TheBored Pandateam has scoured the web for some of the worst hotel and Airbnb expectation vs. reality instances in hopes that it encourages you to double and even triple check the legitimacy of your booking. To find them, all you have to do is scroll down.

While you’re at it, don’t forget to check out a conversation with travel bloggerCarrie Green-Zinnandtravel content creator atAnge On A Plane, Angela Liu, who kindly agreed to share some tips on avoiding disappointment when booking hotel and Airbnb stays.

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Man playing pool on a small table in a rustic Airbnb with stone walls and modern decor.


Looked at the hotel on Google and got excited because they have a decent-looking pool. This is what I saw when we got here

Airbnb expectation vs reality: top image shows a clean pool; bottom image shows the pool under construction with dirt pile.

Green hotel beside industrial cooling tower, showcasing unmet Airbnb expectations.

Bothtravelcontent creators have had their fair share of bookings that fell terribly short of the listing pictures. Angela Liu fromAnge On A Planesays it happens because the posted photos are usually from when the accommodation is new and freshly cleaned.And after some years have passed, the wear and tear does do a number on these hotel rooms and Airbnbs, making our expectations clash with reality.

Bothtravelcontent creators have had their fair share of bookings that fell terribly short of the listing pictures. Angela Liu fromAnge On A Planesays it happens because the posted photos are usually from when the accommodation is new and freshly cleaned.

And after some years have passed, the wear and tear does do a number on these hotel rooms and Airbnbs, making our expectations clash with reality.

I wasn’t expecting a Marriott but…dang. When I raised my disappointment to the hotel manager, his response was, “…Is it the carpet?” No, no it is not just the carpet.The cherry on top are the vinyl blinds with stock-image-quality prints. TWO of them. Even better.

Airbnb expectations versus reality: mismatched room decor with no balcony, highlighting differences in style and amenities.

Expectation vs reality in Airbnb photo, showing a large pool online but a small blue inflatable pool in reality.

Airbnb expectation not met: mismatched bedroom and bathroom layout with twin beds and a toilet near the bed.

Her worst experience was when she stayed in an accommodation that hired aphotographerwho really knew his editing tools.“The place was much smaller than in the photos, a lot less bright, and also much dirtier. There were spiderwebs on the inner corners of the windows, and there were a lot of windows in that house! It looked like no one had opened the blinds for years. When we lifted the bedsheets to check for bed bugs, we found lots of little spots of blood all over the mattress. I didn’t bring any bug spray and had the worst sleep of my life there, covered in peppermint oil (after a quick Google search on what would deter bed bugs),” she shared.

Her worst experience was when she stayed in an accommodation that hired aphotographerwho really knew his editing tools.

“The place was much smaller than in the photos, a lot less bright, and also much dirtier. There were spiderwebs on the inner corners of the windows, and there were a lot of windows in that house! It looked like no one had opened the blinds for years. When we lifted the bedsheets to check for bed bugs, we found lots of little spots of blood all over the mattress. I didn’t bring any bug spray and had the worst sleep of my life there, covered in peppermint oil (after a quick Google search on what would deter bed bugs),” she shared.

A buddy of mine is currently in rome and pays 200€ per night for that beauty. The bed is rock solid and the bathroom is a biological research center for mold apparently.

Airbnb room with mismatched bedding and curtains, highlighting unmet guest expectations.

Empty outdoor pool contrasting with an expectation picture of a luxury Airbnb pool area.

Airbnb pool expectations vs reality: clean blue pool above, murky green pool below, illustrating a disappointing experience.

It turns out the bed bug issue in booked accommodations is quite common, as travel bloggerCarrie Green-Zinnhad also reserved apartments in great neighborhoods on two separate occasions and both times, her daughters got horrible bed bug bites. It was so bad they had to leave and ask for reimbursement.

Airbnb expectation vs reality: Orange hotel facade before and under construction, with scaffolding and a crane.

