Usually, we’re used to seeingkidsas innocent human beings who can do no wrong. Until you see them in a horror movie and get creeped out.What if we told you that sometimes kids are no less eerie in real life than in the movies? Well, at least those who go around saying kind of creepy things. Don’t believe us? Then, check out this list full of examples, and then tell us whether you think horror movie kids or real-life ones are scarier.This post may includeaffiliate links.

Usually, we’re used to seeingkidsas innocent human beings who can do no wrong. Until you see them in a horror movie and get creeped out.

What if we told you that sometimes kids are no less eerie in real life than in the movies? Well, at least those who go around saying kind of creepy things. Don’t believe us? Then, check out this list full of examples, and then tell us whether you think horror movie kids or real-life ones are scarier.

This post may includeaffiliate links.

When my mum was dying ( at home), my then 4 year old said, " don’t be worried, all those people are here to keep her company".There was nobody there.Shortly after, my mother began talking to very long dead relatives and friends.She died the next day.

Crowd of people gathered together, seen from above, in a public space during an event.


My son when he was 4-5. He was just learning about money, making change so he liked having money in his pocket etc. He is shaking some loose change in his pocket. He kinda went into a hypnotic state, his eyes glazed over a with past memory and he says, man this life is way better than that time I froze to death. 😳.

Child counting coins on a table with an open wallet nearby.

My 12 year old niece, after recovering from her third bout of cancer, reacting to a clean scan 3 months later:“I dont even care anymore, im tired"i cried for a week, a 12 year old who has given up the will to fight for her life….

Person in a gray sweater adjusting a polka dot headscarf, standing in front of a mirror, possibly feeling reflective or anxious.

If you like to watch horror movies at least occasionally, it’s quite likely that you have seen a movie or several with children being creepy. We meanmovieslikeOrphan,The Bad Seed,Insidious,orThe Shining, whosescenewith the creepy twins remains apop culturestaple decades after the film’s premiere.

Not creepy but interesting. My son told me before he was in my belly , he was in the sky and saw me from above and chose me as his mom.

A joyful child in a green shirt being tossed in the air, surrounded by lush green trees.

My daughter had night terrors for a while when she was about 4 or 5 years old. It would appear like she was wide awake but she wasn’t. One night I was trying to comfort her - she had just been screaming and screaming - she paused for a second, tilted her head to one side and said, “That’s not your eye, mummy. Take it off. Take it off now.” She then launched herself at me and tried clawing at my eye. Moments later she slumped down and went back to ‘normal’ sleep.

Child sitting on a wooden bench in pajamas, with parents blurred in the background, embodying creepy things kids say theme.

When my nephew was three years old, he stayed overnight at my place for the first time and as I was tucking him in, I asked if he wanted to cuddle for a little bit before bed and he said “no, the people in the walls don’t like you”. I finished tucking him in and kissed him goodnight. Took everything in me not to sprint out of the room😅.

Colorful blocks with cartoon eyes, resembling a playful yet eerie design, symbolizing creepy things kids might say.

There’s also a fear of failed parenthood, which is especially strong in those who are alreadyparents. When you have a child, you’re basically making a mini version of yourself, in a way, the embodiment of yourimmortality, so it’s natural to fear that they might turn out not to be such a good person in the end. And when the movies show you examples of it, this fear might be amplified, even if subconsciously.

My brother was 4 years old and started talking about his old family in detail describing mid to late 1800s England he was born in Flagstaff Arizona in 1990.

A young child in a striped shirt looks thoughtful, sitting indoors with sunlight streaming in.

A mother cuddles her smiling child on a cozy couch, showcasing the bond between them.

My sibling told me they remembered being older and that they frequently visited a specific beach when they were much older. I kept trying to correct them but they were adamant they used to have a different life. They don’t remember saying it now.

People in trench coats standing on a beach, evoking a mysterious and eerie atmosphere.

The scariness of kids canalsohave to do with the fact that most of us don’t have really concise memories of this period of life, as our brains are onlydevelopingat this time. This is what separates the adult world from the childhood one. That means that an adult simply cannot fully understand a child, and theunknownis one of the main sources of human fear.The difference between adults' and children’s brains not only provides good villains forhorror movies, but also creates interesting life situations. For example, when a child says something so out of pocket that an adult is left speechless. And sometimes these things they say are rather creepy.

