I hate generalizations, but I also believe that every family is at least a little wacky. Of course, degrees may vary, but who hasn’t looked back on their childhood without thinking “WTF was that?“However, if you bury these memories deep in your heart, they might resurface even fiercer and at an unexpected moment, too. So it’s probably wise to get them out of your system.Plus, you might even find out that other people have been in similar situations, which could help you normalize your experiences.One of the places to vent about these things is the subreddit ‘Insane Parents Memes.’ This online community is a judgment-free place for anyone who has been through some tough stuff to express whatever they’re feeling.This post may includeaffiliate links.
I hate generalizations, but I also believe that every family is at least a little wacky. Of course, degrees may vary, but who hasn’t looked back on their childhood without thinking “WTF was that?”
However, if you bury these memories deep in your heart, they might resurface even fiercer and at an unexpected moment, too. So it’s probably wise to get them out of your system.
Plus, you might even find out that other people have been in similar situations, which could help you normalize your experiences.
One of the places to vent about these things is the subreddit ‘Insane Parents Memes.’ This online community is a judgment-free place for anyone who has been through some tough stuff to express whatever they’re feeling.
This post may includeaffiliate links.
To learn more about ‘Insane Parents Memes,’ we contacted its moderators and one of them agreed to have a little chat with us.“This subreddit is an offshoot ofr/insaneparents, which currently sits at 1.4 million users,” they toldBored Panda. “It’s a place for our users to post memes which are not allowed in the larger sub per its rules because not everyone there wants to see them. So, this subreddit is for those who want to express themselves in that way.The activity level, according to the mod, is normal for an offshoot sub with 15K members.
To learn more about ‘Insane Parents Memes,’ we contacted its moderators and one of them agreed to have a little chat with us.
“This subreddit is an offshoot ofr/insaneparents, which currently sits at 1.4 million users,” they toldBored Panda. “It’s a place for our users to post memes which are not allowed in the larger sub per its rules because not everyone there wants to see them. So, this subreddit is for those who want to express themselves in that way.
The activity level, according to the mod, is normal for an offshoot sub with 15K members.
The moderator said, “People want to know they aren’t the only ones who have gone through these things, and it is cathartic for them to know that not only is it not normal, but others have been through it as well. Those experiences can range from the mundane to literal abuse, although in both cases, physical abuse is avoided because it violates Reddit’s terms of service.“Among the memes, it’s not the types of parents that have become infamous within the community but rather the individual behaviors. “These experiences can range from being tossed onto the street at 18 to having religion or politics shoved onto them from a young age, as well as failures of communication, et cetera.”
The moderator said, “People want to know they aren’t the only ones who have gone through these things, and it is cathartic for them to know that not only is it not normal, but others have been through it as well. Those experiences can range from the mundane to literal abuse, although in both cases, physical abuse is avoided because it violates Reddit’s terms of service.”
Among the memes, it’s not the types of parents that have become infamous within the community but rather the individual behaviors. “These experiences can range from being tossed onto the street at 18 to having religion or politics shoved onto them from a young age, as well as failures of communication, et cetera.”
Most (69%) also feel like they can be their true selves around their parents (about two-in-ten (19%) say they can do this some of the time, and 11% say they can rarely or never be their true selves).
Still, young American adults say they and their parents disagree at least sometimes about:How they’re raising their children (40%, among those who are parents themselves);Their financial choices (39%);Their career or job situation (37%);Their social life (34%);Their political views (33%).
Still, young American adults say they and their parents disagree at least sometimes about:
Fewer, but still a considerable number of young American adults, say they and their parents disagree at least sometimes about:What their parents think about their spouse or partner (30%, among those who are married or living with a partner);Their choice of romantic partners (30%, among those who are neither married nor living with a partner);Their views about religion (29%).
Fewer, but still a considerable number of young American adults, say they and their parents disagree at least sometimes about:
Browsing the content of this subreddit, the moderator thinks we need to remember the connotation of the word “insane” in its context.“People make plenty of posts onr/insaneparentsevery day, and many are removed for failing the two-fold test — mod approval and community voting. The post-approval process is different between both subreddits. Posts here have a lower bar for approval as it is simply for users to express themselves without that two-fold process.“Because of this, ‘Insane Parents Memes’ discusses things a wider community would simply vote down.“It is possible to grow up without witnessing something ‘insane’ from your parents if one grows up in a happy, normal home. (Nearly everyone views their home as happy and normal at first.) That is what it is supposed to be, a safe, happy place. It isn’t until they start telling their childhood stories to others and see their reactions that they realize maybe something was off about their childhood.”
Browsing the content of this subreddit, the moderator thinks we need to remember the connotation of the word “insane” in its context.
“People make plenty of posts onr/insaneparentsevery day, and many are removed for failing the two-fold test — mod approval and community voting. The post-approval process is different between both subreddits. Posts here have a lower bar for approval as it is simply for users to express themselves without that two-fold process.”
Because of this, ‘Insane Parents Memes’ discusses things a wider community would simply vote down.
“It is possible to grow up without witnessing something ‘insane’ from your parents if one grows up in a happy, normal home. (Nearly everyone views their home as happy and normal at first.) That is what it is supposed to be, a safe, happy place. It isn’t until they start telling their childhood stories to others and see their reactions that they realize maybe something was off about their childhood.”
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