Everyjobcomes with certain ups and downs, advantages and disadvantages. But it’s safe to say that no profession is exempt from an occasional bizarre moment or two. Forhousekeepers, though, they seem to be ample.

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Open hotel room safe with electronic keypad, reflecting housekeepers' discoveries during room cleaning.


Hamster peeking out of a glass, an unusual find for hotel housekeepers.

Not me, but my friend from Ukraine worked at a c**ppy casino hotel in Wendover, Nevada, because they would sponsor his work visa. He wasn’t a housekeeper but would have to do maintenance in rooms. He said one day he went to a room where the people had already checked out and there was a chicken in the room. Like a live chicken. Just chilling there.Maybe the story is funnier when he tells it with his accent.Why eez cheeken in room?

Person holding a chicken, showcasing a strange room find by hotel housekeepers.

Crabs scuttling on wet sand, reminiscent of strange hotel room discoveries by housekeepers.

I worked room service at a mid-range hotel. One of the funniest things I remember seeing was during a champagne and chocolate covered strawberries delivery for a honeymoon package. This one was requested for delivery before the guests arrived, and I could tell the second I walked into the room that I was not the first person to have been in there. Someone had tossed rose petals around the room and added some decorations for their magical night. The one that stood out though: a 3’x3' print out of the bride’s father with a massive, cheesy grin and a thumbs-up. It was taped to the ceiling directly above the bed.I initially found it strange that high school/college aged boys will “hang out” in each other’s rooms completely naked. They’ll answer the door, completely nude and 100% shamelessly and carry on a conversation with me as if nothing was out of the ordinary. At first I thought they were doing it for a laugh to see if I would say anything, but the amount of times it happened dismissed that thought. People are just strange.

Rose petals and a bouquet on a hotel bed, creating a romantic setting seen by housekeepers.

I no longer work the job, but when I did I thought I found a dead body because I saw a person in bed under the covers after checkout. I called out but got no response. Guy forgot his inflatable girlfriend under the covers.

Inflatable doll with yellow hair against a bright background, related to hotel housekeepers' strange room encounters.

I work for a large hospitality company that has multiple brands under its umbrella. One of which is a hotel chain. I’m sent in when sites have refurbs to observe their operations, and do training refresher and brand standards with the teams.The stand out stories managers have told me:- A woman booked a room, and requested it be next to a fire exit. The housekeepers are told not to enter a room if a do not disturb sign is on the door, even if the guest should have checked out already. The site manager was called to the room, because nobody was answering the door and they were three hours after late for check-out. When they entered they found a man handcuffed to the bed, naked, wearing a blindfold and ball gag. He had been left like that for near 24 hours. She took his wallet and car.- A housekeeper entered a room to clean, and the bed was covered in guns, some full automatic. She quickly left and they called the police. The guy was downstairs at the time eating breakfast. Luckily he didn’t out the do not disturb sign on.- Drew Barrymore stayed at one of our sites. One guy came to the manager and asked to buy the toilet seat and all the unwashed sheets and towels. He was willing to pay £2000. The manager refused, and the guy genuinely sent a complaint email to our head office to report said manager for being ‘rude’ and ‘embarrassing him’.One I witnessed:- I went to a site, which had a housekeeping team consisting of three family members. Two of which spoke no English whatsoever, and all translation went through their mother. I watched one of them strip a bed to put fresh bedding on. When they removed the duvet it revealed a HUGE dried blood stain on the sheets, which went through to the matress. The guy legit didn’t know what it was. He looked at me and kept saying “chocolate”. I tried to stress it was blood, but he wasn’t getting it. He then sniffed the mattress, and scratched at it with his nail and sucked his finger, while repeat “chocolate”. I was stood in shock. His mother came in and saw what he was doing and screamed at him. She clearly told him what it was, and he ran to the bathroom to throw up. I told her I was trying to explain, but he wasn’t getting it. I went to get an incident report to get the mattress destroyed, and replaced, when I came back, they had just flipped the mattress and made the bed. They were all fired.

Fuzzy pink handcuffs and red whip on a blue sheet, representing strange hotel room discovery by housekeepers.

