Despite the fact that “you can’t believe everything you read online” being common knowledge (and sense) basically since the inception of the internet, millions of people still find ways tofailthe very simple test of not publicly reacting to obviously not-real stories.

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Satirical news headline about Denmark jokingly wanting to purchase the U.S., excluding its government.


Masked man in front of a Boeing aircraft in a satirical post, labeled “Fake” by Jeremy Stamper, depicting satirical news headline.

Pastor’s tweet falling for satirical claim about bioengineered ants converting Christians.

While it might seem positively archaic now, the Onion was actually founded as aprint newspaperin 1988, in Madison, Wisconsin. This means there are some folks out there in the Midwest who probably still have physical, pre-internet copies of the Onion. That itself sounds like a joke or prank, yet here we are.It only moved to New York in 2001, with its debut edition coming out on the 27th of September ofthat year. It mostly focused on the September 11 attacks, and ended up driving a lot of attention and traffic to its web version, which to this day remains what the Onion is best known for.

While it might seem positively archaic now, the Onion was actually founded as aprint newspaperin 1988, in Madison, Wisconsin. This means there are some folks out there in the Midwest who probably still have physical, pre-internet copies of the Onion. That itself sounds like a joke or prank, yet here we are.

It only moved to New York in 2001, with its debut edition coming out on the 27th of September ofthat year. It mostly focused on the September 11 attacks, and ended up driving a lot of attention and traffic to its web version, which to this day remains what the Onion is best known for.

People fall for satirical news as tweet claims Olympic skater fell through ice indoors.

Judge depicted in satirical headline from The Onion about a court ruling, eliciting reaction on social media.

Satirical news headline from The Onion about geologists recommending eating rocks, styled as a Google search result.

Satirical news headline about Kim Jong Un showing bread, with a comment reacting to it.

Image of a satirical post from The Onion about ICE agents at the border, commented on by a user questioning its authenticity.

Snoop Dogg and Doja Cat cancel shows in Ohio, satirical headline sparks confusion among readers.

This Post Surprisingly Isn’t Satire

Vintage 60s car with driver and passenger using a humorous seatbelt concept, reflecting satirical news headlines.

Satirical post about evangelical leaders feeling ignored by Trump, with social media engagement stats at the bottom.

Satirical news headline about a televangelist from Idaho convincing followers to sell belongings for the Rapture.

Chart illustrating a satirical news headline about standardized test quartiles, shared by a fictional representative.

Reddit post where a user falls for a satirical news headline by The Onion about self-surgery.

Pizza crusts in a pot on a stove, humorously suggesting making stock, illustrating people falling for satirical headlines.

Couple smiling beside satirical news headline about maintaining abstinence in marriage, showcasing Onion-style satire.

The Onion satirical headline about a Thanksgiving Day balloon floating away causes laughter.

Satirical news headline about Texas banning luggage sales to pregnant women sparks reaction.

Satirical news headline about local religious leader with comments reacting to the story.

Child dressed as a leprechaun with parents, satirical news headline parodying vaccination effects.

Woman smiling while eating yogurt, related to satirical headlines theme.

Satirical news headline about boyfriend building an underground love maze with humorous comments below.

That’s A Big Bite

Satirical tweet about a bathroom altercation between feminists, referencing a misunderstanding on gender identity.

Man in glasses with a satirical quote about picking up dead squirrels for profit. Reddit debate on satirical news ensues.

Satirical fake floor plan humorously depicting a leftist home design with absurd room labels.

Text exchange where someone falls for satirical Onion headline about a brain-dead teen.

Satirical news headline shared on social media about Chicago River dyed red, showcasing people’s reaction to satirical content.

“The Onion satirical post: kids smiling on an orange raft in a water park, blue slides in background, brand logo visible."

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A satirical headline about eye enlargement surgery with humorous reactions in comments below.

Satirical post about children finding coal in stockings after Trump’s election, with user comments and promoted content below.

Satirical cartoon depicts “Bike to Work Day” with bicyclists and a “free coffee & donuts” stand, highlighting satirical news.

See Also on Bored Panda

A man speaks at an event; the headline reads, “Tesla Lays Off Entire Team Behind Brakes.” A comment says, “This can’t be real."

Satirical news from The Onion endorses Joe Biden, user falls for headline, reacts critically in comments.

Satirical headline about a coffin dilemma, featuring an image of a smiling man in a humorous context.

Tweet mistakenly takes satirical news seriously, featuring a cartoon man with thumbs up and text about racial identity.

Satirical news headline about buying ‘InfoWars’ from The Onion with a Facebook comment pointing out the satire.

Frozen characters Anna and Elsa in satirical news headline about them marrying in Frozen 3.

Couple with mugs dressed warmly on sofa, reacting to satirical news headline about a peak year in civilization.

Satirical news headline about a celebrity’s alleged habits, showcasing the humor in parody journalism.

Satirical news headline: U.S. airdrops rubble into Gaza, sparking online reactions.

Catering sign with humorous events like “dog intervention” and “horse funeral,” showcasing satirical news headlines.

Satirical news image with billboard displaying “Trump 2024: Say Goodbye to Tom Hanks” and CNN-style news headline.

Satirical post from The Onion about God and a couch at heaven’s gates, showcasing satirical humor.

Satirical headline about JD Vance under fire with humorous news commentary, sparking comments online.

Satirical headline tweet from The Babylon Bee about flags draped over Biden as he naps, user response below.

Satirical tweet about J.D. Vance repeating “I’m a normal guy” 29 times across interviews, shared on Reddit.

Satirical headline about a drunk teacher at a parent night, with blurred photo and police lights in the background.

Soldiers standing in front of a military jet; example of people falling for satirical news headlines.

Satirical news map of a fake high-speed rail in the U.S., with humor pointing out a misspelling of “Gainesville."

Satirical news discussion about 20 million voters missing, with a comment saying “I voted. Where were you?"

Ancient cave painting humorously shared as satirical news from The Onion.

Satirical tweet from Toby Turner featuring fake news about Bryce P. Tetraeder and InfoWars.

Satirical news headline from The Onion about Black Friday, with an aerial view of a burning building and a comment reacting seriously.

Satirical news headline from The Babylon Bee, featuring a humorous story about comforting fire victims.

Screenshot of someone reacting to a satirical Onion headline, misunderstanding it for real news.

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