It can be a disconcerting realization when it finally clicks that we spend a third of our lives asleep, but what about the just as relevant fact that we also spend a third of our lives, give or take some years,at work? So it shouldn’t surprise anyone that humans can and will make this into online content.

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RELATED:Anyone who has had a sub-part boss and manager has probably realized just how much someone’s delusions can (and will) causeheadachesfor the folks actually trying to get work done at the end of the day. Rules, regulations and unrealistic expectations can all come together to very literally harm how a company operates. So this begs the question, why are the people at the top sometimes useless?Canadian educator Laurence J. Peter had a theory that this is, unfortunately, somewhatinevitable. In short, people are, justifiably, promoted based on results and seniority. However, it doesn’t take an expert to see how the skills of, say, a good salesperson won’t necessarily translate to management.If you’ve watchedthe Office, you’ll recognize this principle immediately. Another key point is that once a person reaches the “ceiling” of their competence, they no longer generate the results needed to move on to the next level. This means the least effective folks sit and stagnate in sometimes important positions foryears.Of course, an important point is that these managers often don’t quite know that they are incompetent. Sometimes they are so removed from the reality of the work that they come up with, frankly, hairbrained schemes and ideas that the employees have to suffer through. Indeed, one of the rare ways change might happen is when a lot ofworkersdecide that, ultimately, enough is enough.Continue reading with Bored Panda PremiumUnlimited contentAd-free browsingDark modeSubscribe nowAlready a subscriber?Sign InSee Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored Panda

“Relatable meme highlighting job loyalty and pay, featuring Morgan Rainey. Loyalty not rewarded as per Forbes study."


Tweet from Humorous Resources about job goals, emphasizing a focus on maintaining employment for living expenses and personal fulfillment.

Humorous meme about starting a new business, offering sarcastic LinkedIn comments on annoying coworkers' posts for $5/month.

Anyone who has had a sub-part boss and manager has probably realized just how much someone’s delusions can (and will) causeheadachesfor the folks actually trying to get work done at the end of the day. Rules, regulations and unrealistic expectations can all come together to very literally harm how a company operates. So this begs the question, why are the people at the top sometimes useless?Canadian educator Laurence J. Peter had a theory that this is, unfortunately, somewhatinevitable. In short, people are, justifiably, promoted based on results and seniority. However, it doesn’t take an expert to see how the skills of, say, a good salesperson won’t necessarily translate to management.

Anyone who has had a sub-part boss and manager has probably realized just how much someone’s delusions can (and will) causeheadachesfor the folks actually trying to get work done at the end of the day. Rules, regulations and unrealistic expectations can all come together to very literally harm how a company operates. So this begs the question, why are the people at the top sometimes useless?

Canadian educator Laurence J. Peter had a theory that this is, unfortunately, somewhatinevitable. In short, people are, justifiably, promoted based on results and seniority. However, it doesn’t take an expert to see how the skills of, say, a good salesperson won’t necessarily translate to management.

Humorous Resources meme about a stressed coworker not returning after a walk outside as advised by the boss.

Tweet meme about struggling to work steadily, highlighting hyperworkmode and avoidance, from Humorous Resources.

Relatable memes: A tweet about leaving work slightly early and receiving a boss’s email about it as the start of a villain origin story.

If you’ve watchedthe Office, you’ll recognize this principle immediately. Another key point is that once a person reaches the “ceiling” of their competence, they no longer generate the results needed to move on to the next level. This means the least effective folks sit and stagnate in sometimes important positions foryears.

Humorous Resources meme about an employee secretly reading complaint box dramas at work.

Humorous Resources meme: person seeks a finance man, aged 94, poor health, no relatives.

Humorous resources meme featuring a cat chewing an electrical cord with the caption about needing more than coffee.

Of course, an important point is that these managers often don’t quite know that they are incompetent. Sometimes they are so removed from the reality of the work that they come up with, frankly, hairbrained schemes and ideas that the employees have to suffer through. Indeed, one of the rare ways change might happen is when a lot ofworkersdecide that, ultimately, enough is enough.

Text meme about corporate jargon, featuring phrases like “circle back” and “move the needle” from Humorous Resources.

Relatable meme about workplace communication and a calendar invite from a boss, showcasing humorous resources.

Humorous resources meme with a sign displaying “0% Interest,” reflecting a lack of enthusiasm at work this week.

Muppet character looking frazzled in a humorous remote work meme, wearing a white shirt with wild red hair.

Relatable meme about the reality of a 9-5 job after college, expressing feelings of disappointment and humor.

Humorous resources meme showing a green creature under a table after a virtual meeting.

A possum angrily reacting at a desk, next to a keyboard and phone, portraying work memes from Humorous Resources.

Email screenshot with humorous memo declaring Monday a holiday, shared by “Best boss ever."

Relatable meme about the struggle of balancing work and leisure from Humorous Resources.

Cartoon character waking up for work, puppy sleeping, relatable memes humor.

Humorous meme about preferring interactions with loved ones over a coworker named Denise from finance.

Humorous Resources meme about pretending to work, referencing a famous Eminem song.

Humorous Resources meme about sarcastically replying to work emails.

A humorous resources meme about feeling unproductive but aware of it, posted by user chase.

Humorous meme about a job interview response, highlighting relatable workplace humor.

Humorous Resources meme about responding to work emails with humor.

Close-up of a character’s skeptical expression, showcasing relatable humorous resources in a meme about using PTO.

Meme text asks if meeting contributions are genuine or performative, showcasing humorous office resources.

Humorous meme about the short length of weekends.