Airbnb expectations versus reality with a pool, one image shows clear water, the other cloudy.

Airbnb disappointment: mismatched expectations with a small house and trailer in the yard.

Charming stone house above, overgrown house with muddy yard below; highlights unmet expectations at an Airbnb.

Expectation vs reality of Airbnb pool: large rooftop infinity pool compared to small indoor pool with ladder.

Expectation vs. reality of an Airbnb stay; scenic view contrasted with an industrial setting.

Carrie’s go-to strategy for handling a stay that wasn’t at all as promised in its description and pictures is to immediately contact the manager or owner to try to resolve the issue. “And if that is unsuccessful, to request reimbursement. In the case of the bed bugs, the owner was so mortified that they offered a refund right away!”

Airbnb expectations vs. reality: Upper clean pool and lower empty, neglected pool in a white and blue building.

Airbnb expectations versus reality: neat rooftop with games versus disorganized, bare rooftop area.

And also no possibility to lock te room when you leave. Left the keys on the sink and left for a nice flat in Shoreditch.

“Airbnb expectations vs reality: spacious room vs cramped mattress in corner."

Meanwhile, Angela says, “It depends if I’ve booked the stay, but usually I’ll message the host first before leaving a review. Thankfully, most of the stays I’ve had have been incredibly accommodating and clean.”

Airbnb expectation vs reality: clean blue pool on left, dirty green pool on right.

Airbnb expectations fail: top photo shows a modern pool area; bottom photo reveals a construction site with debris.

Airbnb expectations unmet: first image shows a large pool, second image shows a small above-ground pool with a man standing beside it.

To avoid disappointment when booking accommodations, Angela recommends thinking about what locals are used to in that particular area or country. This is something she wasn’t used to considering, which got her in quite a few unpleasant situations.“I stayed in Amsterdam and the photos looked beautiful online, but there was no elevator and we were on the 4th floor. We had 3 large bags/suitcases, but luckily staff helped us with this. On another stay in Bali in the rainforest, I didn’t consider that bugs inside the accommodation might be quite normal—I slept in a bed of (small) ants most of the nights and I’m terrified of bugs! I’d definitely remember this when booking in a foreign country.”

To avoid disappointment when booking accommodations, Angela recommends thinking about what locals are used to in that particular area or country. This is something she wasn’t used to considering, which got her in quite a few unpleasant situations.

“I stayed in Amsterdam and the photos looked beautiful online, but there was no elevator and we were on the 4th floor. We had 3 large bags/suitcases, but luckily staff helped us with this. On another stay in Bali in the rainforest, I didn’t consider that bugs inside the accommodation might be quite normal—I slept in a bed of (small) ants most of the nights and I’m terrified of bugs! I’d definitely remember this when booking in a foreign country.”

Airbnb room issues: unclean wardrobe, lizard on wall, moldy ceiling, messy bathroom, and cluttered space.

Stylish Airbnb interior contrasts with unfinished hallway showcasing unmet expectations.

The host offered a refund if we cancel but there isn’t anything available that could work for us and we didn’t know until we arrived. The marketing vs. The reality.

Airbnb expectations vs reality: balcony view with palm trees and construction nearby.

Another tip she has is trying to spot if furniture looks too small in the center of photos, which is a telltale sign that the photographer used a wide-angle lens that makes the room look bigger. “When booking boutique hotels and accommodations, the chance of encountering these things is more common, so I try to be cautious when I do consider booking them. Also, reviews from other people are your best friend and don’t ignore them!”

And for which the doctor said we needed to get her out or she would develop bronchitis. I have the doctor’s note.

Airbnb bedroom with modern decor; adjacent wall shows significant water damage and peeling plaster.

See Also on Bored Panda

Expectations vs. reality: Airbnb house in daytime and messy nighttime scene with trash outside.

Airbnb disappointment with mismatched rooms, showing cluttered bedroom and kitchen.