The scariness of kids canalsohave to do with the fact that most of us don’t have really concise memories of this period of life, as our brains are onlydevelopingat this time. This is what separates the adult world from the childhood one. That means that an adult simply cannot fully understand a child, and theunknownis one of the main sources of human fear.

The difference between adults' and children’s brains not only provides good villains forhorror movies, but also creates interesting life situations. For example, when a child says something so out of pocket that an adult is left speechless. And sometimes these things they say are rather creepy.

A child playing on wooden steps with a mural in the background, next to a smiling woman observing, creating a playful scene.

Baseball player swinging bat under stadium lights, with catcher ready to catch the ball, represents stories of trauma.

My brother said to Mum when he was about 4 I don’t belong in this world creeped my mum out.

A young boy in a suit stands in a dimly lit passage, adjusting his bow tie, with a serious expression.

While some of these stories are a little creepy in an enjoyable way, like a kid telling stories about his family from apast life, others are actually disturbing. We’re going to leave you to check them out yourself, as we don’t want to be those jerks who spoil too many things for others.

When she was around 4 years old, my daughter woke up, looked at me and said, “why did they zip me up in the big black bag?” I said “what bag?” She said “i couldn’t move and they put me in a big black bag and zipped it up.“She’s now 18 and still has the same recurring dream about being zipped up in a body bag.Edit to save time: i know for a fact she wasn’t talking about a sleeping bag.

Close-up of dual zippers on fabric, suggesting eerie or creepy vibe.

Night before a work trip/flight, my 4 yr old daughter sitting in the back seat of our car calmly says, daddy if you get on a plane, it will crash. The way she said it was incredibly casual, distant, and factual sounding. Raised hairs on both mine and wife’s neck. Now… the truly creepy part was this was a last minute trip I booked the day before. We didn’t tell her I was flying anywhere / had planned to tell her later that night.Got on the plane anyway. Here I am… dead.Just kidding. But for real, she’s 14 now and this still creeps me out. I asked her recently if she remembers saying it, she says no.

Airplane flying under a clear sky, related to stories of creepy things kids say.

When my son was about 2 he would repeatedly ask me where his green motorbike was. He would point at motorcycles when out in the car and tell me he used to ride a green one “like that one, mummy.” He said he was grown up too but I didn’t press him on it and he eventually appears to have forgotten..

Green motorcycle parked in a wooded area, representing stories of creepy things kids say.

When my son was 4 or 5 he asked where my Daddy was. I told him he was not here because he died. He thought a moment and asked when people die. I told him hopefully after a long meaningful life. He looked at me dead in the eye and said, no, you’ll die when you’re 40, sorry Daddy. He ran off to play. I’m now 38 and really really hoping I don’t die at 40…

A child in a gray hoodie cuddling with a woman on a sofa, representing creepy things kids say themes.

Was in my teens and my friend and I were playing with a ouija board while home alone. We’d talked “to a little boy” who had “died in a fire” etc etc. Just teenagers trying to scare themselves. Anyway we stopped after a bit and about an hour later my parents and sister (maybe 6 at the time) came back. We were still upstairs when my sister comes in the room and asks “who is that little boy in the corner?“Never played with a ouija board again.

I was driving my little brother and his friend home, and the kid, age like 6, said, " Ahh, the Hotel Edison…where people go to die.” I was like 😳😳 bc there were more than a few [people took their own lives] there. But like…why would he know that??

Building with an Edison sign against a bright blue sky, showcasing unique architecture and design elements.

Child in a striped shirt eating noodles with chopsticks, showcasing the innocence often preceding creepy things kids might say.

My son has been saying he has an old dad, who died. Then he starts crying. It’s when he’s really tired.

Elderly man kneeling and smiling at a child in a striped hoodie outdoors, capturing a moment of connection.

See Also on Bored Panda

My niece was maybe 3/4 at the time and we were watching a movie and the girl had purple eyes and she said she wanted her eyes and I told “she wouldn’t be able to have her eyes”. She said “sure I can, just cut them out..” it got awkward and we all just started laughing and I explained to her why you can’t do that.

