Anton Gudim’s “Yes, But” series continues to capture the everyday contradictions we all recognize but often overlook. His clever two-panel comics have become a staple for those who appreciate humor that cuts to the heart of life’s little absurdities. From the ironies of daily routines to the quirks of modern living, Gudim’s work resonates with anyone who’s ever stopped to wonder, “Wait, does that even make sense?”After countless posts and with a dedicated following, it’s clear that Gudim has mastered the art of mixing humor with insight. His minimalist style and sharp observations are now familiar to many, and his comics never fail to hit the mark. If you haven’t already seen his work, now’s the time to dive in—these latest comics might make you laugh and think in equal measure.More info:Instagram|||patreon.comThis post may includeaffiliate links.

Anton Gudim’s “Yes, But” series continues to capture the everyday contradictions we all recognize but often overlook. His clever two-panel comics have become a staple for those who appreciate humor that cuts to the heart of life’s little absurdities. From the ironies of daily routines to the quirks of modern living, Gudim’s work resonates with anyone who’s ever stopped to wonder, “Wait, does that even make sense?”

After countless posts and with a dedicated following, it’s clear that Gudim has mastered the art of mixing humor with insight. His minimalist style and sharp observations are now familiar to many, and his comics never fail to hit the mark. If you haven’t already seen his work, now’s the time to dive in—these latest comics might make you laugh and think in equal measure.

More info:Instagram|||

This post may includeaffiliate links.

Illustration by Anton Gudim showing society’s contradictions in knowledge focus: traditional vs. modern media skills.

Bored Pandareached out to Gudim once again to explore his creative process in greater depth. We kicked things off with a thought-provoking question: If he were to create a “Yes, But” comic about his own creative journey, what would it look like? “I think the main ‘Yes, but’ of the creative process is how you sometimes imagine an idea in your head versus how it looks when you actually draw it. Like, yes, you come up with a cool idea, but then people comment, ‘I don’t get it.'”


Illustration by Anton Gudim showing society’s contradictions with a “Start Free Trial” button requiring credit card info.

Illustration by Anton Gudim showing societal contradictions with a “Make America Great Again” hat labeled “Made in China."

Creating a comic involves a delicate balance of creativity, timing, and intuition. But knowing when a piece is truly finished can be one of the trickiest parts of the process. With that in mind, we asked Gudim how he decides when a comic is done. “By nature, I tend to be quite doubtful. I wouldn’t call myself a confident person because I engage in critical thinking too often. For many, this can be a strength, but for me, it sometimes gets in the way of simply enjoying things without analyzing them.Going back to how I know when a comic is ready: usually right after finishing it. I almost always have doubts about how good it is and may even show it to close people to gauge their reaction. But since, as a creative individual, it’s important for me to stay in a constant flow of ideas, I don’t dwell too long on one comic—after finishing one, I’m already thinking about the next.”

Creating a comic involves a delicate balance of creativity, timing, and intuition. But knowing when a piece is truly finished can be one of the trickiest parts of the process. With that in mind, we asked Gudim how he decides when a comic is done. “By nature, I tend to be quite doubtful. I wouldn’t call myself a confident person because I engage in critical thinking too often. For many, this can be a strength, but for me, it sometimes gets in the way of simply enjoying things without analyzing them.

Going back to how I know when a comic is ready: usually right after finishing it. I almost always have doubts about how good it is and may even show it to close people to gauge their reaction. But since, as a creative individual, it’s important for me to stay in a constant flow of ideas, I don’t dwell too long on one comic—after finishing one, I’m already thinking about the next.”

Illustration by Anton Gudim shows fireworks and pets hiding under furniture, depicting society’s contradictions.

Comic by Anton Gudim showing society’s contradictions: no phone sign vs. using a touch screen in a car.

Gudim shared that he keeps notes with around 50 “Yes, but” ideas of varying levels of inventiveness. “I go through these notes when I need to draw a new comic and choose the one that appeals to me at that moment. Some ideas remain untouched for a long time, while others get refined over time. I also want to thank my Instagram followers, who send me stories every day with ‘Yes, but’ situations from their lives or share their own ideas. Some comics are based on ideas from followers, and I love that the ‘Yes, but’ format has become so broad and relevant to people all over the world.Of course, some ideas are hard to convey in just two panels, so I add extra frames when needed. Sometimes animation or sound is required. In such cases, I adapt the format to fit the idea.”

