I don’t know if you noticed, Pandas, but folks are not doing that great. 2024 was a rough year for people’s mental health, and the statistics reflect that. Mental Health Americareportsthat 23% of Americans experienced amental illnessin 2024.

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Text meme about preferring nocturnal life, highlighting mental health humor.


A tweet meme about sensitivity and humanity, reflecting on mental health views.

Mental health meme about anxiety disorder, love of history, and staying informed, posted by ahistoryofghostsmusic.

Although we’re all aboutpositivityhere atBored Panda, sometimes even we have to get serious for a moment. Pages likeMental Illness and Memesare not about trivializing the struggles of mentally unwell people. They’re about normalizing the topic and laughing together, not at something or someone.The world is in amental health crisisat the moment, and it doesn’t seem the situation will be getting any better in the near future. Researchers from Harvard Medical School and the University of Queenslandrecently foundthat half of the world’s population is likely to experience at least one mental health disorder in their lifetime.

Although we’re all aboutpositivityhere atBored Panda, sometimes even we have to get serious for a moment. Pages likeMental Illness and Memesare not about trivializing the struggles of mentally unwell people. They’re about normalizing the topic and laughing together, not at something or someone.

The world is in amental health crisisat the moment, and it doesn’t seem the situation will be getting any better in the near future. Researchers from Harvard Medical School and the University of Queenslandrecently foundthat half of the world’s population is likely to experience at least one mental health disorder in their lifetime.

Text meme about mental health, mimicking explorers' language: “Dearest friend, I have survived another week. The horrors persist."

Dark humor meme about mental health with text: “That dark sense of humor is a load-bearing structure."

A humorous mental health meme questioning impressing one’s 14-year-old self.

Nowadays, it seems that we’re more comfortable talking about ourmental healthstruggles. As the number of people diagnosed with mental illness increases each year, so does the discourse about mental health. We’re able to joke around about it or tell our loved ones when we’re not feeling well.Last year, the Pew Research Centeraskedpeople with whom they’d be most comfortable talking about their mental health struggles. The majority (57%) replied that a close friend would be their go-to person. The other top two answers were an immediate family member (52%) or a mental health provider (50%).

Nowadays, it seems that we’re more comfortable talking about ourmental healthstruggles. As the number of people diagnosed with mental illness increases each year, so does the discourse about mental health. We’re able to joke around about it or tell our loved ones when we’re not feeling well.

Last year, the Pew Research Centeraskedpeople with whom they’d be most comfortable talking about their mental health struggles. The majority (57%) replied that a close friend would be their go-to person. The other top two answers were an immediate family member (52%) or a mental health provider (50%).

Tweet text about mental health meme comparing thoughts to laundry sorting.

Text meme about mental health: the neurodivergent urge to say “ow” when lightly bumped.

Mental health meme about shuffling music and recognizing the right song unexpectedly.

Mental health meme with text encouraging self-compassion, stating energy is used for survival, not laziness.

Tweet discussing negativity and frustrations, related to mental health memes.

Text post humorously addressing mental health with a dog’s “party” permissions when the owner leaves home.

Young people are also more open to talking about their mental health. Patrick Griswold, associate professor and clinical instructor in the theHuman Services and Counseling Departmentat Metropolitan State University of Denver,saysthat’s because it’s hard to stigmatize something so widespread. “Therapy is now seen as beneficial, and as more people engage with it and find it helpful, the stigma continues to fade.”

Therapist and patient in session discussing mental health society issues with a humorous twist.

Funny mental health meme about brain function and depression, with humorous comments discussing slime and sauce.

Mental health meme about forgetting mid-conversation, humorous text on a dark background.

Although older people are opening up about their mental health too, Gen Z is20% more likelythan other generations to talk about their struggles. And the Internet offers a space to release these anxieties and troubles in the form of gallows humor. When experts at the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliancetalked to Gen Zers, they said that memes help ease the discomfort around serious mental health topics.

Congratulations meme showing dopamine molecule, humorously acknowledging scrolling for mental health boost.