Surprised woman with hands on face, possibly reacting to a strange hotel room discovery.

I was at random party taking place in a suite and I go into the bathroom and see a guy in the bathtub with an entire rotisserie chicken. He looks up at me and sticks out a greasy finger as he finishes chewing and then says, “Don’t mind me.”

43 Times Housekeepers Were Taken Aback By Things Left In Rooms: “Forgot His Inflatable Girlfriend”

My friends family ran a little hotel at the beach. Nothing fancy, but it was oceanfront. My friend once went to a room to clean, and found the ENTIRE place CLEAN. Not just wiped up and etc. the walls and ceilings had been scrubbed, the carpets looked like they had been shampooed, the tub/shower looked brand new (quite an accomplishment at the beach with super hard water and salt spray), the bed frame had been cleaned, the old beach furniture had been cleaned and repaired, the knobs and track on the sliding glass door had been polished, the railings on the deck had been thoroughly scrubbed, the dirty linens were stripped and folded with a sign saying “dirty.” We were kinda curious if someone had been k**led or what.

Hotel housekeeper cleaning a table with spray and cloth, wearing gloves.

My wife used to be a housekeeper for some cabins in a state park. One time, one of her co-workers found a brand new pistol tucked behind a dresser. Apparently no one claimed it, so she got to keep it.On another occasion, one of her other co-workers that was extremely religious, found a plate of home-made brownies and ate a couple of them. They turned out to be edibles! She had never had marijuana in any capacity and ended up on the bed, slowly talking about how she thought she was dead and they had to call 911!

Person opening a wooden drawer in a hotel room.

I worked at a hotel many years ago. We used to get professional sports teams stay for two or more weeks at a time.One team that came a few times was particularly interesting. Each room had two players (two double beds per room) and it was funny to see very religious books on one bedside table and p*rn on the other.

Person with clasped hands resting on an open book, symbolizing a moment of reflection.

Once found an anaconda in the bathroom, wrapped around the shower curtain pole.

A snake in a hotel bathtub surrounded by floating toys, showcasing strange hotel room finds by housekeepers.

As a Housekeeper we had a situation where we had to split a couple parents from their child and boyfriend. They were of age and got an upgrade to a suite on the top floor. They kept extending their stay per day, but always had the DnD up so we couldn’t clean, they explicitly told us. They would leave their linens/trash bags outside the door (not a policy of ours, just something they decided to do.)Well, come about a month later and we finally get in after they check out and…oh. I had never seen literally AT LEAST 1000 AEROSOL CANISTERS. Piled everywhere in the fairly small room. Just…whippet cans. And chicken qing bones, food boxes, f*****g everywhere.Took two of us over an hour to get it straight.

43 Times Housekeepers Were Taken Aback By Things Left In Rooms: “Forgot His Inflatable Girlfriend”

I worked for one summer in a hotel and a colleague told me that one day she was preparing a room for a just married couple. When she returned to the room to check it friends of the couple had filled the room with balloons from condoms and she just fricked out because she thought that she’s gonna be in trouble.I only have found a little cute bat in a room sleeping on the carpet 🦇. It wanted to sleep, so it didn’t bother at all when I was moving it away 😂.

43 Times Housekeepers Were Taken Aback By Things Left In Rooms: “Forgot His Inflatable Girlfriend”

I worked for a hotel chain in Colorado and one day my coworker and I went to strip a bed and the bed was full of oranges. The dresser oranges. Side table, cans of mandarin oranges. Not exactly shocking or disgusting, but it was weird.

Oranges piled together, with one featuring a green leaf. Hotel housekeepers might find this strange in a room.

Hand holding an egg, possibly one of the strangest things hotel housekeepers have found in a room.

