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As a writer who scribbles daily, I find this to be very true. When I’m struggling with an idea or angle for a post, I try not to sit around frustrated because I’m being unproductive and instead try to peruse various articles on similar topics—usually I get hit with an idea from awordor a sentence another writer wrote, throwing me on the right track.
Many other creatives use randomness to help their creative juices flow. Like, for example, our interviewee and fine artistRachel Perls.“Sometimes, to break out of a slump, you need to look at the problem from a different angle, and take a completely different approach to shake loose the cobwebs and get back to the practice of making art,” she said.
Many other creatives use randomness to help their creative juices flow. Like, for example, our interviewee and fine artistRachel Perls.
“Sometimes, to break out of a slump, you need to look at the problem from a different angle, and take a completely different approach to shake loose the cobwebs and get back to the practice of making art,” she said.
To achieve this, she likes to doodle with her daughter or take random photos. “I like to doodle with my daughter, and sometimes we will draw a squiggly line with our eyes closed, then swap pages. We each look for a shape or scene within the random scribbles to develop into a drawing, with only a few minutes per image. The short time frame keeps it lighthearted and casual,” Perls shared.
Her last piece of advice for anyone lacking inspiration is to just get out and go explore. “Get off the computer. Go outside and take yourself somewhere new. Look around as though you were a tourist absorbing your surroundings for the first time. Whether breathing in the smell of a flower, feeling the soft fur of your dog, or listening to the sound of nature, these tactile experiences are often all it takes to wake you up.”
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