Women have reasons fornot pursuinga romanticrelationshipwith a man. It could be due to a lack of compatibility, attraction, a strong connection, or they’re simply not ready.We don’t often hearthe male perspective, and it is likely why this thread’s user recently askedthe question, “Men who rejected a woman, what was your main reason?” While many answers were valid, some of these border on plain absurdity.This list compiles the most popular responses. Ladies, this should give you a clear enough idea of how a man’s mind works.This post may includeaffiliate links.

Women have reasons fornot pursuinga romanticrelationshipwith a man. It could be due to a lack of compatibility, attraction, a strong connection, or they’re simply not ready.

We don’t often hearthe male perspective, and it is likely why this thread’s user recently askedthe question, “Men who rejected a woman, what was your main reason?” While many answers were valid, some of these border on plain absurdity.

This list compiles the most popular responses. Ladies, this should give you a clear enough idea of how a man’s mind works.

This post may includeaffiliate links.

I hated that she needed social validation and social media in general.

Woman in a pink top sitting on a bed, taking a selfie with her phone, reflecting on relationships.


We were out for dinner, and she mistreated the waitress. My date was this beam of warmth and kindness to me, and a vessel of cold cruelty to the girl.She treated her like a slave-servant, made everything difficult and painful for the waitress, who quickly stopped smiling.I can’t be with people who can’t show respect.So I told her I was going to pee, paid the bill, personally apologized to the waitress and let her tell the date to lose my number after I left

Woman in a green apron smiling and conversing with another woman in a peaceful, plant-filled cafe setting.

She didn’t want kids. I respect that. Keep it moving.

Man and woman sitting at a table, engaged in a serious conversation, relating to moments of rejection.

She smoked. That was an instant hard pass.

Woman outdoors with smoke obscuring her face, mountains in the background.

I want 3 things in a partner (ideally in equal measure):- intellectual connection- emotional connection- physical connectionIf one or more is lacking, then it’s just not for me. You can be a perfectly good person. But being a good person is not the same as being the right person for me.

A man and woman sharing a coffee and conversation at a cafe, highlighting moments of rejection.

I just like being alone.

Man sitting alone facing the sea, wearing a striped sweater, reflecting on personal rejection moments.

I recently rejected a girl who was really into me who does have some qualities I look for, we just don’t align morally or the way we would parent. So I decided that I think we would be better as just friends.

Family walking through a forest, holding hands with a child swinging between them, enjoying nature together.

A girl I’ve known for a long time asked me out. Said ‘no’ right away because she’s known to talk about other girls all the time like she always has something bad to say about every girl. I thought if you have something bad to say about everyone, there must be something wrong with you girl. So no. Don’t want to date girls who have too many problems or complain too much about other people.

Woman in a pink blouse and yellow skirt speaking confidently in a classroom setting.

Car full to the brim with trash.

Sandwich on car dashboard with scattered papers, illustrating a moment shared by men about rejection.

She had a husband and thought I wouldn’t find out

Close-up of a hand removing a ring, symbolizing rejection in relationships.

She was just plain mean.

Woman in a dark blazer standing with arms crossed, representing moments of rejection.

She peed her pants on our first date because she got too drunk… it’s a long story

Woman in dim lighting holding a drink, appearing thoughtful.

Chewing too loudly and making noise while eating.She had zero interest in me and was all about her in dialogue.She had zero interests or hobbies.

Woman enjoying a meal outdoors, smiling contentedly under a patio umbrella.

Lack of intellect.

A woman in glasses stands in front of a chalkboard, holding a tablet, with sticky notes around her.

Caught her in too many lies.

30 Reasons Why Some Women Are Rejected By Men, According To The Guys Themselves

She was talking about having a second bf.

30 Reasons Why Some Women Are Rejected By Men, According To The Guys Themselves

Hygiene is the most reason, it takes less than $5 dollars to smell good

Woman applying deodorant while wearing a pink top and jeans, in a casual setting.

Didn’t have the same wants in life.

30 Reasons Why Some Women Are Rejected By Men, According To The Guys Themselves

She was arrogant, ill willed and immature

30 Reasons Why Some Women Are Rejected By Men, According To The Guys Themselves

She was a gold digger

30 Reasons Why Some Women Are Rejected By Men, According To The Guys Themselves

Arrogance and narcissism.