Tweet about rescheduling with excited agreement, part of mental health memes collection.

Tweet humorously comparing internal monologue to mental health podcasts.

Some might say that joking about mental illness veers into dark humor territory. That might be true, but for Generation Z, it only makes sense to look at the world through lenses of absurdism and nihilism. The government’s inability to deal with the climate crisis, school shootings, and socioeconomic inequality makes these the only acceptable ways to understand the world.

Mental health memes text about personal growth and finding peace with being a mess, discovering great music along the way.

Tweet humorous take on disposable income, related to mental health memes.

Penguin and seal figurine in a chair, captioned about enjoying non-verbal time, highlighting mental health meme humor.

Gen Z also uses particular, jokey slang when talking about mental illness. A stay at a psychiatric hospital, for example, is called “a grippy sock vacation.” A mental breakdown is referred to as “menty b” and has become commercialized, appearing on mugs, T-shirts, and other merchandise on Etsy and similar e-commerce platforms.

Man contemplating ice cream with mental health meme text about the alphabet order.

A mental health meme shows a panic attack registered as exercise by a FitBit, with a character and ECG background.

Text exchange joking about polite ways of being called weird as a child; a mental health meme.

Classical painting memes illustrating mental health coping strategies: calm woman vs. anxious figure.

Cartoon character holding a book and drink with text expressing frustration, related to mental health memes.

Meme about mental health: a man eagerly pressing an “INVEST” button, with text about vaping serotonin instead of nicotine.

Westers worries that using cutesy language to refer to serious mental health conditions and overinterpretation (“I’m so OCD”, for example) could be just as dangerous as not talking about mental health at all. “It’s possible that our culture is moving to the other extreme, where we’re going to trivialize it and destigmatize it so much; everyone’s going to talk about it using fun language.”

Fantasy painting depicting mental health meme with humorous text about overstimulation.

Person in a brown jacket with text about being sensitive, capturing humor in mental health memes.

Mental health meme with motivational text on a Halloween-themed background of orange skulls and spooky patterns.

Text meme about dissociating, humorously addressing mental health.

Office worker glancing at camera with a smirk, humorous text overlay about life’s plot twists. Perfect for mental health memes.

Man in hoodie standing by a pool table with text overlay about mental health struggles, reflecting on various influences.

Apple Watch showing mental health tracking feature with a humorous tweet below.

Mental health meme about an emotional support TV show from the early 2000s with six or more seasons.

Cartoon character lounging with a drink, capturing mental health meme humor about solitude.

People overthinking in various scenarios: washing plates, showering, before sleeping, in public spaces; mental health meme.

Cartoon person smirking with an okay hand gesture, highlighting mental health memes humor.

Woman holding a mic with text about depression and man with text about odd comments, capturing mental health meme humor.

Mental health meme featuring a character with an annoyed expression in a forest setting.

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Inflatable character deflated outside, captioned “it’s-a-me, depression,” depicting mental health meme humor.

Mental health meme shows a blue ribbon with text about the importance of asking for help and taking breaks on a pink background.

Mental health meme with humorous text about being diagnosed with “Chicago” and “mental Illinois."

Anime character in a hospital bed, humorously representing exhaustion from social events; mental health meme context.

Logging truck at night with humorous text about mental health memes, expressing a work-related sentiment.

Mental health meme comparing life challenges to playing Pac-Man, highlighting humor in dealing with stress and struggles.

Frog holding a cup, sitting with snacks, surrounded by plants. Text reads: “You guys go ahead I’m gonna dilly dally.” Mental health meme.

Tweet meme on mental health humor, expressing concern for a quirky middle school behavior.

Mental health memes depicting humorous ways to “fill the void,” including overeating, oversharing, and seeking online validation.

Person lying on a sunflower-patterned bed, staring at a phone, humorously addressing mental health challenges.

Man relaxing with a creature behind him, caption reads “Me and the voice in my head vibing after a long day,” mental health meme.

