Some personal care products, such as lipsticks and moisturizers, contain the samecancer-causing chemicalsfound in cigarettes.Foods like chocolate and peanut buttercontain rodent hair.There is agiant, deadly hornetwith venom so strong that it is known to “melt” human flesh. Itclaimed 42 livesin China in 2013.There are many moreterrifyingrealities out there that may stir up your curiosity for all things macabre. It’s why Reddit threads likethis oneremain relevant after a few years, as it bears a hard-hitting question:“What is a disturbingfactyou wish you could unlearn?”From tonsil stones to the brutal realities ofschizophrenia, here are the most popular replies.This post may includeaffiliate links.

Some personal care products, such as lipsticks and moisturizers, contain the samecancer-causing chemicalsfound in cigarettes.Foods like chocolate and peanut buttercontain rodent hair.

There is agiant, deadly hornetwith venom so strong that it is known to “melt” human flesh. Itclaimed 42 livesin China in 2013.

There are many moreterrifyingrealities out there that may stir up your curiosity for all things macabre. It’s why Reddit threads likethis oneremain relevant after a few years, as it bears a hard-hitting question:“What is a disturbingfactyou wish you could unlearn?”

From tonsil stones to the brutal realities ofschizophrenia, here are the most popular replies.

This post may includeaffiliate links.

The fact that most people don’t want to be around when their pets are put down. Vets have stories about like 70% of the pets they put down being scared and looking for their humans and not seeing them, and dying in afraid and alone. This haunts me.

Golden retriever lying down, face in close-up, appearing calm and relaxed.


Sometimes, old people don’t break their bones because they fall… They fall because they break their bones.

Elderly man with glasses in a reclined position, embodying the unsettling truth of disturbing facts.

30 Terrifying Facts People Regret Ever Learning

Over 820 million people worldwide suffer from chronic hunger, despite there being enough food to feed everyone on the planet.

Group of children in a rustic setting, sitting together and observing something outside.

That one million seconds ago was last week, while 1 billion seconds ago was 1988.anon:That’s a good way to show people how much wealth billionaires truly hoarde.

30 Terrifying Facts People Regret Ever Learning

There’s such a thing as fourth, fifth, and sixth degree burns.Fourth degree means all the layers of skin at the burn site are gone.Fifth degree means the muscle under the skin is damaged.Sixth degree is literally down to the bone.Yeah… I was a lot happier thinking third degree was the worst.

Close-up of a hand with bandaged fingers, conveying a sense of disturbing facts.

Tldr: Don’t retire in Vegas.In some states in the USA particularly Nevada, your doctor can basically “sell” you to a company. If you’re a senior with an untrustworthy doctor they can throw “memory loss, hysteria, confusion” etc on a piece of paper and hand it over to a company. This company can claim guardianship over you without you ever meeting or hearing of them. And they can take you out of your house, sell your house and all of your belongings, put you in a nursing home and have full control over your finances. They can force you to take medication every day for the rest of your life that make you confused and unable to think clearly, until you die. They can bar your family from visiting you as well. And it’s all 100% legal. Before you even find out it’s happened to you, there’s already been a court hearing where the judge is persuaded into signing your life into some stranger’s hands based on your doctors false claims.Not that I want to unlearn it though. I think more people should know about it.

30 Terrifying Facts People Regret Ever Learning

Surgeons used to operate on infants without anesthesia, including open heart surgery. They have stopped this, however. In the 1980s.

Surgeons in a blue-lit operating room performing a procedure, highlighting disturbing facts of medical realities.

Manatees have v***nas that are the most anatomically similar to humans.Manatees may also be the inspiration for myths about mermaids, beautiful half-fish women that lured sailors to their deaths.Connecting those dots has been mentally scarring.

Two manatees swimming together underwater in clear blue water.

X-ray image of an infant skeleton, illustrating a disturbing fact about early development and anatomy.

My biology teacher had a Q&A session before Christmas and one student asked if its possible to be allergic to your own blood. Unfortunately you can. Just imagine your own immune system destroying your red blood cells, constant hemorrhaging, constantly feeling cold and out of breath. When we got back from winter break we saw a new face in class, a former student of my bio teacher who just so happened to have this disease and we spent the whole class asking questions. I feel so bad for the guy but thankfully the medicine available to suppress the immune system has made his life bearable.

Blood test vials in a rack, highlighting disturbing facts in medical research.

There are corpses on Mount Everest which are used as waypoints.Hey look! There is no limbs Dereck, I guess we’re going the right way!

Snow-covered mountain peak under a clear sky, capturing a breathtaking yet potentially disturbing natural view.

There is traces of plastic now being found in umbilical cords 🤢.

Illustration of a fetus in the womb, highlighting disturbing and complex human development facts.

