When you think about it, we’re all just dust that exploded so hard it started thinking about itself. That’s why things like deadlines, getting groceries, andemailsmight seem trivial in the grand scheme of things. But we live in a society, as the internet philosophers would say, and do those things regardless.The Middle Class Fancy page sums up quite well what it’s like to be a person in this day and age. They poke fun at the nightmarish hellscape we call modern capitalism with their spot-on,relatable memes. So, if you’re feeling like having a chuckle at the state of the world, scroll away and have some fun!More info:Instagram|Facebook|Twitter|MiddleClassFancy.comThis post may includeaffiliate links.
When you think about it, we’re all just dust that exploded so hard it started thinking about itself. That’s why things like deadlines, getting groceries, andemailsmight seem trivial in the grand scheme of things. But we live in a society, as the internet philosophers would say, and do those things regardless.
The Middle Class Fancy page sums up quite well what it’s like to be a person in this day and age. They poke fun at the nightmarish hellscape we call modern capitalism with their spot-on,relatable memes. So, if you’re feeling like having a chuckle at the state of the world, scroll away and have some fun!
More info:Instagram|Facebook|Twitter|MiddleClassFancy.com
This post may includeaffiliate links.
The following that the Middle Class Fancy page has on Instagram is no joke. As of 2025, there are 3.3 million folks following them on the platform. Considering they started in 2020, that’s quite impressive, too!Instagram isn’t the only place you can find memes from this creator(s). They’re also on Facebook and X, pulling in an audience of 191k and 16.5k, respectively. With such a huge following, you probably could’ve seen their content online already, so, scroll down and let us know if you see anything familiar!
The following that the Middle Class Fancy page has on Instagram is no joke. As of 2025, there are 3.3 million folks following them on the platform. Considering they started in 2020, that’s quite impressive, too!
Instagram isn’t the only place you can find memes from this creator(s). They’re also on Facebook and X, pulling in an audience of 191k and 16.5k, respectively. With such a huge following, you probably could’ve seen their content online already, so, scroll down and let us know if you see anything familiar!
The memes on Middle Class Fancy don’t all relate to socioeconomic hardships and absurdities, but they’re still largely about whatmillennialsand the older Gen Z face every day. As far as the realmiddle classin the U.S., it’s been dwindling in the past decades, but the situation isn’t as dire as some make it out to be.
In 2023, 30% of the American population belongs to the lower-income bracket, and 19% are in the upper-income tier. Compared to 1971, these numbers were 27% and 11%, respectively. Experts explain that increases in income for the lower and middle class didn’t keep up pace with the increases in income for the upper class, hence the ever-growing divide.
Another recent studyshowedthat whether households belong to the middle class in the U.S. depends on where they live. In some states, like Massachusetts and California, your yearly income needs to be way higher than in, say, West Virginia or Kentucky. Nationally, the income range to be consideredmiddle-classwas from $49,500 to $148,500 in 2024.
Interestingly, when asked, most of the U.S. population believe they belong to the middle class. Gallup’s annual Economy and Personal Finance poll in 2024showedthat 54% of Americans identify as middle class. 31% consider themselves working class and 12% identify as lower class. Interestingly, only 2% said they belong to the upper class.
In reality, “middle class” and “middle income”, which are often used interchangeably,meandifferent things. Middle class is more so a lifestyle, while middle income means households who make two-thirds or double the median national average. Yet for many middle-income households, themiddle-classlifestyle is hardly attainable.
But what does it mean to be middle class? For many, it’s the classic American dream: not having to live paycheck to paycheck, home ownership, vacations, a summer house, and being able to save up for the future. 42% of the people who fall into the middle-income categorycan’t affordto buy a house, for example.
According toBankrate, 33% of Americans earning between $50k and $79k also live paycheck-to-paycheck. And 60% of those whoskippeda summer vacation in 2024 said they couldn’t afford one. Megan Doherty Bea, an assistant professor of consumer science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison,explainsthat while these households may be earning enough to fall into the middle-income category, they also may have high credit card debt and student loans.
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