When people decide to get a pet, they usually have two routes: buy or adopt. The first choice might seem convenient because, for example, there could be a wider selection of breeds available to you. However, the second option not only saves theanimalyou bring into your home but also frees up space in the shelter for another critter in need, allowing them a chance at finding a loving human as well. To honor those who commit to the latter, Bored Panda even dedicated a whole series, where every month we publish a list ofwholesomeand sweet pictures of the newest adoptees. Continue scrolling to check out February’s!This post may includeaffiliate links.
When people decide to get a pet, they usually have two routes: buy or adopt. The first choice might seem convenient because, for example, there could be a wider selection of breeds available to you. However, the second option not only saves theanimalyou bring into your home but also frees up space in the shelter for another critter in need, allowing them a chance at finding a loving human as well. To honor those who commit to the latter, Bored Panda even dedicated a whole series, where every month we publish a list ofwholesomeand sweet pictures of the newest adoptees. Continue scrolling to check out February’s!
This post may includeaffiliate links.
I am A volunteer at a cat rescue in Pittsburgh. I had a shift tonight and two women walked in with a carrier. The one woman introduced herself as a caretaker to the other elderly woman. She said that the older woman was already approved for adoption and was ready to pick out a cat.The older woman then said that she wanted to pick out the oldest cat in the shelter because she was an “old lady” who needed another “old lady” to keep her company.She ultimately chose an 8-9 year old female cat named Lumpy. This cat has no teeth. Not one. We don’t know if someone had its teeth removed for health reasons or if they fell out. But the cat is toothless.I watched the woman interact with Lumpy. I heard her whisper to the cat, “Don’t worry, I’ll get you all wet food so you don’t have to chew.”After she confirmed that Lumpy was her choice she put her in the carrier and looked at me and the other volunteers and said, “I think I got my smile back”.
To get a better understanding ofpet adoption, we contactedPAWS, or the Progressive Animal Welfare Society, a non-profit organization based in Lynnwood, Washington, dedicated to promoting animal welfare through various rescue, rehabilitation, and advocacy programs. Established in 1967,PAWSfocuses on rescuing and caring for domestic animals, as well as injured, orphaned, and sick wildlife.Commenting on recent trends, Bree Koch, the organization’s Customer Service and Adoptions Manager, toldBored Panda, “Large dogs are experiencing much longer stays at the shelter than in past years. This appears to be related to rental properties implementing more breed and size restrictions. If you truly want to save a life, adopt a large-breed dog!”
To get a better understanding ofpet adoption, we contactedPAWS, or the Progressive Animal Welfare Society, a non-profit organization based in Lynnwood, Washington, dedicated to promoting animal welfare through various rescue, rehabilitation, and advocacy programs. Established in 1967,PAWSfocuses on rescuing and caring for domestic animals, as well as injured, orphaned, and sick wildlife.
Commenting on recent trends, Bree Koch, the organization’s Customer Service and Adoptions Manager, toldBored Panda, “Large dogs are experiencing much longer stays at the shelter than in past years. This appears to be related to rental properties implementing more breed and size restrictions. If you truly want to save a life, adopt a large-breed dog!”
This was her 5 hours after we got home.
Today my husband and I adopted this sweet older kitty (8 yo). We saw the shelter’s post about her - a surrender from someone who owned her since a kitten. She’s been there almost a month and has spent the entire time balled up in the corner with her eyes shut. Our senior kitty (16) passed away last summer and we decided it was time to get another “senior.” She got all her testing at the shelter and is in great health, except emotionally.We set her up in her own room and she is currently hiding under a dresser! I am hopeful for her :)
“An adoption counselor will [then] chat with potential adopters about any animals that may be a good fit before setting them up on a visit to spend time with specific cats or dogs. Most shelters will then hold the animal for a short period while the adopter gets supplies together before bringing the animal home.”
I adopted Marley from our local shelter in town! They said she had been there for months, which is crazy to think of. She’s the sweetest girl ever!