Mental health meme about feeling limited by the internet, real world, and one’s own mind.

Woman with green hair in car, reacting humorously to text about growing up in a mentally stable family. Mental health meme.

Knight with cloak stands on ledge with text “It is what it is” expressing mental health meme about anxiety.

Cat startled by nothing with “my anxiety” text, representing mental health meme.

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Cartoon woman by a vanity with the text: “Might cancel this whole healing thing and just listen to the voices.” Mental health meme.

A man in a suit grimacing with text about parenting struggles, related to mental health memes.

Tweet about wanting a routine from 10 PM to 6 AM, humorously wondering about needing surgery. Mental health meme theme.

Scientist holding a test tube labeled “Finally, Tripolar Disorder,” related to mental health memes.

Spongebob meme humorously expressing time distortion, related to mental health memes.

Ultrasound image with humorous text about mental health from a collection of memes.

A mental health meme discussing childhood experiences and praise kink.

Tweet humorously questioning attention disorders before the internet, referencing mental health memes.

A humorous mental health meme with a person joking about talking to themselves.

Cartoon character sitting on the floor, looking stressed with wide eyes, illustrating a mental health meme.

Characters reacting humorously to new emotions; mental health memes highlighting burnout.

Mental health meme about forgetting if you took your meds, humorously checking the pill bottle for familiarity.

Cartoon character with glasses smoking, captioned about predicting events, highlighting mental health memes.

Text meme about anxiety management with caffeine and emo music, highlighting mental health humor.

Bandage meme with text “You good bro?” humorously addressing mental health.

Collage of mental health service and hospital scenes with text: “girls trip who’s coming” illustrating mental health memes.

Two contrasting mental health memes: one person in anguish, one joyful after showering, on a bus.

Person with sunglasses at a cafe, contemplating life choices. Text overlay references mental health memes.

Text meme illustrating anxiety, showing a humorous dialogue about being ready to fight for mental health memes.

A mental health meme comparing cognitive behavioral therapy and positive gaslighting humorously.

Frog in a mirror with “you’re a star baby” text, illustrating a humorous mental health meme.

A person sits in a dark, medieval setting with the text “Relaxes stressfully,” highlighting mental health memes.

Cat in sunglasses and scarf sipping juice, with “One sided beef” text, humorously depicting mental health memes.

A funny mental health meme showing a woman ignoring another person in the background.

Woman looking concerned with caption about shared interests; mental health memes context.

Mental health meme about iced coffee providing temporary hope.

Guide for eating feelings using humorous mental health meme involving Klondike bars and a polar bear costume.

Silhouette facing flames with text overlay: “I may have overreacted.” Mental health meme.

Man in pink cap holding a microphone with text about feeling emotions; mental health memes related humor.

A humorous mental health meme showing a stressed creature in reaction to plans changing.

Mental health meme about feeling nervous around people without undereye bags.

Person in a car looking overwhelmed, as text humorously relates to mental health challenges of simple tasks.

Person humorously flying on a broomstick with the text “Psychiatrist upped my dose again,” illustrating a mental health meme.

Text meme expressing a mix of love and frustration, highlighting mental health humor.

Humorous mental health meme with text: “you should fight them - me as a therapist” on a black background.

A man lies in the snow, a mental health meme about made-up rules and self-reflection.

Child on a couch with text overlay about confusion, illustrating mental health meme humor.

Person in action pose with text overlay: “When I go nonverbal that’s the real me.” Mental health meme humor.

Two mismatched socks on a blue background, capturing mental health meme humor.

Side-by-side meme: classic romantic scene vs. raccoon wrapped in a red blanket. Mental health humor.

Tweet saying “I wish I could snort a line of stable mental health” as a humorous take on mental health memes.

Person in glamorous attire seated, showcasing mental health meme humor.

A cat with clown makeup captures the feeling of a long week, embodying mental health memes humor.

Cake with text humorously apologizing for being “weird” as part of mental health memes.

Emotional girl with text “girls on their birthday,” representing mental health meme humor.

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