Gudim shared that he keeps notes with around 50 “Yes, but” ideas of varying levels of inventiveness. “I go through these notes when I need to draw a new comic and choose the one that appeals to me at that moment. Some ideas remain untouched for a long time, while others get refined over time. I also want to thank my Instagram followers, who send me stories every day with ‘Yes, but’ situations from their lives or share their own ideas. Some comics are based on ideas from followers, and I love that the ‘Yes, but’ format has become so broad and relevant to people all over the world.

Of course, some ideas are hard to convey in just two panels, so I add extra frames when needed. Sometimes animation or sound is required. In such cases, I adapt the format to fit the idea.”

Illustration of society’s contradictions by Anton Gudim, showing a packaged salmon labeled “yes, but” with little content.

Illustration by Anton Gudim of a cat hesitating to eat a treat from a hand, depicting society’s contradictions.

Illustration depicting society’s contradictions with a man watching lion and antelope documentaries.

Illustration by Anton Gudim showing a birthday celebration contrast and cleanup.

Illustration by Anton Gudim showing a woman eating a bun, with seeds falling off the plate.

Illustration showing a warm jacket paired with torn jeans, highlighting society’s contradictions.

Illustration of a $50 flight ticket vs. a $68 taxi fare, highlighting society’s contradictions.

Illustration by Anton Gudim highlighting a contradiction with a faucet and a showerhead.

Illustration by Anton Gudim showing society’s contradictions with pumpkin seeds preparation and consumption.

Illustration by Anton Gudim showing society’s contradictions with a fantasy world theme in a living room and astrology scene.

Illustration by Anton Gudim depicting airline baggage weight contradictions.

Illustration by Anton Gudim showing society’s contradictions with a clear sky and tangled wires.

Balloon shaped like number 2 with warning label, illustrating societal contradictions.

Man in a suit with colorful socks, illustrating societal contradictions by Anton Gudim.

Illustration by Anton Gudim showing society’s contradictions: 4K TV vs. retro video game graphics.

Illustration showing our society’s contradictions: a blank TV screen vs. playing an animated show.

See Also on Bored Panda

Illustration by Anton Gudim showing a modern desk setup and a person sleeping on a plain mattress, depicting contradictions.

Illustration by Anton Gudim showing a plugged-in air purifier and a rabbit sitting on its cord, depicting societal contradictions.

Illustration showing a five-star hotel entrance but rated 3.7 stars, depicting society’s contradictions.

Anton Gudim illustration showing societal contradictions with a “Baby on Board” sign and a man driving carelessly.

Illustration by Anton Gudim showing a contradiction: a man showers before entering pool but then urinates in it.

Illustration of society’s contradictions showing a child away from TV and adult with VR headset.

Illustration by Anton Gudim showing society’s contradictions with security discarding scissors but serving metal cutlery.

Illustration by Anton Gudim showing societal contradictions using a camera in colorful and gray environments.

Illustration by Anton Gudim depicting societal contradictions with concert and airplane scenes.

Illustration by Anton Gudim shows society contradiction: tongs next to bread and a woman grabbing bread by hand.

Illustration of society’s contradictions: woman on treadmill versus taking a taxi.

Man observing a Christmas tree; first panel decorated, second shows contradictions in decoration.

Illustration by Anton Gudim showing a contradiction with a plain shirt and a shirt with a bag obscuring the design.

Illustration showing a box of skin tone plasters next to a mismatched bandage on a hand, depicting societal contradictions.

Illustration by Anton Gudim highlighting societal contradictions with a driver facing contradictory “please drive carefully” signs.

Illustration of a woman with serotonin tattoo contrasted with her crying over chemical equations, depicting societal contradictions.

Illustration by Anton Gudim showing societal contradictions with “Not Tested on Animals” label on dog shampoo.

Illustration depicting society’s contradictions with a man protesting technology addiction, then seen using tech in hospital.

Illustration of societal contradictions: gift with card named Bob.

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