The internet is full ofgreat advice. You just need to know where to look (and use a little common sense while you do it).Dietitian and business coach Deanna took her search to the comment section of her viralTikTok video, asking users to share the things that truly changed their lives, from budget-friendly hacks to worthwhile splurges. We’ve rounded up some of the best responses to pass along to you. Check them out below and upvote the ones you’d try!This post may includeaffiliate links.
The internet is full ofgreat advice. You just need to know where to look (and use a little common sense while you do it).
Dietitian and business coach Deanna took her search to the comment section of her viralTikTok video, asking users to share the things that truly changed their lives, from budget-friendly hacks to worthwhile splurges. We’ve rounded up some of the best responses to pass along to you. Check them out below and upvote the ones you’d try!
This post may includeaffiliate links.
Adopting an elderly rescue dog! Never had a dog before. I love her more than anything. Giving this sweet creature the best life ever is such an honor and a privilege.
I left my abusive ex!
Stopped drinking, started walking 1.5-2 hours outside everyday. Key point…outside. I love life now.
Saying the compliments out loud that I was thinking in my head. With my family, friends, coworkers, random person on the street.
When I go to bed, I make a list of things that gave me, even the slightest, ounce of happiness that day. Truly made me appreciate things so much more and it has helped my mental health tremendously.
Deleted Facebook and Instagram. Comparison is the thief of joy. 😌
Doing a quick “closing shift” before bed every night so when I wake up my house has been reset and is (mostly) tidy.
Hate to be corny but getting sober genuinely changed my life
Saying no when I don’t actually wanna do things
leaving the church i grew up in👌
getting a cat. theyre so worth it ong
Defriended toxic relationships
Stopped trying to climb the career ladder. The permission to just exist, clock in and out, and being present everyday was the best thing for my health
A library card. $0.
Losing 70lbs and going to therapy have both completely overhauled my life. I don’t even feel like the same person.
Started imagining best case scenarios instead of worst case scenarios
Reading before bed instead of scrolling. Even if it is TWO PAGES OR listening to a podcast, even if it’s a white noise podcast. My brain is so much more clear at bedtime and I sleep better.
Getting medicated for my adhd after 28 years.
Placing the stickers instead of keeping them forever.
Getting divorced.
Getting gas on the way home instead of the morning of.
Focusing on getting out of debt. I don’t owe anyone a penny! So freeing.
Taking a photo of the cute things in store rather than buying leading to overconsumption.
“Don’t put it down, put it away”
Finishing products to completion before buying new, regardless of being influenced or sales.
Taking a blood test to see what I’m deficient in and then taking the vitamins that were needed. Literally feel like a whole knew woman
Bought an RV, drove 7500 miles in 8 weeks visiting 28 states.
Started buying one gift card out of each paycheck so when Christmas came I didn’t have to spend any of my bill money on gifts. I either gifted a card itself or used it to buy gifts.
Having a declutter box on the closet and donating things everytime it’s full. My home is far less overstimlating.
Saying “thank you” out loud when something good happens 🥰
Intentionally getting ready everyday. Even if it’s a little. The point is to at least feel a bit better than when you started getting ready. You deserve to be taken care of.
Practicing DAILY gratitude and eliminating complaining.
Getting my masters degree in a 6 mos time span age 41 ✨and then earning an award for the research I did for it✨
Passing the bar exam 🥰
Learning to cook from scratch. I feel so confident in making my favorite meals from restaurants, but better!
Separating my bill money from my fun money in two different accounts.
Sticking to a budget and tracking every dime I spent. Turns out, I wasn’t broke, I was just wasting soooo much money.
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A fulfilling job.
EMDR therapy. My whole brain has factory reset. Trauma where ??
Remembering that embarrassment is a mindset. $0
Going to bed at 9:30 with the children instead of staying up
stopped drinking wine and started taking magnesium glycinate and drinking tart cherry juice in a wine glass
One Ferrero Rocher a day
heated blanket tbh
Don’t eat carbs when you’re alone. That’s it. That’s the diet. You’ll see amazing results. If you go out to dinner with friends go nuts. Just no carbs when you’re alone.
Walking 10k steps every day.
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Stretching every morning. Even if it’s just for 5 minutes, it’s such a good start to my day to get in tune with my body.
This saying “if you don’t change it you choose it”
I don’t know if this fits in what you were asking but the only thing that really changed my life last year was going back to school at my big age. I feel so fulfilled learning something new.
I threw all of my socks away, bought 2 packs of white, 2 packs of black, I don’t fold socks now cause I know they’ll match.
Using ChatGPT for as many things as possible to make my life easier and not using Google.
Drinking pre workout in the morning snapped me out of a 3 year depression.
The popular size Mason Pearson brush. Helped with hair thinning imo. And running as exercise. I started with intermittent jogging. But it literally slimmed me down so fast.
Reminding myself that the very worst case scenario only exists in my mind.
Stopped messaging and calling ppl. Whoever actually reached out after a few days of not hearing from me were the ones I kept in my life. You’d be amazed on how many fakes are in your life
doing photos for hotels. now i literally travel on vacation for a job.
Hiring a housecleaner, daily affirmations to boost my confidence, becoming addicted to the gym/lagree, investing time into hobbies.
ChatGPT. We make a planner with a different focus every month. My meals, cleaning schedule, grocery list, etc is populated and I don’t have decision fatigue.
Believing in higher vibrations. I don’t waste my time on negativity. When I get mad, I thank the anger for bringing the topic to my attention.
Believing in Gods ability to perform miracles even when the outcome seems absolutely, out of this world impossible.
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