You can’t always trust the internet to be accurate, but at least you can count on it to never run out of nonsense.And no page embraces that better thanWelcome JPEGonInstagram. With no rhyme, no reason, and barely any context, it delivers a steady stream of unhinged,absurd images. If that’s exactly what you need today, stick around—we’ve rounded up some of their best. Scroll down and enjoy.This post may includeaffiliate links.
You can’t always trust the internet to be accurate, but at least you can count on it to never run out of nonsense.
And no page embraces that better thanWelcome JPEGonInstagram. With no rhyme, no reason, and barely any context, it delivers a steady stream of unhinged,absurd images. If that’s exactly what you need today, stick around—we’ve rounded up some of their best. Scroll down and enjoy.
This post may includeaffiliate links.
Everyone has a different threshold for what they consider weird or unhinged. Some might look at this collection of images and think they’re completely bizarre, while others might just shrug and say,eh, that’s just the internet doing its thing. But if you fall into the latter category—where strange images don’t really faze you—you might actually be morecreativethan you think.
She then proceeded to rent one, fly it over a prison, and successfully extract her husband Michel, a convicted bank robber, from the prison’s roof
Traditionally, creativity has been associated with broad or unfocused attention. This helps explain why creative people often find inspiration in the most unexpected places—they’re naturally drawn to connections others might overlook. Some researchers believe this happens due to a lack of cognitive control, but Gross and her team had another theory: what if creative people process salience differently?
The herders follow them in a transhumance pattern between spring, summer autumn and winter pasture. Yaks contribute to maintain the delicate ecosystem; they graze on a high variety of flora, fertilizing the land which their manure, spreading the seeds with their hooves
Salience processing is your brain’s way of deciding what’s worth paying attention to. Imagine you’re in a crowded café. There’s background noise, people talking, and music playing. But if someone says your name across the room, your brain immediately picks it up. That’s salience processing in action.
To test their theory, the researchers ran two studies. In the first, 51 participants from the University of California, Santa Barbara, completed a creativity test called the Incomplete Figures Task. They were given a few random lines and had to turn them into drawings within 10 minutes.
Next, they moved on to an oddball task while wearing EEG caps (which measure brain activity). They were shown a sequence of images, mostly of rocks, but every now and then, a picture of an apple would appear, paired with a sound. The researchers focused on how the participants’ brains reacted to these unexpected apple images, specifically looking at a brainwave called P300, which spikes when something surprising or noteworthy happens.The result? Creative individuals had a weaker P300 response. In plain English, their brains didn’t find the “odd” images as surprising as those who were less creative.
Next, they moved on to an oddball task while wearing EEG caps (which measure brain activity). They were shown a sequence of images, mostly of rocks, but every now and then, a picture of an apple would appear, paired with a sound. The researchers focused on how the participants’ brains reacted to these unexpected apple images, specifically looking at a brainwave called P300, which spikes when something surprising or noteworthy happens.
The result? Creative individuals had a weaker P300 response. In plain English, their brains didn’t find the “odd” images as surprising as those who were less creative.
“When tackling a creative problem, we often get stuck on the ‘obvious’ aspects, making it challenging to think outside the box and notice unusual elements within the problem space,” Gross toldPsyPost. “Our study found that creative individuals do not perceive unusual information as odd; they process it similarly to typical information.
For the second study, 200 participants took a different creativity test called the Alternate Uses Task, where they had to think of unconventional uses for a common object (like a cardboard box). Then, they answered questions about everyday activities—how much they enjoyed them, how often they thought about them, and how motivated they were to do them again.
So, what does this mean for you?If you want to gauge your own creativity, start noticing how you react to the world around you. How strange does something need to be before it grabs your attention? What sparks your curiosity? What drives you to explore something new?The way you answer these questions might just show that you’re more creative than you ever realized.
So, what does this mean for you?
If you want to gauge your own creativity, start noticing how you react to the world around you. How strange does something need to be before it grabs your attention? What sparks your curiosity? What drives you to explore something new?
The way you answer these questions might just show that you’re more creative than you ever realized.
The Feldstraße Bunker, also known as the Media Bunker, has been restored and now houses a luxury hotel, nightclubs, and concert venues.
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James Gandolfini, who played Tony Soprano, upon seeing the legendary boxer: “Holy sh*t.”
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Dieter Rams, a visionary German industrial designer who made several iconic products for Braun, left an indelible mark on Apple’s design ethos, a legacy that is both profound and subtle. Known for his “less, but better” philosophy, Rams championed the idea that good design is as little design as possible, focusing on the essentials to create products that are straightforward and pure.With Jony Ive leading Apple’s design department, he made sure to borrow design elements from Dieter Rams’ Braun designs, one of his biggest design inspirations. You can clearly see how Apple ingrained Rams’ Ten Principles for Good Design into its own ethos:1. Good design is innovative2. Good design makes a product useful3. Good design is aesthetic4. Good design makes a product understandable5. Good design is unobtrusive6. Good design is honest7. Good design is long-lasting8. Good design is thorough down to the last detail9. Good design is environmentally-friendly10. Good design is as little design as possible
They are known for wandering around with fish bowls on their heads containing live fish.The work was meant as a commentary on our ability to communicate with those around us when faced with rapidly growing social and political barriers.Members from the theater group have stated that the performance is “not for the faint of heart” adding that it took years to perfect the craft and hone in on the design for the helmets, each of which are custom designed to fit the wearer to ensure leaks do not occur.
He performed the act as a protest against the Italian government’s lack of attention to security, tourism, cleanliness, and transparency.
She became famous in the 2000s after users on 4chan’s paranormal boards discovered her MySpace photos and began posting them calling her “Creepy Chan”. The “Creepy Chan” name stuck and soon enough she had a huge cult like following as the meme spread through the internet
Originally, he had a different idea of what he wanted to get tatted. In an interview, Tyson revealed that he wanted his face to be covered in heart tattoos because he thought it was cool and that he’d then be recognised as ‘The Man of Hearts’. The tattoo artist, Victor Whitmill, advised Tyson against this, and instead created him the now iconic tribal design.
- American Psycho2. Taxi Driver3. The Shining4. Donnie Darko
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