If you think food’s only worthy purpose is to simply be eaten, then you are definitely wrong. Many centuries ago, great artists and poets dedicated their outstanding masterpieces to food. Today’s world is not so rich with artistic geniuses, so we have to dedicate to food what we actually can. For example, memes.There are many groups and pages on the Internet dedicating their witty postings to food-related memes, and today, we suggest you watch one of these pages. It is called‘Food Talks,’and as of today, it boasts 1.6M followers on Facebook—further proof that food can be not only delicious but also damn amusing.More info:FacebookThis post may includeaffiliate links.

If you think food’s only worthy purpose is to simply be eaten, then you are definitely wrong. Many centuries ago, great artists and poets dedicated their outstanding masterpieces to food. Today’s world is not so rich with artistic geniuses, so we have to dedicate to food what we actually can. For example, memes.

There are many groups and pages on the Internet dedicating their witty postings to food-related memes, and today, we suggest you watch one of these pages. It is called‘Food Talks,’and as of today, it boasts 1.6M followers on Facebook—further proof that food can be not only delicious but also damn amusing.

More info:Facebook

This post may includeaffiliate links.

Two people in a humorous food-related meme about a fusion restaurant named “Wok Like an Egyptian."


Girl in scout uniform with cookies in front of a grocery store, humorously representing food-related memes.

Person with curly hair in a blue hoodie smirking, referencing a food-related meme about self-checkout errors.

Some memes in this selection are dedicated simply to different shades of food tastes and our reactions to these tastes. Some are about how funny restaurants and cafes can actually be, and some of them are just spot-on reactions to recent news. Such as, for example, that meme about the rising egg prices.Of course, there’s also room for some nostalgic memes about how delicious everything was in the golden, glorious past. When, as we perhaps know, burgers were much bigger, French fries crunched more temptingly, and the bubbles in cola were way more pleasing to the eye…

Some memes in this selection are dedicated simply to different shades of food tastes and our reactions to these tastes. Some are about how funny restaurants and cafes can actually be, and some of them are just spot-on reactions to recent news. Such as, for example, that meme about the rising egg prices.

Of course, there’s also room for some nostalgic memes about how delicious everything was in the golden, glorious past. When, as we perhaps know, burgers were much bigger, French fries crunched more temptingly, and the bubbles in cola were way more pleasing to the eye…

Colorful candy resembling aquarium gravel with a humorous food-related meme from Food Talk.

Toasted bread with a buttered glaze, described as “medium rare.” A humorous take from a food-related meme page.

McDonald’s apple pie meme humorously compares its heat to Mercury’s surface temperature. Food-related meme.

A separate category of memes is dedicated to chefs and cooking because there’s no humor more sophisticated than good old-fashioned self-irony. And, in fact, the ability to laugh at yourself if you suddenly oversalt a meal or completely burn a holiday pie is no less important than culinary talent or skills. At least you won’t be too upset about your failure, and with renewed strength and new inspiration, you will return to the stove.

Food-related meme with Cookie Monster humorously wasting cookies while eating.

Bowl of cereal with raisins and milk, caption humorously suggesting raisins improve its taste. Food-related meme.

Waitress taking an order from a woman, illustrating a food-related meme scenario in a busy restaurant.

“Of course, a professional chef is a person who is able to make a high-quality meal of the required volume in any mental state. Being both in a good mood and in a low spirits,” says Roman Sardarian, thechefof the grill brand Weber Ukraine, whomBored Pandaasked for a comment. “This is one of the key characteristics of professionalism.

Ice cream nachos served with caramel dip and waffle chips in a tray, a popular food-related meme on Facebook.

Couple enjoying fast food together, highlighting a fun food-related meme moment.

Child looking excitedly at cookies on a tray, text reads “Me: I’m gonna eat healthy Me:” by Food Talk page on Facebook.

“We all love memes, and getting a boost of nice mood before getting down to work is always great. So I really enjoyed this selection, and some of the memes presented here are not only very funny, but also damn true and related,” Roman sums up.The great English soccer manager Bill Shanky oncesaid: “Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.” I don’t know about football, but this phrase fits food perfectly, doesn’t it?

“We all love memes, and getting a boost of nice mood before getting down to work is always great. So I really enjoyed this selection, and some of the memes presented here are not only very funny, but also damn true and related,” Roman sums up.

The great English soccer manager Bill Shanky oncesaid: “Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.” I don’t know about football, but this phrase fits food perfectly, doesn’t it?

Burger meme showing stages of eating: tasty, ahh, then ingredients falling out, highlighting humor with food-related themes.

Food-related meme showing a Dunkin' Donuts sign with missing letters, humorously reading “Dunkin' D Nuts."

Clown face made of vegetables on a tray, part of a food-related meme.

By the way, regarding the burger meme and the eating scheme—that’s why, in order to avoid getting into such difficult situations, many chefs fasten burgers with a special wooden or plastic pin. This, along with burger gloves, is, in my opinion, one of the greatest culinary inventions of humanity ever…

Food-related meme with KFC turned into a New Mexican restaurant; added sombrero and mustache to window.

Days Inn sign with humorous mention of “gravy hot tub” alongside food-related advertising.

Chicken with sunglasses and luxury bag, humorously illustrating food-related price changes.

Chef in a busy kitchen, captioned about grilled cheese, embodying food-related memes humorously.

Chocolate chip cookies served on a plate in a humorous food meme.

Cat meme with a funny caption about craving favorite food, showcasing humorous food-related content.

Woman holding snacks and drinks in a store, illustrating a humorous food-related meme.

Five slices of pizza oddly arranged in an oven, captioned with a humorous quote about geniuses and society. Food-related humor.

Two large sandwiches with thick slices, captioned with a humorous food-related meme about winning the lottery.

Person eating popcorn from their hoodie with a beer can in hand, showcasing a relatable food-related meme.

Groceries on a kitchen island with $100 caption, showcasing a food-related meme.

Two loaves of bread humorously compared to an iconic figure, part of a food-related meme.

See Also on Bored Panda

Man sipping on a huge iced coffee, illustrating a food-related meme humor.

Cheesy nachos piled on a plate with sauce, a humorous food-related meme in the background.

90s meal nostalgia with McDonald’s Super Size fries, burger, and Coke on a tray.

Two cans of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup dairy whipped topping with caption about life’s worthiness, from a food-related meme.

Sandwich with chips, a classic combo, featured in a popular food-related meme from Facebook’s ‘Food Talk’ page.

Waffles with butter and syrup, showcasing a food-related meme humorously instructing how to eat them.

Grilled cheese with jalapenos on a plate, highlighting popular food-related meme trend.

Food-related meme: A rack of ribs on a wooden board, humorously captioned with “About to light some candles & relax 😂😂”.

Cartoon character happily holding iced coffee, illustrating a relatable food-related meme.

Glass of strawberry milk with humorous text above, part of a collection of food-related memes.

Two colorful fruity pebble cheesecake tacos on a plate, a fun food meme from a popular Facebook page.

Close-up of sliced watermelon with text humorously stating it is the worst fruit. Food-related meme concept.

Butter seasoned like ice cream, a food-related meme from Food Talk on Facebook.

Christmas tree decorated with energy drinks and surrounded by themed gifts, humorously referencing food-related memes.

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