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Tomrareportsthat the top countries when it comes to recycling include Austria (with a recycling rate of 59%), Wales (also 59%), Taiwan (53%), Germany (52%), and the Netherlands (51%).Next up are Denmark (also 51%), Slovenia (50%), Northern Ireland (45%), andSouth Korea(also 45%).
Tomrareportsthat the top countries when it comes to recycling include Austria (with a recycling rate of 59%), Wales (also 59%), Taiwan (53%), Germany (52%), and the Netherlands (51%).
Next up are Denmark (also 51%), Slovenia (50%), Northern Ireland (45%), andSouth Korea(also 45%).
In the meantime, the Environmental Performance IndexnotesthatSouth Koreahas a recycling score of 67.1, meaning that it recycles over two-thirds of all recyclable post-consumer materials, such as metal, plastic, paper, and glass.
According to The Sustainable Agency, based on the data from OECD, a whopping91%of the world’s plastic waste is not recycled. In 2019, just 9% of plastic waste was recycled.That year, 19% was incinerated, 50% went to sanitary landfills, and 22% was mismanaged. In the latter case, it was disposed of in uncontrolled dumpsites, burned in open pits, or leaked to theenvironment. As per the OECD, global plastic consumption has quadrupled over the past three decades.
According to The Sustainable Agency, based on the data from OECD, a whopping91%of the world’s plastic waste is not recycled. In 2019, just 9% of plastic waste was recycled.
That year, 19% was incinerated, 50% went to sanitary landfills, and 22% was mismanaged. In the latter case, it was disposed of in uncontrolled dumpsites, burned in open pits, or leaked to theenvironment. As per the OECD, global plastic consumption has quadrupled over the past three decades.
Meanwhile, the predicted global plastic recycling rate is likely to stay very similar. However, things might not be so grim. In a scenario where global policies shift, around 43% of the world’s plastic waste could be recycled in 2040.
Heal the Planetexplainsthat one of the easiest ways to reduce the amount of waste you produce is to reduce your consumption.Upcycling is the process through which you can use waste or unwanted items and turn them into actually useful products orart. As various items’ lifespans increase, you end up buying fewer new things.
Heal the Planetexplainsthat one of the easiest ways to reduce the amount of waste you produce is to reduce your consumption.
Upcycling is the process through which you can use waste or unwanted items and turn them into actually useful products orart. As various items’ lifespans increase, you end up buying fewer new things.
Some of the benefits of upcycling include the fact that you’re reducing the strain on resources such as fuel, forests, and resources.
Heal the Planet suggests that if you want to get started with repurposing certain items, you should spend some time doing online research and for some inspiration. In the meantime, everyone’s encouraged to care for their items and maintain them so that they serve their purpose for far longer.
Someotherways to reduce your impact on the planet includeshoppingat secondhand or used goods stores, going to garage sales, etc. You can also barter with your family and friends for things you need with what you have. Maybe someone’s throwing out a piece of furniture that you could use.Or they have some clothes that no longer fit them that you’d be happy to take in. It all depends on our open-mindedness and perspective: not everything that gets thrown out is ‘trash.’
Someotherways to reduce your impact on the planet includeshoppingat secondhand or used goods stores, going to garage sales, etc. You can also barter with your family and friends for things you need with what you have. Maybe someone’s throwing out a piece of furniture that you could use.
Or they have some clothes that no longer fit them that you’d be happy to take in. It all depends on our open-mindedness and perspective: not everything that gets thrown out is ‘trash.’
I cleaned it thoroughly then hand painted both sides of the base. I cut fabric into strips, turned edges and glued to the lamp shade. This took a few weeks of work to get right but it turned out so well!
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