Masayuki Okiis a photographer from Tokyo who has a unique beat: snapping photos of stray cats all over the city. His adventure started in 2013 when he stumbled upon a cat in a park and couldn’t resist capturing its moments. Despite not picking up a camera until he was 30 and initially not being very good at it, Oki found joy in photography, especially when it involved cats. He’s been in love with cats since he was a kid but couldn’t have one due to his family’s situation, so he pours that affection into his photos instead.Masayuki’s work focuses on showing off the personalities of these street cats, from their lazy naps to their curious stares. He believes every cat has its own story and tries to tell it through his lens. For the artist, photographing cats isn’t just about getting a cute shot; it’s about understanding them and sharing a bit of their world with everyone else.More info:Instagram|||FacebookThis post may includeaffiliate links.
Masayuki Okiis a photographer from Tokyo who has a unique beat: snapping photos of stray cats all over the city. His adventure started in 2013 when he stumbled upon a cat in a park and couldn’t resist capturing its moments. Despite not picking up a camera until he was 30 and initially not being very good at it, Oki found joy in photography, especially when it involved cats. He’s been in love with cats since he was a kid but couldn’t have one due to his family’s situation, so he pours that affection into his photos instead.
Masayuki’s work focuses on showing off the personalities of these street cats, from their lazy naps to their curious stares. He believes every cat has its own story and tries to tell it through his lens. For the artist, photographing cats isn’t just about getting a cute shot; it’s about understanding them and sharing a bit of their world with everyone else.
More info:Instagram|||Facebook
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Just like last time,Bored Pandareached out to Masayuki Oki, a Tokyo-based photographer with a unique focus: capturing the everyday lives and diverse personalities of the city’s stray cats.
Reflecting on his decade-long journey, Masayuki remains committed to spreading happiness through his photography. “I’ve been photographing cats for 10 years now. I’ve always hoped that my cat photos would bring happiness to people around the world, and I approach my photography with that belief. It might sound laughable, but my feelings about this haven’t changed. So, if I could hold a photo exhibition somewhere in the world and publish a photo book that brings happiness to someone, that would be great. I have an exhibition in Taipei in March, and I’ve received an offer to create a notebook with someone from Chile. I believe my dreams are gradually taking shape. Also, I hope to be able to photograph cats somewhere in the world.”
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