Despite the fact that “you can’t believe everything you read online” being common knowledge (and sense) basically since the inception of the internet, millions of people still find ways tofailthe very simple test of not publicly reacting to obviously not-real stories.
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While it might seem positively archaic now, the Onion was actually founded as aprint newspaperin 1988, in Madison, Wisconsin. This means there are some folks out there in the Midwest who probably still have physical, pre-internet copies of the Onion. That itself sounds like a joke or prank, yet here we are.It only moved to New York in 2001, with its debut edition coming out on the 27th of September ofthat year. It mostly focused on the September 11 attacks, and ended up driving a lot of attention and traffic to its web version, which to this day remains what the Onion is best known for.
While it might seem positively archaic now, the Onion was actually founded as aprint newspaperin 1988, in Madison, Wisconsin. This means there are some folks out there in the Midwest who probably still have physical, pre-internet copies of the Onion. That itself sounds like a joke or prank, yet here we are.
It only moved to New York in 2001, with its debut edition coming out on the 27th of September ofthat year. It mostly focused on the September 11 attacks, and ended up driving a lot of attention and traffic to its web version, which to this day remains what the Onion is best known for.
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