreting a dad’s text message.

Middle Class Fancy meme about the frustration of using a cheesecloth in recipes.

A relatable meme about a father and daughter leaving a grocery store at night, girl holding a tri-fold poster.

Horse with text overlay about strategic thinking, part of relatable middle class memes.

Relatable meme about banks sending emails with trivial messages, shared on social media.

Relatable meme about Midwest travel preferences compared to flying to Miami.

Relatable meme text about teenage boys making three friends and deciding it’s enough socializing for life.

Handwritten Cracker Barrel peg game cheat sheet found in late father’s drawer, shared on social media; relatable memes context.

Text conversation meme about humor in home ownership responsibilities, featuring a tree incident.

Text conversation meme showing humorous listing of an “invisible” smartphone for sale, reflecting middle class fancy humor.

Funny Middle Class Fancy meme over a serene lake background, highlighting relatable weekend home project dilemmas.

A humorous take on a fancy dinner resembling a cartoon cat’s meal, highlighting relatable middle class meme humor.

Relatable meme about future generations calling grandparents by first names.

Man smiling at a sports event, holding a phone, illustrating a middle class meme in a crowded stadium.

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Person standing in the ocean, using a laptop and phone. Middle class fancy meme humor.

A man in a white tank top carries a large log, with text overlay about attending events; relatable middle class meme.

Hippo peeking from behind a tree with a relatable meme caption about being CC’d on an email.

Tweet about America’s enthusiasm for garbage disposals from Middle Class Fancy memes.

Dawn soap meme jokes about cleaning oil off ducks but not a greasy spaghetti bowl, representing relatable middle-class humor.

Middle class fancy meme showing hotdogs on a tray with tongs and humorous employee appreciation caption.

Relatable meme about culture questioning the concept of “shower beers”.

Middle class fancy meme with text: “this meeting could’ve been a fistfight."

See Also on Bored Panda

Man holding a list of discussion topics at a bar, as part of the Middle Class Fancy memes.

Man in suit with a serious expression; text about adding bay leaf in cooking. Middle Class Fancy meme.

Tweet about middle class families dressing formal for holidays with humorous twist.

Instagram meme about high school acquaintances becoming real estate agents, shared by Middle Class Fancy.

“Relatable meme about kids repeatedly asking ‘are we there yet?’ during a drive on the highway."

Middle class fancy meme showing a distorted selfie in a mirror for sale online.

Relatable meme about leaving work early if vibes are off.

Man smiling with arms crossed by a grill and burger box, caption about cooking preferences. “Middle Class Fancy” meme.

Relatable meme about humorous changes at Rainforest Cafe, including age limit and monkeys stealing jalapeño poppers.

Twitter post meme from Middle Class Fancy about parents surprised by their kid’s age on Facebook.

Middle class fancy meme showing grocery aisle sign for baby needs and pasta.

Man in a colorful hat holding a lollipop, embodying Middle Class Fancy humor.

Relatable meme about a night involving pickleball, brewery visit, tacos, an edible, and a Nickelback documentary on Netflix.

Tattoo reading “My mom is my angle” and a person bending in a garden with “Thanks!” text, highlighting relatable memes humor.

Medieval knight meme with text about unexpected HR warning, capturing middle class humor.

Car interior with crockpot plugged in, captioned as a dad plugging in buffalo dip for a road trip. Middle Class Fancy meme.

Three men in matching outfits walking, captioned with a humorous take on office life, evoking middle class memes.

Cartoon hot dogs with legs running, showcasing relatable middle class meme humor.

Man with serious expression sitting at a table with pizza and drink, reflecting a relatable middle class fancy meme.

Humorous tweet about inventing yard gnomes, capturing middle class fancy humor.

Middle class fancy meme about data plan panic and family group chat.

Relatable meme about pizza appreciation and travel experiences.

Man in blue shirt giving thumbs up, smiling awkwardly, fitting a relatable middle class fancy meme scenario.

Luxurious kitchen with wooden cabinets and granite countertops. Middle class fancy meme text about underage drinking.

Relatable meme of a beluga whale with text about waiting for cashier help after a self-checkout error.

Middle class fancy meme with nachos and margarita on a bear trap, humorously implying an irresistible lure.

Middle Class Fancy meme about a summer date idea at Banff National Park and dining at a beautiful Chili’s.

“Relatable meme about living room with wood panel walls and empty room, captioned with a nostalgic TV reference."

Middle class fancy meme about reacting to a text with a thumbs up instead of a heart.

Chris’s tweet about giving an alien a Chili’s margarita; a relatable middle class meme.

Relatable meme text about anger saying “(angriest I’ve ever been in my life) ok sounds good” by Matt Margolis.

Deep-fried ranch dressing meme from Middle Class Fancy Instagram, showcasing humorous take on extravagant food.

Relatable meme about Salt Life store closures causing reactions in landlocked states.

Relatable meme about Instagram posting habits featuring a cheeseburger.

Relatable meme with “Born to eat Taco Bell and nap, forced to write emails and pay bills” text and graphics.

Historical timeline meme from Middle Class Fancy featuring fire, the wheel, and an air fryer.

Man with tattoos wearing an apron in a kitchen, captioned about air fryer nuggets, from Middle Class Fancy memes.

Middle class fancy meme showing a starter pack with a chair, speaker, beer, cigarettes, BBQ grill, and a Steely Dan song.

Relatable meme shows a fiery sky with text: “How life feels when a meeting gets cancelled”.

Man in a suit giving thumbs up with text about work, representing relatable middle class meme.

Kirkland Light Beer meme about getting together with friends, displaying stacks of beer cases.


Tweet about being in the office but mentally gaming, relating to middle class fancy memes.

Cartoon man ignoring woman, thinking about beer; relatable Middle Class Fancy meme humor.

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