30 Reasons Why Some Women Are Rejected By Men, According To The Guys Themselves

There have been multiple occasions that I’ve rejected women interested in me when my sole interest in them was sexual.

Man rejecting woman in conversation, wearing casual outfits, surrounded by plants, illustrating relationship dynamics.

Because I’m gay

Two men resting together peacefully, symbolizing comfort and support in a bedroom setting.

Because I was with and generally committed to someone else

30 Reasons Why Some Women Are Rejected By Men, According To The Guys Themselves

She lied. She told me she was a Junior in college. That was true. She neglected to mention that she started early and just turned 18. I was 21. It already felt off and that nailed it. We stayed friends. So, that was nice.

30 Reasons Why Some Women Are Rejected By Men, According To The Guys Themselves

My best friend was in love with her

Couple standing together on a city street, sharing a moment near a building with “The Peninsula” sign in the background.

I don’t love myself so how am I gonna love you

Man in striped shirt and glasses looks in a lit mirror, reflecting on personal moments of rejection.

I tried to hook my friend one time with this guy she thought was hot. His response was “you have no tattoos I’m okay”

Woman with arm tattoos, wearing a black top and camouflage pants.

I remember one girl asked me for my number in the mall and she was gorgeous, she was well dressed and I had seen she was driving an expensive car. told her I’m not the guy she’s looking for. I couldn’t match her finances or anything, Just felt wrong to waste her time. this can happen ladies. Real Men will not stay if we believe you’re too much, It’s possible to be “too good” and honest men will flee. I only date in my lane, don’t wanna get cheated on with a rich type. Or hold someone back.

Woman in sunglasses holding a croissant, seated in a car, looking thoughtful.

My brother said he rejected a woman because she was loud and overweight

Woman in kitchen wearing a lime green shirt and beige apron, standing next to a mixer.

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In middle school a girl asked me out, I said no because I wamted to wait till high school, and then she said her friends dared her to anyhow, so in a sense, didn’t fall for the bs.

Smiling woman in a pink hoodie, looking to the side, against a plain background.

Physical appearance

Wasn’t my type, wasn’t someone I connected with intellectually or emotionally, not someone I was interested in despite respecting and loving her as a person, engaged in behaviour that met the definition of sexual [overpowering] when she tried to make her feelings for me known.

Man and woman on a park bench, looking away from each other, reflecting a moment of rejection and contemplation.

See Also on Bored Panda

Simply not interested in her.

A woman sitting on a bench outdoors with a man, appearing upset and contemplative about rejection.

I didn’t want to risk our friendship.

Man in denim jacket sitting outdoors, playfully interacting with a woman, capturing a moment of rejection.


I did once because she was a good woman and seemed serious about her business. I wasn’t about nothing but her body and told her no, because I didn’t want to waste her time.

Man and woman stand apart in hallway, illustrating rejection and emotional distance.

Trust issue. Trauma.

Bedroom skills increased through the years, felt I was being used for that more than pure connection. So now I decline unless I’m actually vibing with her.

Couple lying together in a cozy bedroom with sunlight streaming through a window.

She started telling me about her ex. Telling me how her ex owned a house 21yo and was crazy.

30 Reasons Why Some Women Are Rejected By Men, According To The Guys Themselves

She lived in a different country.

30 Reasons Why Some Women Are Rejected By Men, According To The Guys Themselves

Personality, lack of humor, beliefs

Poverty of spirit

Inappropriate farting

Man in a hat and checkered shirt drinking from a can in a forest, showcasing casual style.

Not my type.

Don’t want no drama or looked at like an ATM. Don’t want resources waisted and not a therapist.

Inappropriate attire, stinking attitude and filthy language are my main 3. Any combination is enough for me to start walking in the opposite direction

Woman in a black shirt gesturing with frustration indoors.

When they disturbed my peace for no reason

She just felt weird to me and low confidence

My male friend told me yesterday he stopped talking to this girl because she wasn’t taking care of her looks

She didn’t want me keep contact with my ex

Lack of enthusiasm, clinginess, or I choose another woman instead.

She was way to over confident about herself tone it down girl

Woman in a light blue blazer posing playfully against a solid background.

Saving myself for marriage, and dating her could jeopardize that

You’re a bit too much. You share way too much personal information, and you come across as overly confident specially in the first date

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