I worked in maintenance at a hotel and while I’ve heard some crazy things that housekeeping has found this experience was my own.The front desk paged me and when I arrived they told me this woman wanted to go look for her wedding ring she had his in a room she had stayed in a few days prior. This was obviously suspicious and we had a policy that guests couldn’t visit their room after they checked out and housecleaning had visited already. This lady tried to bribe the desk to let her go up and when that didn’t work she snuck upstairs and tried to bribe housekeeping who also refused. When I was called was when she was trying to convince the desk a second time and we settled on she couldn’t go up, but I’d go look. I get on the elevator, a man and young boy probably about ten years old or so get on with me. I don’t really think anything of it at the time until they follow me off the elevator and to the room. At this point I spin around and tell them no one can enter the room with me nor be upstairs and they needed to go back downstairs. I wait for them to turn the corner and quickly enter the room and secure the door behind me. I know that something is up at this point. I feel along the bottom of the curtains and I don’t feel anything, I look around the rest of the room and don’t see anything. I say screw it and check the curtains again and this time I feel something I missed last time. I find where this lady had cut a whole in the curtains and move the object in that direction. A huge bag of white crystal plops into my hand. I call down to the desk and tell them to call the cops cause I just found a huge bag of ds and tell them that’ll I’ll be staying in the room until the cops arrive in case the people are waiting for me somewhere. The cops arrive and I hand over the baggie and the cop tells me that it contains over $1800 worth of meth. The people split right after I sent what I assume is the dad and son back downstairs.Who brings their kid with them to retrieve ds?

43 Times Housekeepers Were Taken Aback By Things Left In Rooms: “Forgot His Inflatable Girlfriend”

Someone left a huge stack of money inside a Bible. They called and had the money mailed to them.Someone polished their shoes inside the tub .I assume they were wearing them. They used a hotel towel to buff the shoes. Black polish was in the tub, on the rim, and on the toilet. Impossible to clean. They had to pay for the repairs.

A person counting a stack of US dollars, highlighting hotel housekeepers' discoveries in rooms.

I had a friend who worked at a luxury hotel tell me that someone s**t in the room safe.

Hand reaching for toilet paper roll in a hotel room bathroom setting.

I was the Assistant General Manger for a hotel and the most notable one I remember was the long term guest who checked out unexpectedly and left. When the housekeeper opened the door to his room he has arranged the hangers from his closet under the covers to look like a body and smeared ketchup all over the place to look like blood.

Bizarre hotel bed scene with pillows and sheets arranged in a human shape, highlighting strange finds by housekeepers.

43 Times Housekeepers Were Taken Aback By Things Left In Rooms: “Forgot His Inflatable Girlfriend”

We also had a lady who I’m sure had schizophrenia or something who took apart almost anything electronic (alarm clock, tv, lamps, etc) and put alluminum foil over the air vents etc. Also smeared her feces on most of the walls. We lost in court when we tried to seek damages.

A woman fixing a light switch with a screwdriver, focusing intently, in a well-lit room.

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Not me but a former colleague who used to work as a hotel housekeeper. The strangest thing he ever found was a Polish guest who had left the mini fridge filled to the brim with sausages.

Tray filled with multiple sausages under a display light.

Someone drew a heart with his sp*rm in the shower.

Showerhead with water spray, related to hotel housekeepers' experiences in rooms.

I walked in on a couple sleeping on the bathroom floor of a hotel room in the hotel I work for. The bed was untouched and everything was normal with that one exception.

Couple cuddling in bed, capturing an intimate moment in a hotel room setting.

Not a housekeeper, but worked at a hotel. The amount of times a housekeeper, or hotel worker, has found a dead body from either s**cide, or other things, was wild to me. You obviously don’t want to alarm guest, so they try to always use a back entrance/exit.

Crime scene investigator in protective gear photographing evidence inside a hotel room, with “Do Not Cross” tape visible.

Hand spraying air freshener outside a hotel room.

This couple on their honeymoon checked out in a hurry, and when the housekeeper went into the room there was s**t spread on the walls and a hole dug out of the mattress. Still no idea what went down in there.

Hotel housekeeper holding a cleaning caddy and spray bottles in a room.

Once cleaned a room where in the bed, the couple left behind both a pair of crotchless panties (ew) and a single, abandoned sock that was pink and had the male/female symbols linked as a pattern…proof that they are hetero-socks-ual, if you may.I still laugh at that pun. My coworkers never did.