Getting a pet can also lead to letting go of something else. For example, dog ownersreportthat the biggest lifestyle sacrifices they made include:39.29% lived on a tighter budget to afford their dogs’ expenses.13.96% moved from an apartment to a house so their dog would have a yard.7.47% stayed at a job they disliked because it allowed them to work remotely or had a dog-friendly office.6.78% broke up with a significant other who didn’t like their dog.5.25% took a pay cut or accepted a position with fewer benefits to work remotely or have access to a dog-friendly office.4.57% left a job they liked because another company let them work from home or had a dog-friendly office.
Getting a pet can also lead to letting go of something else. For example, dog ownersreportthat the biggest lifestyle sacrifices they made include:
“Costs are a major [factor],” Bree Koch ofPAWStold us about the biggest concerns the organization has observed among (potential) adopters.But it’s better to think about and prepare for the challenges than it is to go in blindly and then potentially have to put the animal’s (or your own) livelihood at risk. “Veterinary care can be expensive. Make sure you come up with a budget and select an animal with care needs that fall within those parameters.““Of course, emergencies and unplanned expenses can happen, so be sure to investigate options like pet insurance or low-cost clinics in your area,” Hoch added.However, nearly all pet owners (97%)considertheir animals part of their family, so if you can make it work, getting one is so worth it.
“Costs are a major [factor],” Bree Koch ofPAWStold us about the biggest concerns the organization has observed among (potential) adopters.
But it’s better to think about and prepare for the challenges than it is to go in blindly and then potentially have to put the animal’s (or your own) livelihood at risk. “Veterinary care can be expensive. Make sure you come up with a budget and select an animal with care needs that fall within those parameters.”
“Of course, emergencies and unplanned expenses can happen, so be sure to investigate options like pet insurance or low-cost clinics in your area,” Hoch added.
However, nearly all pet owners (97%)considertheir animals part of their family, so if you can make it work, getting one is so worth it.
I adopted Oatis a week ago because I wanted to share my new home with someone. He’s the sweetest: doesn’t bark and loves being held.I don’t know much of anything about where he came from. The rescue said he was a stray, but when I examine his mannerisms too hard it’s easy to think he didn’t come from the best home.I’ve never had a senior dog before so there is a few adjustments I need to make. He doesn’t bark, so it’s hard for me to know when he needs to go out. He doesn’t walk well, so I have to come up with new activities for him to do. And he just had a dental that took all of his (rotten) teeth, so getting used to new food and treats has been hard on him.I am lucky to have him, and my goal is to just spoil him as long as I can. Any advice and tips are appreciated!
Was only supposed to adopt one, but the foster told me that the tortie cat helps the orange cat calm down during vet visits. I’d be heartless if I separated the two of them, so they’re both going home with me.
I just got this kitten maybe 2 hours ago, this is my first pet that I have personally adopted since moving out. She sat in my lap and watched me post videos of her literally everywhere and then fell asleep. I’ve been crying so hard oml I will die for this cat
About a week ago, a neighbor told me this little guy was wandering our neighborhood. I took a couple pictures outside to post on different sites. Less than 90 minutes later, he was crying at my front door. Opened the door, he came in, and immediately rolled over at my feet. Less than 30 minutes later, he was asleep on my lap.I’ve never had a cat, and really didn’t like them too much. But, I am totally in love!!!No microchip, and he’s been seen wandering the neighborhood for months. So he is now an indoor cat named Judge, and I’m a cat mom!!
Found him on Reddit (not this sub) being re-homed near me after being neglected and living in a crate for the first year of his life. I am a s****r for a big goofy boy and that’s exactly what he has turned into. Meet Hank
This is Clover, she is 6 months old and I will protect her with my life
My husband said yes to 2 kitties & they’re just the cutest.The loss was too difficult 😭 i simply cannot grieve a pet without being able to snuggle another one, so we applied for 2 and got approve
Adopted a Stray dog yesterday, vet said it’s around 45-50 days
my partner and I adopted our first fur babies yesterday!! 5 1/2 month old, brother and sister kitties!! we named them Mew & Minccino 🖤🤍 so grateful to call them ours!!!