Carrie is also a big believer in the importance of always checking the reviews. “I think it is critical to read reviews! Keep scrolling as you read. Most people with a bad experience will share it in reviews,” she says.“Also, any time you can get recommendations from a trusted source—a friend or private travel Facebook group that you might join—is helpful. There are private Facebook groups for all kinds of travelers and destinations that you can join before a trip to ask for recommendations of places to stay.”

Carrie is also a big believer in the importance of always checking the reviews. “I think it is critical to read reviews! Keep scrolling as you read. Most people with a bad experience will share it in reviews,” she says.

“Also, any time you can get recommendations from a trusted source—a friend or private travel Facebook group that you might join—is helpful. There are private Facebook groups for all kinds of travelers and destinations that you can join before a trip to ask for recommendations of places to stay.”

Comparison of Airbnb expectations shows a large luxury pool versus a smaller, regular pool.

Airbnb expectations vs. reality: tidy, well-lit room compared to messy, dimly lit room with unmade bed and luggage.

Airbnb expectations vs reality: a scenic patio view blocked by construction fencing and equipment.

Lastly, Carrie advised, “We love staying in apartments and home rentals but know that it can be risky, so do your research before booking and ask all your questions to the owner in advance.“But, “Even if you’re stuck in a bad stay, try not to let it ruin your day! You’re on holiday after all. Happy travels and have fun!” said Angela as a farewell.

Lastly, Carrie advised, “We love staying in apartments and home rentals but know that it can be risky, so do your research before booking and ask all your questions to the owner in advance.”

But, “Even if you’re stuck in a bad stay, try not to let it ruin your day! You’re on holiday after all. Happy travels and have fun!” said Angela as a farewell.

Airbnb expectations versus reality: Modern kitchen listing compared to a dim, minimal kitchen space in real life.

Mismatch in Airbnb expectations shown through various cluttered and sparse room setups with mismatched furniture.

Expectations versus reality of an Airbnb outdoor table; one new and one worn-out.

Airbnb expectations versus reality: rooftop area with mismatched furniture and uneven layout.

Not the same space & you can only hope you don’t get a disease. Again $800/night & Airbnb refunded the previous guests. Failed to take down the listing.

“Airbnb expectation vs reality: top image shows a stylish living room, bottom image reveals mismatched, worn-out furniture."

Airbnb whirlpool room expectation vs reality with mismatched tubs in a mirrored bathroom setting.

Split image comparing a luxurious Airbnb bathroom with a plain, smaller one.

Airbnb interior showing mismatched furniture, a cluttered kitchenette, and sparse decor, contrasting with expectations.

Airbnb expectation vs reality: luxurious listing shows mismatched photos with worn couch and outdated kitchen.

Minimalist Airbnb bedroom with white bedding and wooden accents, showing different angles and views.

Airbnb shower with a short curtain, revealing an unexpected design issue in a wooden bathroom.

Airbnb expectations not met: mismatched interiors, cluttered balcony view, construction site outside, unfinished wall inside.

Airbnb room with two views: cozy bed setup versus peculiar sink placement next to it.

“Beach” is completely filled with stinking and rotting seaweed to the point that you can’t even get in the water.

Expectations vs. reality for an Airbnb beachfront view with seaweed-covered shore.

Airbnb expectations vs reality: elegant brick building illustration above, actual building below with minor differences.

We had to mop and clean up ourselves in order to make it work. Friends and I are definitely trauma-bonded. Listing pics vs. Reality.

Airbnb expectations unmet with waterfront views and mismatched outdoor seating areas.

Zillow picture looks innocent enough. A little strange but you’d assume the fish eye squished the tub. NOPE! Tub is in sideways and our tiny real estate agent had to get up next to it sideways. Practical!

Airbnb bathroom with a curved bathtub and a shower curtain, contrasting with elegant vanity expectations.

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