Embracing a healthier lifestyle can take months, if not years, of diligent effort, but it’s worth it in the end. But the process can be challenging. Hormone expert Daniella Astor went viral on Threads afteraskingeveryone to share the biggest drawbacks that occur when losing weight.

Bored Pandahas reached out to Astor via email, and we’ll update the article as soon as we hear back from her.

More info:Instagram|TikTok|Facebook|DaniellaAstor.com

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Social media comment about self-image, related to hair loss and weight loss.


Comment by user angawesomesauce on hair loss after weight loss, highlighting shallow judgments.

Text post about insecurities following weight loss, liked by 371 people, 2 comments, 2 shares.

Based on World Health Organization data from 2022,2.5 billion adultsaround the world were overweight, 890 million of whom were obese.The reality is that carrying too much weight is awful for your physical andmental health, overall happiness, and longevity.Research shows that obesity increases the risk of heart disease, various cancers, stroke, depression, asthma, liver disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fertility issues, gallstones, and reflux.Obesity can also lead to chronic exhaustion, breathlessness, and back and joint pains. Your quality of life drops, your confidence suffers, you have less energy to do the things that you want to, and you might find yourself increasingly socially isolated.

Based on World Health Organization data from 2022,2.5 billion adultsaround the world were overweight, 890 million of whom were obese.

The reality is that carrying too much weight is awful for your physical andmental health, overall happiness, and longevity.

Research shows that obesity increases the risk of heart disease, various cancers, stroke, depression, asthma, liver disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fertility issues, gallstones, and reflux.

Obesity can also lead to chronic exhaustion, breathlessness, and back and joint pains. Your quality of life drops, your confidence suffers, you have less energy to do the things that you want to, and you might find yourself increasingly socially isolated.

Social media post by saulsgoo: “Cold all the time.” Discusses effects on hair loss.

Social media comment on unexpected changes, mentioning older-looking face related to weight loss.

“User shares surprising post-weight loss experience related to hair loss on social media."

The NHSrecommendsbeing active for at least 150 minutes each week, broken up into several shorter sessions.You should also aim to lose 1 to 2 pounds or 0.5 to 1 kilograms of weight each week. Meanwhile, it is recommended to swap sugary drinks for water (flavored with lemon, for example, to make the switch easier) and to cut down on foods that are high in sugar and fat.

The NHSrecommendsbeing active for at least 150 minutes each week, broken up into several shorter sessions.

You should also aim to lose 1 to 2 pounds or 0.5 to 1 kilograms of weight each week. Meanwhile, it is recommended to swap sugary drinks for water (flavored with lemon, for example, to make the switch easier) and to cut down on foods that are high in sugar and fat.

Social media comment about food preferences and portion changes after weight loss.

“Comment on weight loss impact: ‘People feel more entitled to express their opinions about your body’, 9 likes, 2 replies."

Instagram post discussing weight loss and unwanted attention with humorous emojis.

There’s a deeply social aspect tolosing weight, too. While you’re the one in the proverbial trenches, sharing your journey with friends, exercising with people you care about, or having someone you’re accountable to can keep you motivated even when you have awful days.The NHS warns against losing weight quickly with diets. You should also avoid skipping meals because you may end up snacking more as you get hungrier.

There’s a deeply social aspect tolosing weight, too. While you’re the one in the proverbial trenches, sharing your journey with friends, exercising with people you care about, or having someone you’re accountable to can keep you motivated even when you have awful days.

The NHS warns against losing weight quickly with diets. You should also avoid skipping meals because you may end up snacking more as you get hungrier.

Social media post discussing misconceptions of weight loss related to chronic illness, with interactions.

Screenshot of a social media post by pixelandsophie discussing family treatment after weight loss.

Instagram post discussing body shaming and criticisms following weight loss, related to hair loss experiences.

The CDCalso recommendslosing 1 to 2 pounds per week. Going for a more gradual and steady pace means that you’re more likely to keep the weight off in the long run than someone who loses a ton of weight very rapidly.“A lifestyle with good nutrition, regular physical activity, stress management, and enough sleep supports a healthy weight,” the CDC says. “Factors, such as medicines, medical conditions, stress, genes, hormones,environment, and age can also affect weight management.”

The CDCalso recommendslosing 1 to 2 pounds per week. Going for a more gradual and steady pace means that you’re more likely to keep the weight off in the long run than someone who loses a ton of weight very rapidly.

“A lifestyle with good nutrition, regular physical activity, stress management, and enough sleep supports a healthy weight,” the CDC says. “Factors, such as medicines, medical conditions, stress, genes, hormones,environment, and age can also affect weight management.”

Social media post discussing societal perceptions after weight loss, highlighting unexpected results and experiences.

Social media post by joebatlion discussing loose skin, dated 02/11/2025, with 653 likes.