Tl;dr I had a brain injury and I’m not the same. I wish I didn’t know.I wish I could forget the fact that I’m different from who I used to be. After receiving a brain injury in February 2020 I have both forgotten and relearned many things (even how to read).I’ve recovered massively, but many of my old passions have become frustrating to me. I struggle reading maths, code, dense text etc. whereas I used to enjoy leading projects with friends and teaching others about Maths and Science. Although frustrating, I enjoy challenging myself to relearn these things and aim to return to my past skill level.The real scary part is that I’ve fundamentally changed as a person. If I remember back to before the accident it’s a different person to me. He (me?) acts in ways so alien to me that I feel I so sure never would have acted. Nothing to be ashamed of, they just weren’t me. Very real relationships that I still feel strongly in my heart link to memories that feel completely fake to me, as though I’m watching some kind of movie. I even doubt their accuracy.A person I considered a father figure and close friend passed away just before my accident and I spent my time in rehab not able to properly mourne. Sometimes I’d forget he’d passed away and other times I’d feel like an imposter for inheriting such important items from him. To me it’s like I’m tarnishing his legacy. I know he wouldn’t think that, but I want to be the old me again, since I can’t - I wish I could at least forget that I’ve forgotten and changed so much.

30 Terrifying Facts People Regret Ever Learning

When the Challenger exploded in 1986, the astronauts didn’t die from the explosion. Nor did they die from depressurisation as NASA has initially claimed. (There is some evidence they turned on their personal oxygen supply.) They died from impact when they hit the surface of the Atlantic Ocean.They were in free fall for two and a half minutes.

30 Terrifying Facts People Regret Ever Learning

Forgive my unscientific terminology, but basically there is a female whale (maybe a blue whale or a sperm whale? I don’t remember the species at all) who was born with some type of genetic defect or physical/anatomical abnormality (something like that) that causes her vocalizations to be produced at a different sound frequency than the other whales of her species. Because of this, the other members of her species cannot hear or perceive her vocalizations, so this poor whale has spent her whole life wandering through the world’s oceans all alone, trying unsuccessfully to communicate with other whales who basically don’t even know she exists.EDIT Shoutout to u/Shadow_And_Polish, as well as several others, who did a little research and shared with everyone that this particular whale is called Whale 52, because the sound frequency of her vocalizations is 52 Hz. Yay knowledge! Double yay for knowledge sharing!

Whale tail emerging from the ocean, highlighting a disturbing fact about marine wildlife.

Every day, approximately 150 species of plants and animals go extinct due to human activities.

Close-up of a curled fern frond, representing the theme of connecting disturbing facts in nature.

Parrots often bond with a keeper, from their perspective, as a lifelong romantic partner. If the person dies, or the parrot is displaced, they can go into massive depression and pluck out their own feathers.

30 Terrifying Facts People Regret Ever Learning

Penguins have teeth on their tongue.

Close-up of a king penguin with its beak open, showcasing vibrant yellow-orange markings.

Brigham Young University experimented on homosexuals. These experiments involved placing electrodes on their testicles, ect.These were done far more recently than you’d believe.

30 Terrifying Facts People Regret Ever Learning

30 Terrifying Facts People Regret Ever Learning

Every language around will, one day, have someone who is the last remaining speaker . This phenomenon has always fascinated me like crazy. Take the man below in the photograpg, he is an Australian Aboriginal gentleman named Big Bill Neidjie. When Big Bill died in 2002, he was the last living speaker of the Gaagudju language of his clan. There was no one in the entire world left he could speak to in his mother tongue. No one who he could discuss the past with, the “good old days”… it’s just such a crazy thought, to me. It won’t happen to English anytime soon. But it’ll happen to a great many other languages in the world. My former father-in-law belonged to a tribe that had its own language. Of that language, only 4000 native speakers remain at last count. There will be a day a language that has just a few hundred or thousand speaker left, will die out. It may take fifty years, a century, but it’ll come to an end. It’s a lonely existence, being the last of something. Much like how the oldest person in the world will know, beyond doubt, that not a single person who was around at his or her birth is still alive. Haunting .

Elderly man sitting by a campfire at night, conveying a sense of disturbing facts and contemplation.

Your face has tiny micro organisms. The face mites. They live in hair pores and eat the sebum. At night, they go to the surface and woohoo. Laying eggs in the pore. These are not to be confused with the bacteria that cause acne. They actually help regulate the out put of sebum in your face. Good to know these worms are helping out. But now I’m aware of the multiple microscopic “parties”.

Close-up of a person’s lips and nose, highlighting texture, referencing disturbing facts.

Jeffrey Dahmer drilled a hole into some victims' skulls and tried pouring different toxic liquids into the hole. He was trying to make a sx s**e that could eat and drink but could in no way fight back or escape. The worst fact is that victims might survive the first hole with all brain function intact and live long enough to be fully aware they were going to get a second or third hole drilled.

Mugshot of a man with glasses standing against a height chart, related to disturbing facts and uncomfortable truths.

Plastic pollution is so severe that there are now over 5 trillion pieces of plastic floating in the world’s oceans.Every piece of plastic that has ever produced is still present in the world. A single plastic bottle can take up to 450 years to decompose in the environment.The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a massive area of floating plastic debris in the Pacific Ocean, is estimated to be twice the size of Texas.The average person unknowingly ingests about a credit card’s worth of plastic each week through food and water.