Humorous Resources meme: A mistaken text meant for a manager leads to granting an unexpected day off.

Humorous Resources meme about adding a day between Sunday and Monday.

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Humorous Resources meme about office life, highlighting relatable feelings and social media engagement.

Humorous Resources meme about burnout repeated multiple times, highlighting the persistent nature of work stress.

Text meme from ‘Humorous Resources’ about weekend chores recharging for the workweek.

Humorous resources meme about avoiding colleagues by pretending to have a twin.

Humorous resources meme about working in food or retail and understanding stupidity.

Cartoon character sitting by door, humorously pondering retirement instead of working.

Tweet by Evan humorously commenting on working lifestyle with stimulants.

Text meme from ‘Humorous Resources’: Daughter asks about coworkers called clowns on Take Your Child to Work Day.

Woman in sparkly outfit at crowded event, capturing a relatable meme moment.

Meme depicting a humorous resources reference with a tired alien image, captioned about employee well-being.

Humorous Resources meme about calling out sick, referencing a stomach ache at work.

Humorous Resources meme showing a simple resume stating, “This will be my first job."

Humorous Resources meme about the pitfalls of excelling at your day job.

Humorous meme about preferring emails over calls in a work setting.

Hello Kitty meme at work, sitting at a desk with fire in the background, humorously depicting chaos during December.

Character making a humorous face at a staff meeting, captured in a relatable meme style.

Humorous Resources meme about work-life contrast with natural wonders like aurora borealis and waterfalls.

Humorous meme text about getting skinny from complaining about colleagues, by Humans of Corporate.

A humorous meme captioned “Today I’m going to give it my almost” from Humorous Resources.

View from the inside of a can showing a smiling face, with text about adult beverages, from Humorous Resources memes.

Humorous meme showing packaged chicken labeled as raised in stress-free environments, highlighting relatable humor.

Humorous resources meme about achieving life-work balance by panicking equally about both.

Text image from Humorous Resources, saying it’s just the 3rd week of January and everyone’s already at their limit.

Homer Simpson meme from Humorous Resources sitting in an airport with a red suitcase, reflecting work-related humor.

Text meme with humor about being ready for lottery plans, thanking for a job in an amusing way.

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Meme about enjoying phone time in bed after work; relatable humor from Humorous Resources.

Text meme about weekends ending quickly, reflecting relatable humor from ‘Humorous Resources’.

Relatable meme describing a haunted house as a room of people asking for fun facts about yourself.

Humorous resources meme about going home at 5:00 PM in groups.

Humorous Resources meme about early 2000s fashion and coworkers.

Text meme about AI and work tasks, shared by ConsultingHumor.

Pizza boxes with meme text: “Senior leadership when it comes to compensating employees,” highlighting relatable humor.

Text message meme showing a calculator response to a boss asking about being late to work, humorous resources theme.

Tweet text: “why is Saturday over in 7 mins and Sunday in 4 minutes but Monday is 84 months long?” from Humorous Resources memes.

Meme text: “Are u okay?” No it’s literally Monday every 15 minutes.

Person lying in bed, looking concerned, with humorous text about alarm and absences. Relatable memes theme.

Tired-looking person with text about feeling refreshed; humorous resources meme.

Doll with messy hair and smeared makeup humorously depicts midweek work exhaustion.

Person sitting on a burning couch, meme text about work. Humorous Resources relatable meme.

Tweet from Delaun A humorously questioning an EOD deadline, aligning with relatable memes.

Man in icy water, contemplating life with a relatable meme text about needing a job, from ‘Humorous Resources’.

Humorous meme about corporate communication, featuring an unsaid rule about questions and implied responses.

Humorous Resources meme about the reality of email jobs, shared by user @vermont_morgan.

Humorous Resources meme: people enjoying life while someone is stuck “circling back on an email."

Text meme with relatable humor about feeling exhausted early in the week.

Humorous Resources meme about two women clashing over a meeting agenda at work.

SpongeBob meme about work burnout humor, featuring a therapy session joke.

Humorous Resources meme showing pants and shoes, captioned about not being replaced by AI.

Humorous Resources meme about being short staffed and the IRS wanting part of the paycheck.

Text meme about new hires being happy with laughing emojis, relating to humorous resources.

Humorous Resources meme about hiring someone to care full-time.

A person excitedly surrounded by colorful heart and star graphics, capturing a relatable meme moment.

Humorous resources meme with a smirking doll face, captioned about side chatting a work bestie during a meeting.

Person lounging on a talk show set, wearing a maroon shirt, captioned about anticipating a show after work. Humorous resources meme.

Humorous meme about realizing the need to meet KPIs at work, from “Humans of Corporate."

Relatable meme about HR ladies always eating during meetings for comedic effect.

Humorous resources meme about skipping meetings during holidays, with text declaring a mental holiday break until January.

Humorous meme about a dream job of having fun and spreading love.

Humorous Resources meme of a creature in a chair holding a cold coffee with a straw, representing mood improvement at work.

A man in a blue shirt smiling with a thumbs-up, reflecting relatable memes from Humorous Resources about workplace frustrations.

Text meme about pretending to work, captioned “My coworkers be giving it their all and I be on Instagram."

Characters from classic story in a whimsical tea party scene, shared by Humorous Resources, evoking relatable meme humor.

Shredder labeled as suggestion box in a relatable meme from Humorous Resources.

Relatable meme text about coworker conflicts, highlighting humor in workplace dynamics.

Text meme about doing the bare minimum at work, from ‘Humorous Resources’.

Humorous meme about professionalism challenges with a laughing emoji.

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