Instagram post discussing unexpected effects, including hair loss, from weight loss.

Dropping weight—like making any other serious change—doesn’t happen overnight. It’s hard to maintain your energy, drive, and motivation if you have to juggle a dozen different new healthy habits.So, it’s better to take an incremental approach. Pick one major habit to focus on at first and make it your priority.

Dropping weight—like making any other serious change—doesn’t happen overnight. It’s hard to maintain your energy, drive, and motivation if you have to juggle a dozen different new healthy habits.

So, it’s better to take an incremental approach. Pick one major habit to focus on at first and make it your priority.

Social media post by fraser_roads about unexpected effects of weight loss on sex drive, highlighting hair loss stories.

Social media post discussing joint issues and loose skin after weight loss.


Think about what could have the biggest impact right now. For some, it might be walking more or trying out a team sport because they live a mainly sedentary lifestyle.

Social media comment humorously noting pants falling due to unexpected weight loss results.

“Social media post discussing body dysmorphia related to weight loss."

Social media post about unexpected reactions from others after weight loss, highlighting a change in friendships.

Still, others might aim to prioritize sleeping better or drinking more water. Whatever you choose to start with, look at the entire process as a long journey that will have lots of ups and downs.You have to remind yourself why it’s all worth it in the end because you will probably find things difficult once the initial enthusiasm wears off, until thehealthy lifestylehabits become automatic.

Still, others might aim to prioritize sleeping better or drinking more water. Whatever you choose to start with, look at the entire process as a long journey that will have lots of ups and downs.

You have to remind yourself why it’s all worth it in the end because you will probably find things difficult once the initial enthusiasm wears off, until thehealthy lifestylehabits become automatic.

“Instagram post by sarahhallway about unexpected changes after weight loss, highlighting increased kindness from others."

Social media post discussing metabolism slowdown after quick weight loss, impacting hair loss results.

Social media post about hair loss and weight loss, user comments on different treatment.

Before you make any drastic changes to your lifestyle, be sure to talk to your doctor. They’ll be able to provide you with valuable info, warn you about the potential dangers oflosing weighttoo fast, and work with you to come up with a solid plan to change your habits.Because they have access to your family history, they can point out anypotential challengesthat you might face due to your genes or preexistinghealthconditions.

Before you make any drastic changes to your lifestyle, be sure to talk to your doctor. They’ll be able to provide you with valuable info, warn you about the potential dangers oflosing weighttoo fast, and work with you to come up with a solid plan to change your habits.

Because they have access to your family history, they can point out anypotential challengesthat you might face due to your genes or preexistinghealthconditions.

Social media post discussing public treatment change after weight loss.

Social media post discussing hair loss caused by obsessive dieting and mental illness related to weight loss.

See Also on Bored Panda

Social media post by callahanger09 about feeling exposed, with 125 likes, related to hair loss topic.

Broadly speaking, when it comes tohealth, it’s not just your weight that matters but also your diet, sleeping habits, how active you are, your ability to manage stress, your positiverelationships, etc.That being said, BMI (body mass index) calculations—though they havesome limitations—can provide a warning sign about potentially needing to make changes to your life.

Broadly speaking, when it comes tohealth, it’s not just your weight that matters but also your diet, sleeping habits, how active you are, your ability to manage stress, your positiverelationships, etc.

That being said, BMI (body mass index) calculations—though they havesome limitations—can provide a warning sign about potentially needing to make changes to your life.

Comment about unexpected changes, like hair loss, from weight loss, mentioning clothes, skin, and cycle effects.

“Thebookrefuge18 discussing weight loss effects, mentioning feeling cold and the struggle of maintaining weight."

Social media comment discussing societal changes and unwanted attention after weight loss.

What’s yourweight lossand fitness journey been like, dear Pandas? What were the biggest challenges you faced when you decided to live a healthier lifestyle? What kept you motivated throughout your journey?

“Social media post about buying new clothes, linked to unexpected weight loss results and hair loss."

Screenshot of a social media post mentioning excess skin and weight loss, showing interaction icons and date.

“Social media post discussing negative health effects from weight loss, including hair loss and weakness."

“Social media post about new affection and visibility after weight loss with 11 likes and 1 comment."

Instagram post mentioning hair loss as a result of weight loss.

Screenshot of a social media post discussing an unexpected benefit related to hair loss and lifestyle changes.

Social media post about weight loss and body changes over 15 years, with interactions shown. Keywords: Hair Loss.

Instagram comment says “Butterfly legs and arms,” related to unexpected hair loss.

Social media post about self-reliance with the theme of tying shoes, related to hair loss and weight loss experiences.

Instagram post by bowlby.lucy about new clothes relating to weight loss.

Instagram comment about saggy skin, relevant to hair loss and weight loss effects.

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Jonas Zvilius
