Some of the best wordsmiths that ever lived wrote classic novels and poems that stood the test of time. But in today’s digital age, you will find many of themin comment boxesall over the internet.Enter theRare Compliments subreddit, which collects screenshots of the most uniquely wordedpraisesyou will read online. Many of these may induce amusedlaughterwhile making you wonder, “How did they come up with that?”We’ve compiled the best ones from the group, showing that comment sections aren’t always filled with toxicity. They may also inspire you to be more creative the next time yougive someonea verbal pat on the back.This post may includeaffiliate links.

Some of the best wordsmiths that ever lived wrote classic novels and poems that stood the test of time. But in today’s digital age, you will find many of themin comment boxesall over the internet.

Enter theRare Compliments subreddit, which collects screenshots of the most uniquely wordedpraisesyou will read online. Many of these may induce amusedlaughterwhile making you wonder, “How did they come up with that?”

We’ve compiled the best ones from the group, showing that comment sections aren’t always filled with toxicity. They may also inspire you to be more creative the next time yougive someonea verbal pat on the back.

This post may includeaffiliate links.

Person receiving a rare compliment about looking like a vintage portrait, styled in a lace shawl with curly hair.


Man with white hair and glasses in an office; highlighted comment calls him “the embodiment of science."

Side-by-side photos with a rare compliment caption comparing resemblance.

Journalist and Harvard University lecturerJames Gearypublisheda bookin 2018 titledWit’s End: What Wit Is, How It Works, and Why We Need It.In it, he mentioned that wit essentially establishes a common ground between entirely different ideas.

Police officer smiling while holding a phone, with a humorous online comment about rare compliments below.

Screenshot of a Reddit post saying “That’s not a dad bod that’s a father figure,” with 214 upvotes and two awards. Rare compliments.

Person in goth attire holding a drink, receiving rare compliments online, with a plaid skirt and layered necklaces.

“(Wit) consists in binding together remote and separate notions, finding similarity in dissimilar things (or dissimilarity in similar things), and drawing the mind from one word to another,” Geary wrote.Geary adds that awitty person’s brainhas far fewer inhibitions and “uncensored access to associations.”

“(Wit) consists in binding together remote and separate notions, finding similarity in dissimilar things (or dissimilarity in similar things), and drawing the mind from one word to another,” Geary wrote.

Geary adds that awitty person’s brainhas far fewer inhibitions and “uncensored access to associations.”

Person with curly hair reads a rare compliment about ancient Greece.

Reddit conversation on r/rarecompliments about a bone marrow donation with rare compliments.

Older man in a pink shirt, captioned with a rare compliment about love and family before work.

Not everyone may have the same sharp wit as the commenters on this list. Fortunately, it’s a skill you can develop if you feel like you lack it. In an interview, Geary gave some tips, beginning with practicing puns.In the interview, Geary gave this simple pun as an example: “‘What branch of the army do babies join? The infantry.” It is easily understood, which draws an easy laugh. As Geary explains, it puts everyone on the same wavelength.

Not everyone may have the same sharp wit as the commenters on this list. Fortunately, it’s a skill you can develop if you feel like you lack it. In an interview, Geary gave some tips, beginning with practicing puns.

In the interview, Geary gave this simple pun as an example: “‘What branch of the army do babies join? The infantry.” It is easily understood, which draws an easy laugh. As Geary explains, it puts everyone on the same wavelength.

Notification showing a declined request to join a group, suggesting a surprise rare compliment by exclusion.

Man with a mustache smiling, standing next to a YouTube play button plaque, displaying a rare compliment in comments.

Social media post sharing a rare compliment about job interview strategy, described as having “George Costanza vibes."

Taking things literally is another way tosharpen your wit. Geary says interpreting daily symbolisms at face value allows for clever delivery.As an example, he used one of comedianSteven Wright’s famous one-liners: “When everything is coming your way, you’re in the wrong lane.”

Taking things literally is another way tosharpen your wit. Geary says interpreting daily symbolisms at face value allows for clever delivery.

As an example, he used one of comedianSteven Wright’s famous one-liners: “When everything is coming your way, you’re in the wrong lane.”

Andrew Tate has been detained following the video he made in response to Greta’s tweet, so he won’t be able to drive the 33 cars he owns.

Screenshot of tweets about a rare compliment on taking cars off the road with a tweet.

Screenshot of YouTube video: Chumbawamba’s “Tubthumping” with a comment likening the song to Shrek, highlighting a rare compliment.

Screenshot of a rare compliment referencing Bob Ross’s quote about happy accidents.