43 Times Housekeepers Were Taken Aback By Things Left In Rooms: “Forgot His Inflatable Girlfriend”

I worked with a couple at a hotel. It was only open in the summers and the boss always paid us well so it was a fun job for the most part. One summer in room 4 we had a couple staying that had complained we didn’t clean out the fridge, which happens sometimes so my friend went in and cleaned their fridge to their standards. The next day after checkout the same friend and I are going into the room to clean and there was s**t everywhere. Literally human feces, all over the toilet, floors (carpet and tile), walls and covering the bathtub. My friend said the room looked completely normal the day before when she cleaned the fridge so I’d just like to know what in the hell happened in those 24 hrs.

Hotel housekeeper cleaning a fridge in a guest room, wearing green gloves and using a pink cloth.

Human s**t rolled in bath towels. Had to try not to puke the rest of the day.

Rolled towels resembling a sculpture on a hotel bed, in a neatly arranged room setting.

Guest had a serious flaky skin condition. Dead skin was everywhere. EVERYWHERE. And he was a regular so we’d fight about who had to clean whichever floor he was on.Also worked in a suite hotel with two bedrooms - 3 beds total plus a pull-out couch. Used condoms were everywhere. All over the damn place. Not a single one was in the garbage.

I was a housekeeper for 3 weeks in a classy boutique hotel when I first moved to a different country before finding a better job. The first room I cleaned was one of the fancier suites, and upon opening the door, it was clear the occupants had set off numerous confetti crackers the night before.There was golden confetti EVERYWHERE. But most of it was concentrated in the bed and in the big clawfoot bathtub. Then a trail of wet confetti to the shower. Nightmare to clean up.

Barefoot person sweeping gold confetti off a wooden floor into a dustpan, illustrating a hotel housekeeper’s unusual find.

A bag of s**t, wrapped in a freezer bag and hanging in the free-standing cupboard.This was the Marriot Hotel in Bristol.The previous guests were two lovely ladies.

A woman in a mustard sweater making a disgusted face, possibly reacting to something strange found by hotel housekeepers.

In college I worked for student housing during the summer. In the summer all housing units were essentially a hotel. We were in charge of light cleaning but mostly moving furniture. One of the worst rooms we saw was completely trashed. We found a stash of wd in the drawer and on the wall someone wrote ‘‘THE RA HAS HUGE TS"I can only imagine that students poor parents footed the entire bill.

Messy hotel room with crumpled cans, scattered papers, and a bowl on the floor, seen by housekeepers.

My hotel often has railway crews come through. And one railway crew has quite a reputation. They’ve managed to, leave their rooms absolutely disasters. To the point of random unexplained handprints on the ceiling. And they like to party the night before they all leave. Which once included partying on the roof, even though their is no access to the roof, they decided to use their picker truck to get onto the roof.

I think the strangest one was with a family fan of Trump but like really fanWorked in a 5 stars hotel in NZ and the room was huge, really huge, 95sqm with two bedrooms so a family can sleep here. I was doing daily cleaning because I was responsable of rooms services. Father and the son(between 16yo to 20) were still on the room, not the wife and the daughter. The son was looking Trump’s news both on computer and his phone with a Trump cap and the father was watching FoxNews with a meeting of Trump on it. Same cap and they were both yelling and sending videos about trump. In the room you got underwear with Trump on it, shirts I mean everything. They even put a poster of Trump… Quite disturbingI delivered the breakfast to the smash singer(Shrek song) was funny too.Sometimes couples misunderstood the Hotel TAG, we got Adventure Time meaning that you’re outside or shhb time meaning do not disturb. For some people adventure time meaning sex and you can’t imagine the number of time that I saw people have sex just because of that…

D**g dealer that didn’t tip - he “lived” there, and was a nasty dude. He left ALL of the money and weed in the top drawers…now either he was dumb or didn’t care if the maids saw that as their tip.

Bottles of pee.

In high school I cleaned for a lady with a small motel. Her son was moving so we youthful workers were sent to clean his house. His wife was a “society” lady…well known…came home from a farewell party all fancy and formally dressed and threw raw liver on the floor for the cat. All floors looked like years of “raw liver”. The kid’s room walls were all covered in crayon drawings that we had to paint. I was appalled as a teen but now laugh, in that the “creative” kid is now a national celebrity you’d probably recognize.

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