Love isn’t always about grand gestures. Sometimes even small acts of kindness can be enough to make people feel seen, heard, and appreciated, especially when the timing couldn’t be any better.Someone asked theinternetwhat action made them go, “Wow, this person really loves me”, and netizens were only too happy to share the magical moments of love they’ve experienced in their lives, both platonic and romantic. Here are some of our faves.More info:RedditThis post may includeaffiliate links.
Love isn’t always about grand gestures. Sometimes even small acts of kindness can be enough to make people feel seen, heard, and appreciated, especially when the timing couldn’t be any better.
Someone asked theinternetwhat action made them go, “Wow, this person really loves me”, and netizens were only too happy to share the magical moments of love they’ve experienced in their lives, both platonic and romantic. Here are some of our faves.
More info:Reddit
This post may includeaffiliate links.
Had a super early train ride at 6 am, when I got to the station I realized I forgot my anti depressants and knew I would be having withdrawals all Christmas without them, I called my roommate as a last ditch effort and asked if he could bring them to me at the train station, he literally got up at 5:40 am and brought them to me no questions askedWe’re still best friends even though we don’t live with one another.
60M happily married for 30 years…there are so many but the biggest one. She comes back from a girls night out and proceeds to tell me all the S**T the other ladies say about their husbands. I say, “Geez, I wonder what you say about me?".She replies, " I will never talk bad about you to others because it is you and me against the world”.A friend of hers later confirmed that there was nothing they could do to get her to talk trash about me,….. even tho I know she could haveThat was over 20 years ago and I still think of that often….and had no idea how safe and loved it would make me feel to this day.
Love has been a centralthemesince ancient times, often intertwined with mythology and power. In ancient Egypt, Cleopatra and Mark Antony’s tragichistoricalromance symbolized passion and political intrigue. In Greek mythology, gods and mortals experienced love’s e*****y and turmoil—think of Orpheus descending into the underworld for Eurydice.The Middle Ages introducedcourtlylove, where knights performed extravagant deeds for noblewomen. Poems, jousts, and secret rendezvous were all the rage. The legendary Tristan and Isolde told of star-crossed lovers, while Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales explored medieval romanticrelationships.
Love has been a centralthemesince ancient times, often intertwined with mythology and power. In ancient Egypt, Cleopatra and Mark Antony’s tragichistoricalromance symbolized passion and political intrigue. In Greek mythology, gods and mortals experienced love’s e*****y and turmoil—think of Orpheus descending into the underworld for Eurydice.
The Middle Ages introducedcourtlylove, where knights performed extravagant deeds for noblewomen. Poems, jousts, and secret rendezvous were all the rage. The legendary Tristan and Isolde told of star-crossed lovers, while Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales explored medieval romanticrelationships.
Not a relationship but my group of friends. I had been in a bad relationship for a couple of years, she was very abusive. I finally cut it off and she lots her mind and got really physical. EVERY SINGLE one of my friends (6 guys) left work rented a moving truck, moved me out and let me crash on their couch while I figured things out. There was only love and support from them and I would not have made it without them.When I tried to give them money or buy pizza as a thank you they told me that all they cared about was that I was safe now. I love all those guys like family.
My mom doesn’t like touch, she doesn’t ever hug me voluntarily. Shes a good mom, I think she just has some trauma from childhood related to touch so shes never been physically affectionate to anyone. My dad however was super physically affectionate and hugged me all the time, so I got used to it from him. When he died unexpectedly two years ago, my mom and stepdad drove 16 hours to attend the funeral. I ran out of the funeral crying seeing my dad in the casket and my mom came after me, and stood next to me while I sobbed in a chair and held me the entire time I cried. I realized then that despite her lack of physical affection, that woman loves me with all her heart and was willing to put her comfortability aside to comfort me the way I needed.
The only person who reached out to wish me a happy “soberversary” besides my group chat (where one friend remembers and the rest likely jump on board) was my brother in law. I f*****g love him. He’s such a caring and special human.This was year 7 and I moved into the house I closed on a week prior. This was a big one. I’ve gotten a masters, met my now wife, bought my car outright, moved across the country, rescued a dog and now closed on a house. The odds of achieving this “normal” life were damn near 0.He’ll always reach out to tell me he’s proud of me and it’s just so appreciated. Thanks Phil.
Bored Pandareached out to pop culture expertMike Singtonto ask him some questions about romance and reality.
He went on to add, “Through movies, music, and social media, we’re often shown “perfect” relationships, leading to potentially unrealistic standards. While this can add a sense of magic and excitement to the idea of romance, it can also create disillusionment when real-life relationships don’t mirror these flawless portrayals.”
Right after we started dating, she once called me from London after being away for weeks on a school trip. She spent what was at that time a fortune in long distance charges just to tell me she loved me, missed me, and wanted to hear me say I still loved her. Made my day.She also told me once, “I would rather do nothing with you than something with someone else.”We’ve been married for almost 42 years.
