LOLcats,Grumpy Cat, Caturday, cat videos, celebrity cats… They stalked us silently, then pounced out of nowhere, came in with a whole lot of cattitude, and took over the internet. It’s no secret thatcatshave been ruling the World Wide Web for decades, turning it into a virtual cat park. Sometimes I wonder if they’re secretly plotting to take over the real world as well.
If you consider yourself a bit cat-obsessed, you might have heard of the annual CatCon gathering. It’s a massive cat-centricpop cultureevent dedicated to all things feline, and it attracts people from around the globe. This year’s one takes place on the 2nd and 3rd of August in Pasadena, California.
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Susan Michals has reinvented herself as many times as a cat with nine lives. The former journalist has written for well-known publications like The Wall Street Journal, Vanity Fair, and The Huffington Post, coveringart, culture and celebrity news.
Nowadays, Michals is mostly mad about cats. She’s the creator of the world’s biggest cat expos and events, “CatCon” and “Cat Art Show.““CatCon was started in 2015 because there was nothing for cat people in terms of recognition, nor was there a centralized hub for them to gather in real life,” she tells Bored Panda when we reach out to her. “This was a time when cats were just starting to creep into the lexicon ofpop culture, so we determined we needed to create something that married cats,communityand pop culture, all into one big catstravaganza!”
Nowadays, Michals is mostly mad about cats. She’s the creator of the world’s biggest cat expos and events, “CatCon” and “Cat Art Show.”
“CatCon was started in 2015 because there was nothing for cat people in terms of recognition, nor was there a centralized hub for them to gather in real life,” she tells Bored Panda when we reach out to her. “This was a time when cats were just starting to creep into the lexicon ofpop culture, so we determined we needed to create something that married cats,communityand pop culture, all into one big catstravaganza!”
2025 is a big year for CatCon as the event marks its 10th anniversary. We asked Michals what cat lovers can expect when the doors open on 2 August for the 2-day convention in Pasadena, California.“The biggest adoption village with over 200 kittens for adoption, immersive activations galore, the best in cat-centric design and fashion, exhibitors with the latest in products and services for cats and their people, information and education about the best way to take care of your kitty pal, and an epiccommunityof cat lovers,” the founder tells us, adding that the heroes of theAustralian Firefighter Calendarwill be in attendance this year again.
2025 is a big year for CatCon as the event marks its 10th anniversary. We asked Michals what cat lovers can expect when the doors open on 2 August for the 2-day convention in Pasadena, California.
“The biggest adoption village with over 200 kittens for adoption, immersive activations galore, the best in cat-centric design and fashion, exhibitors with the latest in products and services for cats and their people, information and education about the best way to take care of your kitty pal, and an epiccommunityof cat lovers,” the founder tells us, adding that the heroes of theAustralian Firefighter Calendarwill be in attendance this year again.
CatCon attracts thousands of people every year and donates a portion of the proceeds to various organizations throughout the year. “To date, we have donated nearly $400K to helpanimalsin need to organizations like RedRover, Milo’s Sanctuary, Kitten Rescue and others,” Michals tells us.
We are not at all surprised to hear that Michals is a proud cat mama. She has a Maine coon named Miss Kitty Pretty Girl, but she also shares her home with a poodle mix canine, Buddy. Bored Panda was curious to hear why the expert rates felines so highly. Her answer was simple:“They’re awesome! They’re independent! They’re low lift! They have attitude! They’re intelligent AF! They’re beautiful! What more could you want?”
We are not at all surprised to hear that Michals is a proud cat mama. She has a Maine coon named Miss Kitty Pretty Girl, but she also shares her home with a poodle mix canine, Buddy. Bored Panda was curious to hear why the expert rates felines so highly. Her answer was simple:
“They’re awesome! They’re independent! They’re low lift! They have attitude! They’re intelligent AF! They’re beautiful! What more could you want?”
Michals says the most important factor to consider when adopting a cat is to “find one that you vibe with.” You’ll be spoilt for choice.Accordingto the world’s largest genetic registry of pedigreed cats, The International Cat Association, there are 73 different cat breeds, each with their own special traits, personalities and characteristics. And then there are the mixes.Michals says CatCon has a 100% policy of “Adopt. Don’t Shop” so if you’re looking to add a furry feline to your family, be sure to visit a local shelter to find one that’s the perfect fit.
Michals says the most important factor to consider when adopting a cat is to “find one that you vibe with.” You’ll be spoilt for choice.Accordingto the world’s largest genetic registry of pedigreed cats, The International Cat Association, there are 73 different cat breeds, each with their own special traits, personalities and characteristics. And then there are the mixes.
Michals says CatCon has a 100% policy of “Adopt. Don’t Shop” so if you’re looking to add a furry feline to your family, be sure to visit a local shelter to find one that’s the perfect fit.
Michals says CatCon “takes a lot - it’s like planning a feature film!” And she should know all about that. But the team isn’t only working on CatCon. “We also runCat Art Show, the biggest exhibition in the world celebrating cats in art,” she tells us, also revealing that they’re about to embark on a new project, due to launch in May. But she won’t let the cat out the bag just yet and says more details will be shared closer to the time.
One of these things is not like the other. 🥐
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