I found 2 puppies in my neighborhood who seemed to have been dumped and took them to the local shelter. Saw this sweet kitty and couldn’t leave without him. Since coming home, he’s recovered from a really bad upper respiratory infection, ear infection, and worms. Now he’s living his best life and I’m so happy to have him ❤️ his name is Spike and he LOVES to play and snuggle. He also gets along great with his dog brother and kitty sister!
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We just adopted Bennu about 2 weeks ago and he is such a cute and cuddly boy! I never thought I was a pet person but Bennu has CHANGED ME.
This is Honey, she was a stray we took in and adopted as a family member, she’s sooo sweet and adorable! We originally thought she was a kitten, but once the vet checked her out he said she’s actually around 3 years old and probably won’t get any bigger, she will fill in more with weight but her size is quite tiny measuring as a 7 month old kitten. Sadly she also can’t meow and has a tail that’s seems it was broken and healed in an odd way that gives her the most adorable curly tail that’s hard to take a picture of but it curls like a little pigs tail and I am absolutely obsessed with it haha.
We gave in and adopted one of our foster kittens. Or did she adopt us?
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Meet Jasper, silverado and blue idk he has tons of namess , Im currently in the car typing him i just went to pick him up a few minutes ago!! he loves me already any tips on bringing a new cat home !?
My kitten needed a buddy so I adopted him a life partner. They are both almost 5 months and as thick as yo Mommas gravy
Everyone say hi to Rhaegar! He’s named after a Game of Thrones character for those of you who aren’t familiar with the series. He’s 4 months old and is a ball of energy. Also, very cuddly.
Haven’t had a cat since I was a kid. Picked this chunky boy up from the shelter a few hours ago and I’m already utterly and irrevocably in love with him. Meet Sam
She wouldn’t let us touch her the first 5 months but we spelt wore her down and she loves being petted now. She was born on someone’s sun porch and spent her first year in that cramped room loaded with furniture. She has come so far. I am sure I will cry HARD tomorrow when she leaves. But Lumi will have a good home.
Adopted this little guy. Shelter said he was very timid but started loving on me the moment we met. He sleeps next to me all night. He’s a hard sleeper and it’s only day 4. He’s getting used to the cats and other dog but he’s definitely a good pup.
Today we brought home 7 year old “polar” who came in as a breeding dog they no longer wanted. Her new name is Freya and i cant wait to spoil her and give her the life and love she deserves! She is so sweet and tolerant so far to the puppy who is 11 months old and obviously very confused as a former only child
We’ve had her for about 3 days now and she’s been super sweet and delightful. She was shy at the shelter but quick to open up to us once at her new home.
After another visit with this sweet girl, we adopted and took her home!Meet Stella Bleu.
Poor guy had been through it. We adopted from the SPCA and he had lived on the streets. He is the sweetest, cuddliest, fluffiest cat that I have ever had the privilege of meeting.Meet Fin
She’s two months old, her coat is fully grey and medium sized. She’s very small and delicate! The woman I adopted her said her mom is of breed but shes very doesn’t know which one. She’s very unique, so I’m curious to know
In the left Pupa (she has one leg missing because someone shot her), in the right Tirita.
Newly adopted 4 year old Scottish Fold mixed with Persian. He is such a sweetheart and fits our family perfectly.
We adopted this sweet girl today, the shelter didn’t have much info on her but had her listed as a Border Collie. We think she’s a mix possibly with Lab.
We adopted a new dog to go with our other hippo and weiner dog. Someone left her outside wandering around after she’d had a litter of pups. She’s the sweetest thing and she’s all mine now!
I just adopted this little floof. I’m thinking I’ll name her MaudMum is a British Blue and dad is an unknown local her
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