Creating something with your own hands can be therapeutic. Even if the result is not what you expected or if you end up dismantling it all.But some people don’t need to dismantle anything; theircreativityflows into their work, resulting in masterpieces that should under no circumstances be destroyed. On the list below you can find some examples of such masterpieces, but there is a caveat – they all are somewhat…creepy. If you’re not scared of paintings that look like they can come alive at any second or spiders that are the size of your couch, scroll down to find the impressive pieces below and make sure to upvote your favorite ones.This post may includeaffiliate links.
Creating something with your own hands can be therapeutic. Even if the result is not what you expected or if you end up dismantling it all.
But some people don’t need to dismantle anything; theircreativityflows into their work, resulting in masterpieces that should under no circumstances be destroyed. On the list below you can find some examples of such masterpieces, but there is a caveat – they all are somewhat…creepy. If you’re not scared of paintings that look like they can come alive at any second or spiders that are the size of your couch, scroll down to find the impressive pieces below and make sure to upvote your favorite ones.
This post may includeaffiliate links.
The top three were announced today (I made top 3!) with the winner will be announced on Halloween. I worked SO hard on this monster, so although it doesn’t look like much in terms of decor, I really poured my heart into this piece. I’ve never crafted anything to this scale before (it’s approx 8 ft long) and I’m super proud of how she turned out. It took many hours and long nights to get her finished in time.
With the help of hypnagogia—the transitional state between wakefulness andsleep—Dr. Seli created a series of paintings based on the ideas he had during his semilucid moments. He also created another series based on creative ideas that came to him during his waking hours.He then asked his friends to rate both groups of paintings based on how creative they thought the pieces were (without telling them which were based on ideas from the dream-like state or the time he spent being awake). The judging panel deemed the hypnagogia-inspired paintings significantly more creative.“In dream states, we seem to be able to link things together that we normally wouldn’t connect,” the artist and scientist behind the experiment noted. “It’s like there’s an artist in my brain that I get to know through hypnagogia.”
With the help of hypnagogia—the transitional state between wakefulness andsleep—Dr. Seli created a series of paintings based on the ideas he had during his semilucid moments. He also created another series based on creative ideas that came to him during his waking hours.
He then asked his friends to rate both groups of paintings based on how creative they thought the pieces were (without telling them which were based on ideas from the dream-like state or the time he spent being awake). The judging panel deemed the hypnagogia-inspired paintings significantly more creative.
“In dream states, we seem to be able to link things together that we normally wouldn’t connect,” the artist and scientist behind the experiment noted. “It’s like there’s an artist in my brain that I get to know through hypnagogia.”
We needed a place to put our Christmas cookies. I used some scrap lumber to build him a weird skeleton attached to scrap-plywood base. I fleshed him out with last year’s used wrapping paper and some other garbage. I covered that with some layers of paper mache and sculpted him a face out of air dry clay. I covered his whole body in strips of white faux fur. I had to buy a bit of edge banding, $24 CAD of faux fur, and a few other craft supplies, but he’s mostly made of garbage!
While creativity is often linked with artwork and crafts, it can be applied in many different areas, both professionally and leisurely. APA points out that on an individual level, creativity can lead to personal fulfillment or be used for therapeutic purposes. Moreover, people seem to take pleasure in creative thoughts, even if they don’t consider themselves exceptionally creative.Sharing his two cents on the purpose and importance of creativity, Dr. Jonathan Schooler, a professor of psychological and brain sciences at the University of California, Santa Barbara, noted that creativity is at the core of innovation. “We rely on innovation for advancing humanity, as well as for pleasure and entertainment,” APA cited him saying. “Creativity underlies so much of what humans value.”
While creativity is often linked with artwork and crafts, it can be applied in many different areas, both professionally and leisurely. APA points out that on an individual level, creativity can lead to personal fulfillment or be used for therapeutic purposes. Moreover, people seem to take pleasure in creative thoughts, even if they don’t consider themselves exceptionally creative.
Sharing his two cents on the purpose and importance of creativity, Dr. Jonathan Schooler, a professor of psychological and brain sciences at the University of California, Santa Barbara, noted that creativity is at the core of innovation. “We rely on innovation for advancing humanity, as well as for pleasure and entertainment,” APA cited him saying. “Creativity underlies so much of what humans value.”
Did you know that based on who it is appointed to and what context it is used in, psychologists who study creativity divide it into two categories?A studyof the creative brain from 2020 explains it this way: “When we think about creativity, the arts often come to mind. Most people would agree that writers, painters, and actors are all creative. This is what psychologists who study the subject refer to as Big-C creativity: publicly-recognizable, professional-level performance. But what about creativity on a smaller scale? This is what researchers refer to as little-c creativity, and it is something that we all possess and express in our daily lives, from inventing new recipes to performing a do-it-yourself project to thinking of clever jokes to entertain the kids.”
Did you know that based on who it is appointed to and what context it is used in, psychologists who study creativity divide it into two categories?
A studyof the creative brain from 2020 explains it this way: “When we think about creativity, the arts often come to mind. Most people would agree that writers, painters, and actors are all creative. This is what psychologists who study the subject refer to as Big-C creativity: publicly-recognizable, professional-level performance. But what about creativity on a smaller scale? This is what researchers refer to as little-c creativity, and it is something that we all possess and express in our daily lives, from inventing new recipes to performing a do-it-yourself project to thinking of clever jokes to entertain the kids.”
Make entirely of cotton velvet and leather. He’s got a kiss clasp mouth and two full body compartments either side. Also tiny leg pockets. He loves to carry your things. His velvet mouth most enjoys eyeglasses and other fragile scratchable things.
Having a creative mind is important not only when it comes to artwork—be it professional or not—or dressing yourself; it can also play a significant role at work. As a matter of fact,according toForbes, as much as 70% of employers considered creative thinking to be the most in-demand skill in 2024. Who says that you can’t show off your creativity using Microsoft Excel?
Whether you use your creativity at work, in your kitchen, getting dressed, using Excel, or painting houses or canvases—it’s important that you keep training your creativity muscle. And, if you feel like you’re lacking inspiration, continue to Bored Panda’sart categorynext for more impressive pieces made with creative people’s hands.
Handmade with polymer clay, painted with chalk pastels and varnished with matte lacquer.
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One of the most captivating aspects of creativity is how it surfaces in unexpected ways, much like how custom face masks have sparked an entire conversation on design and personal expression. This notion is vividly illustrated in the intriguing world of personalized items, which remind us that creativity knows no bounds.For an amusing take on customization, you might want to look into someunpredictable resultsthat can often come from these creative endeavors.
One of the most captivating aspects of creativity is how it surfaces in unexpected ways, much like how custom face masks have sparked an entire conversation on design and personal expression. This notion is vividly illustrated in the intriguing world of personalized items, which remind us that creativity knows no bounds.
For an amusing take on customization, you might want to look into someunpredictable resultsthat can often come from these creative endeavors.
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