I had a stroke in October.I’m in Australia. My ex wife lives in China.She was at my bedside in the hospital within 2 days.
I fell at work and broke 3 bones in my hand, hand to have surgery to repair them. A day or two after my surgery, my then girlfriend (now wife) went out to do our weekly shopping, and she came home with three new pairs of basketball shorts for me (since I had trouble putting on regular shorts at the time.)I actually burst into tears when she gave them to me.
We asked Sington which actor today best embodies the classic ideals of romance, and this was his answer, “As classic romance evolves, I’ve identified two actors that evoke the timeless charm that leads to Hollywood heartthrob status.““Oscar Isaac possesses a certain suave intensity, capable of both vulnerability and commanding presence. He can project a depth of emotion reminiscent of classic romantic leads. Also, Regé-Jean Page has shown a capacity for both charm, in addition to having a very classic romantic leading man look,” Sington concludes.
We asked Sington which actor today best embodies the classic ideals of romance, and this was his answer, “As classic romance evolves, I’ve identified two actors that evoke the timeless charm that leads to Hollywood heartthrob status.”
“Oscar Isaac possesses a certain suave intensity, capable of both vulnerability and commanding presence. He can project a depth of emotion reminiscent of classic romantic leads. Also, Regé-Jean Page has shown a capacity for both charm, in addition to having a very classic romantic leading man look,” Sington concludes.
My dad donated one of his kidneys to me. I knew already that he loves me, but that was a good sign.
TW: Pretty DisgustingI had this abscess on the side of my face around 2006 and I was on a waiting list to get it fixed. Needed an actual surgery with local to cut all the bad stuff out.It used to build up and burst and get puss everywhere. I would wake up with it on my pillow.Not only did she not leave me, she would help me clean it out sometimes.Not exactly romantic but you know someone loves you when they stick with you through something like that.
I had surgery and couldn’t really do anything on my own for the first week afterwards. As much as I hated the fact that my gf had to take care of me as if I was a small child, I realized that she must really love me if she’s willing to put up with this.
The Renaissance saw a veritable explosion of love in literature. Shakespeare gave us Romeo and Juliet, Much Ado About Nothing, and Sonnet 18 (“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”).Artflourished too—Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus embodied beauty and love.The Romantic era of the 18th and 19th centuries idealized love’s intensity and suffering. Literature thrived with novels like Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights. Grand gestures included love letters,poetryand even duels over lovers. In music, composers like Beethoven dedicated symphonies to lovers (Für Elise).
The Renaissance saw a veritable explosion of love in literature. Shakespeare gave us Romeo and Juliet, Much Ado About Nothing, and Sonnet 18 (“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”).Artflourished too—Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus embodied beauty and love.
The Romantic era of the 18th and 19th centuries idealized love’s intensity and suffering. Literature thrived with novels like Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights. Grand gestures included love letters,poetryand even duels over lovers. In music, composers like Beethoven dedicated symphonies to lovers (Für Elise).
When my sister beat the hell out of a guy that was bullying me,not lying either,she’s pretty big at 5,8 150lb(or more)and has done mma for a few years with a black belt in bjj.she put him into a fireman’s carry and slammed him down hard as f**k before knocking him out with three punches.
My cat a lot of times she’ll lay on me and just refuse to get up when I first got her I got her a cat bed but she never used it she’d rather lay on me.
I found out my husband had been removing the hair from our shower drain for years without saying a word.
Come the 20th century, Hollywood’s Golden Age gave us Cary Grant, Humphrey Bogart, and Audrey Hepburn, definingcinematicromance. Classic films like Casablanca, Gone with the Wind, and Breakfast at Tiffany’s shaped romantic ideals. Meanwhile, love music took off with Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, and later, The Beatles - All You Need Is Love, anyone?Today, love is broadcast worldwide—from viral wedding proposals to pop culture influencing modern day romance.Filmslike The Notebook and Titanic continue the epic love story tradition people have come to adore. Celebrities like Ryan Gosling, Julia Roberts, and Timothée Chalamet carry on the romantic lead legacy, while in music, Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, and Adele dominate contemporary love anthems.
Come the 20th century, Hollywood’s Golden Age gave us Cary Grant, Humphrey Bogart, and Audrey Hepburn, definingcinematicromance. Classic films like Casablanca, Gone with the Wind, and Breakfast at Tiffany’s shaped romantic ideals. Meanwhile, love music took off with Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, and later, The Beatles - All You Need Is Love, anyone?
Today, love is broadcast worldwide—from viral wedding proposals to pop culture influencing modern day romance.Filmslike The Notebook and Titanic continue the epic love story tradition people have come to adore. Celebrities like Ryan Gosling, Julia Roberts, and Timothée Chalamet carry on the romantic lead legacy, while in music, Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, and Adele dominate contemporary love anthems.
When she left a friend group with me. The group was her friend group originally and I had joined later. some dude in the group crossed a boundary with me involving some personal documents, and everyone else defended him but her. Even my two childhood best friends weren’t there for me and she was? We had just been talking for a couple of months too, but man, this woman loved me, enough to leave with me cause she just knew, I’m better than that lot.