Underwater scene with fish swimming around disturbing plastic pollution.

Apparently, Japan bombed China with fleas infected with bubonic plague during World War 2.Big rain I think.

Four people in protective suits, handling a large object, illustrating disturbing facts in a historical context.

After a human is “dead” they can still technically hear you, but not understand you. The brain doesn’t fully shut off until a few minutes after death. Makes me sad knowing I wasn’t there to talk to my grandfather right when he died.

30 Terrifying Facts People Regret Ever Learning

Before Humans were sent to space,they would send animals,dogs,turtles,monkes,etc. The problem with that is that they never bothered in think how they would get back. So a lot of animals just died up there, alone.

30 Terrifying Facts People Regret Ever Learning

There is a chance you might fall in a sleep paralysis-like state when under anesthesia. Meaning you’ll feel your surgery while being unable to move. I feel bad for Diavolo now.

Surgeons in an operating room, performing a procedure with focus, representing disturbing facts about medical realities.

“Walking corpse syndrome” is a condition in which the patient believes they are dead, dying, missing parts of their bodies, or do not exist at all.

Person sitting against a wall, holding head in distress, illustrating mentally scarring moments.

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Starfish can get infected and rip themselves apart.

Starfish underwater against a dark background, illustrating disturbing facts about marine life.

Often people that fracture their tibia (big shin bone) but not their fibula (thin shin bone) think they’re okay to stand up and when they put weight through that leg then the fibula breaks too.

Parmesan cheese and vomit contain butyric acid and it is responsible for the most distinct aspects of their smells.

Cheese cubes on a slate board with pomegranate seeds, capturing disturbing facts about food pairings.

The only part of your reflection that you can lick is your tongue.

That people sell bath water and other people buy it. So disappointed in humanity.

The international s*x sl**e trade is a trillion dollar business.

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It takes three full rotations to remove the human head because of the skins elasticity.

If you have an intestinal blockage you can burp up farts and have fecal vomit which is basically just throwing up your poop.

A person sitting with head in hands, illustrating mentally scarring and disturbing thoughts.

Without mucus, your stomach would digest itself.

Person looking stressed, holding forehead, potentially reflecting on disturbing facts they find mentally scarring.

People who fell or jumped from the Twin Towers hit the ground at nearly 120 mph.

There is a type of insomnia that will k**l you, life expectancy is around a year after onset. FFI - Fatal familial insomnia.

Only about 50% of the cells in your body are ‘you’. The rest are microbes that exist as part of your micro biome.

Close-up of a human eye with a red sclera, illustrating disturbing facts about eye health.

N*zis used to experiment on Jewish children via sterilizing, altering eye color and even sewing them together. (Talk about Human Centipede irl).

It would be nice to unread the story of Junko Furuta.

Blobfish. In their natural environment, they are actually not that ugly looking.The reason they look so horrific in all those pictures is because their natural environment is deep beneath the oceans surface, and when they’re caught they are exposed to catastrophic decompression as they’re realed to the surface.

Spider legs operate via the hydrolic pressure of their blood. That is why they curl up when they die.

Woodpecker on a tree with a red crown, illustrating nature facts people find disturbing.

There are fish that live inside sea cucumbers' a*sholes. ☹️.

They way flies eat, they land on your food and they freaking p**e their digestive juices into your food and slurp the vomited juices back in.

A pig ejaculates enough semen to fill a 12oz coke Can.Edit: I Took an intro to agriculture class my freshman year of high school 12+ years ago.

The South Korean government md 200,000 girls, boys, adults, and families with zero basis or even a trial. The Bodo League Me, and they continue to cover it up today and hope the world doesn’t find out.

Yogurt is useful for decomposing dead bodies, since it’s already got concentrated and pre cultured bacteria.

Fetal abductions aka caesarean kidnapping.I learned about this as my wife was bed ridden in the hospital carrying our first. Really struck a nerve.

Pregnant person in a white sweater with hands on belly, symbolizing connection and expectations.

A lavish feast with three people, highlighting disturbing historical indulgence.

Its illegal to have s*x with a porcupine in the state of Florida.

Gynecology came from experimenting on sl**es.

Doctor in white coat preparing for a medical exam.

George Washington had a set of dentures made from sve teeth.pill2000:Only 9 of the teeth came from sves, which does not make it better.

Learned this from Mental Health Nursing. To cure mental illness in females, way back when (probably 1800’s early 1900’s) UK doctors set up clinics where ‘mentall ill’ women would come to get touched. Women would go from clinic to clinic not just because it felt great, but because they thought it was the cure for their mental illness. Doctors eventually couldn’t keep up with the demand (wrist cramps as you could imagine), this led to the invention of the vibrator. It’s not so disturbing, just down right weird. Wish mast**bation really was the cure, we’d all be pretty happy if it was.

A historical scene depicting a woman fainting in a medical lecture, illustrating disturbing historical facts.

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