One point Geary made is that wit and humor don’t necessarily have to go hand in hand. In a 2019 talk at theChautaqua Institution, he explained that the slight difference is that the former requires more mental exercise.“Like juggling, wit is keeping a lot of different ideas, a lot of balls, in the air at the same time,” he said, emphasizing that wittiness is about “finding novel combinations about things.”

One point Geary made is that wit and humor don’t necessarily have to go hand in hand. In a 2019 talk at theChautaqua Institution, he explained that the slight difference is that the former requires more mental exercise.

“Like juggling, wit is keeping a lot of different ideas, a lot of balls, in the air at the same time,” he said, emphasizing that wittiness is about “finding novel combinations about things.”

Rare compliments highlighting a drummer’s skill in an online video comment section.

Band performing in a room with Christmas outfits, with a comment saying, “You girls are cooler than the other side of the pillow."

Online comment about a man’s fantastic voice, expressing enjoyment of listening even to mundane text like shampoo bottles.

Text comment comparing a person to a strong but sweet animated character, liked by 17K people, from Bored Panda.

Rare compliment comment about a song being effortlessly cool, shared online with 2.9K likes and 65 replies.

Screenshot of a rare compliment in a YouTube comment under a Lana Del Rey song video.

Man in durag receiving rare compliment about street wisdom.

Performer on stage with a guitar, receiving a humorous rare compliment comparing his hair to modern singers' talent.

Comment giving a rare compliment: “You give off raccoon vibes in the most adorable way."

Online compliment about Dale offering rides to kids' friends, highlighting kindness.

Child on couch beside a large, yawning dog. Comment below jokes about the dog’s breathing sounding like a V8 engine. Rare compliments.

Screenshot of a rare compliment comment about retaking a class, with 2.6K likes and 7 replies.

Comment complimenting someone’s voice, comparing it to the smell of coffee.

Comment reading “If Bob Ross played the banjo,” showcases a rare compliment online.

Paris Hilton in a glamorous outfit with sunglasses, compared to a GTA loading screen; a rare compliment.

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Man with beard in sunlight, labeled “480 BC genetics,” capturing a rare compliment online.

Text message showing a rare compliment comparing room setup to Courage the Cowardly Dog’s iconic room.

Text exchange with rare compliments describing someone’s voice as autumn and pumpkin spice.

Text exchange showing rare compliments about a girl’s beauty in private conversation.

Person holding a terrarium, receiving a rare compliment about looking like a magical fae.

Rare compliments thread on Reddit’s WallStreetBets with humorous exchanges about Bugblatter Beast theory and being hip.

Comment praising Robin, comparing him to a happy news reporter.

Musician playing guitar in studio with rare compliment about their music being a “rope of pearls” visible in comments.

See Also on Bored Panda

Man receiving a rare compliment about his stylish new glasses.

Man with headphones and a microphone receiving a rare compliment online about his bald head.

Rare compliment comparing a band to living off cheesecakes and apples in a neon basement, gaining 184 likes online.

Screenshot of comments on a video, discussing rare compliments and featuring creative and heartfelt exchanges.

Text message saying, “The amount of times in a day you completely dumbfound me is incomprehensible,” showcasing rare compliments.

Men working outdoors; a comment praises Glenn’s look as similar to a Pokémon trainer.

Comment praising a drummer’s Moeller technique, comparing fluidity to baby diarrhea.

Text conversation with emojis, featuring a humorous exchange about rare compliments.

Person wearing a hat receives a rare compliment on their unique style in an online chat.

Comment with a rare compliment comparing beauty to a soft blanket.

Does He Pay His Taxes Earlier Though?

Text complimenting Andrei’s unique animation style, impossible to deepfake.

Woman takes a selfie in a purple dress, followed by humorous rare compliments in tweet replies.

A humorous rare compliment about someone blocking rain with a finger, displayed below a video of dialing a phone.

Chat exchange sharing a rare compliment about art, humorously likening it to tasty gouda cheese.

Rare compliment saying someone could star in a Disney Channel movie.

Man receiving rare compliments on video, compared to a healthier, happier character.

Text screenshot of rare compliments about life achievements and gaming skills.

Comment displaying a rare compliment with 69 likes, expressing extreme approval using humor.

Man outdoors holding an object, with comment underneath giving a rare compliment about looking like a popular figure.

Rare compliment message: “Lenny, you remind me of a Twitch chat in a good way,” shared in an online conversation.

Text compliment: “Those nips tho sometimes god does work with two hands” by user vwbn96, sharing a rare compliment.

Comments sharing rare compliments in a humorous Reddit thread.

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