My wife, before we got married flew half way around the world with my daughter to make sure I didn’t spend my birthday alone.
See Also on Bored Panda
When we were first dating, she found out that I didn’t have a bedspread/comforter, so a few days later she gave me one, that she sewed herself. On our second date, she gave me a piece of fossilized dinosaur poop (coprolite, she was a rock collector). On our honeymoon, she surprised me with a side trip where I got to drive a tank (at one of those adventure type parks).
My niece probably, I’ve no kids or wife (Should really get around to it), but generally im that favorite uncle type. We are not actually related biologically, but I’ve been in her life since day 1. She’ll randomly text me just to ask how I am and say she loves me. Always at the right time, too, on s**t days or mornings, birthdays, Xmas, I’ll always hear from her. I’ve a lot of close friends who do the same or similar tbh, now that I think of it. That was just first to come to mind.
We woke up around noon at her place on a Saturday and she said, “Let’s just order pizza and stay in bed all day.” I knew right then.
Dr. Gary Chapman’s book “The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts” describes the five different ways people express and receive love. According to Chapman, words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch are all ways people receive and expresslove.Understanding your own and your loved ones’ love languages helps create stronger, more fulfilling, and lasting relationships. People often express love the way they want to receive it—but learning what your partner, friend, or family member needs can make all the difference.
Dr. Gary Chapman’s book “The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts” describes the five different ways people express and receive love. According to Chapman, words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch are all ways people receive and expresslove.
Understanding your own and your loved ones’ love languages helps create stronger, more fulfilling, and lasting relationships. People often express love the way they want to receive it—but learning what your partner, friend, or family member needs can make all the difference.
I spilled a water cup in her purse on the back of the train. I was fully expecting to be cursed out and practically started crying, but she took notice and immediately soothed me, explaining that this was a little accident and that she wasn’t mad at me for it.Completely changed the way I saw her. Now I value a woman who is gentle and kind.
Married 32 years. My wife and I were “dating” for only a couple of months. I asked her if she would move out of state with me. She said she would, if we got married. We had never discussed marriage before. She left her recently widowed mother behind and moved with me 800 miles to basically a foreign country, from the Midwest to the deep south. She quit a job she loved to be unemployed, at least for a little while. The incredible leap of faith she took could only mean she loved me.
My mom was dying in the hospital and my girlfriend at the time was very supportive, she cried for me and then one night she flashed her breasts at me and it made me laugh and lifted me out of my grief for a moment.
My current gf isnt charging me rent and instead is quite content to help me look while I take on more of the domestic duties as well as the handyman stuff I already do.She is my rock and Im so f*****g grateful to her, for her, of her.She literally met me at my lowest and still saw something.
Our ideas of love are constantly evolving as the world becomes more hyperconnected and cultures continue to blend at breakneck speed. Social media and dating apps have made it easier than ever to search for your Romeo or Juliet, but finding the right one can still be complicated. Such is the way of crazy, stupid love.Which gestures of love in this list stood out to you the most? Upvote your favorites and don’t forget to leave a comment on the ones that made you swoon!
Our ideas of love are constantly evolving as the world becomes more hyperconnected and cultures continue to blend at breakneck speed. Social media and dating apps have made it easier than ever to search for your Romeo or Juliet, but finding the right one can still be complicated. Such is the way of crazy, stupid love.
Which gestures of love in this list stood out to you the most? Upvote your favorites and don’t forget to leave a comment on the ones that made you swoon!
Accepted me as I am after I came out as transgender.
My ex… I was late for the bus and ran to try to get there on time. It rained heavily… and from the up/down movement from running my AirPods fell from my pocket. Ofc they exploded all over the place, on near the case and the other one impossible to find. I thought it fell in the sewer (there were leaves down there so I removed the cover and went looking for it). Around half an hour later she calls me to check if I made it on time. I tell her the story, and in 5 minutes she is there with an umbrella, scarf and a towel. Mind you this was like after out third date and first time I was at her place. The airpod was literally 10m down the road in a drainage channel.
Let’s see, there was the time I got emergency shoulder surgery that put me on my a*s for almost 6 months - she lived an hour away and made it a point to be with me almost daily.But how I know she really loves me, is if there’s something I spot, that I really like, but don’t need, somehow it ends up on the doorstep. She’s always paying attention to what I like.
When they forgave me when I could not.
I was dancing and singing to a live cover of “Twist and Shout” and he gave the most loving look. He drove me to my city (3 hours aways from his) because my ride left me hanging there, left me in front of my house and drove another 3 hours to his city. He insisted on taking me on a romantic trip to eat fondue and drink red wine even though he was unemployed. It was magical. He constantly gives me flowers. We already settled where we want to get married and he openly talks about it. The list goes on. I love this man so much and I’m so lucky it’s reciprocal.
They were sad they didn’t get to see my first reaction to a new song from an artist we both liked.
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