Close-up of a person’s eye illuminated with pink and blue light, conveying a haunting and eerie atmosphere.

Child playing with colorful blocks on a carpet, engaged in creative activity.

My mom said when I was a kid I ran to her, terrified and said “the devil is in our carpet” I have no recollection of this. In my opinion, that’s funny as hell but my mother did not enjoy it.

Two children standing on a patterned carpet, wearing white socks and black shoes, evoking a creepy atmosphere.

I was holding my son whilst standing at the bottom of the stairs. He was very young and only really just starting to learn how to speak. Suddenly he looks up the stairs as if he’d seen someone. I ask him who it is and he said, clear as day, “he says he’s daddy”.

A child sitting on stairs next to an adult, holding a toy, with an orange wall in the background, conveying innocence and curiosity.

My possibly autistic 4 year old niece"I hate you. I’m gonna peel your skin off when you sleep…. like an orange"Edit: Thank you for all the up votes so far, may i just be clear and mention that at the time she couldn’t and still can’t peel oranges nicely?Theres a lot of digging her nails into it, and pulling of the tiniest bits each time, if she was to somehow manage in peeling my skin off, I dunno what would be worse, the peeling it’self or the way she does it..

Hands peeling an orange, emphasizing childhood innocence.

My friends older sister, when she was a small child was playing with an imaginary friend, when her mom asked who she was playing with she said “Roderick”.That was the name of the old man who died in their house before they moved in.This sister has continued to have sttrrraaaange things happen around her.

When my daughter was 3-4 she said a couple of weird things. One night when I was tucking her in she suddenly looked past me staring at the doorway and stopped talking. I tried to get her attention but she was completely distracted. I turned to look thinking a sibling or my wife had walked in but nobody was there. I asked her what she was looking at and she said “the old Indian lady”.I went into her room to check on her on a different night at a time she should have been asleep. All was quiet so I went over to tuck her in and her eyes were wide open. She didn’t respond to my approach so I asked her what she was looking at and she said “the big eye”.

Elderly woman smiling beside an orange wall adorned with vibrant flowers.

I was watering my neighbours plants in their yard while they were away on vacation. The downstairs tenants had 2 small children maybe 3 and 5. They came outside and asked what I was doing. I explained that I was watering the plants so they wouldn’t die. The youngest kid looked at me and said’i wish I was gonna die’Then they both skipped away to do whatever. My sister and I looked at eachother like ‘wtf just happened’.

Child in overalls sitting on grass, smelling white flowers in a garden.

4am, my toddler leaning over my face. I thought she was leaning in for a kiss… nope. “MAMA. I want to … I want to …” Yes honey what do you want“I want to eat your eyes”.Upon further questioning, she clarified she wanted “just a taste because eyes are salty”, and that she intended to use a spoon for them.

A person with curly hair holding a blue and white eyeball candy in their mouth, capturing a creepy moment.

My 4 year old has a hard time falling asleep each night. I asked her why and she said it was because she saw the shadow man come out of my room. 😳.

One of my nephews would in the most deadpan way say “I’ll cut you like a chicken” when he was young. You wanted to laugh but if you knew my sister (his mother)…..

Carving a roast chicken on a dining table with accompanying sides; evokes a warm, festive setting.

Not creepy but after my grandma died, one day we were driving past the funeral home and my 5 year old said “mommy don’t cry, she’s not there, she’s with Jesus”.

Religious painting in a dimly lit church, surrounded by statues and dramatic lighting, conveying a potentially creepy aura.

My son for a short while would say hi and start talking in the direction of the window in the bedroom at night. He said he was talking to the man out the window… we also live on the second floor…….. Luckily thus was short lived.A more fun instance. He used his play kitchen to cook me food. he brought it over all happy, then when I grabbed the bowl he whispered “it’s dangerous” then happily ran off to play.

I was with my 7-year-old cousin and she had told me if i knew where my 12 or 13-year-old cousin was (He had died at an early age) I didn’t know what to say to her and i told her “I think he is at his home” she sees me confused and told me “What are you saying? i just saw him in the house upstairs” I did not know what to say to her and i just talked about something else.

My child telling me she saw me in her room or in the backyard when I know I wasn’t there.

Person in black coat holding a flower in a lush, green cemetery.

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