Apparently, there’s a whole online community dedicated to the mysterious dentist who goes against the grain. We’ve taken a trip toThe 10th Dentistsubreddit, which provides members with a safe space to share their most unpopular and outlandish opinions. Below, you’ll find some of these strange ideas, so try to keep an open mind while reading through. And be sure to upvote the pics that you find particularly shocking!
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According toThe 10th Dentistsubreddit, the 10th dentist “is someone who sincerely, or professionally, disagrees with the broad majority of people.” This is the person who’ll eat the pizza crust and leave the rest of the slice for someone else. They love having long layovers and being forced to hang out in airports, and they believe that chocolate is disgusting.Now, it’s likely that we all have a few 10th dentist level opinions. I love weird food combinations as much as the next person, and I absolutely hate ketchup. So it’s not surprising that The 10th Dentist subreddit has become one of the largest on the platform, with over 257k members. We should all be able to voice that the Harry Potter films are overrated without fearing for our life!
According toThe 10th Dentistsubreddit, the 10th dentist “is someone who sincerely, or professionally, disagrees with the broad majority of people.” This is the person who’ll eat the pizza crust and leave the rest of the slice for someone else. They love having long layovers and being forced to hang out in airports, and they believe that chocolate is disgusting.
Now, it’s likely that we all have a few 10th dentist level opinions. I love weird food combinations as much as the next person, and I absolutely hate ketchup. So it’s not surprising that The 10th Dentist subreddit has become one of the largest on the platform, with over 257k members. We should all be able to voice that the Harry Potter films are overrated without fearing for our life!
No matter how cliche the idea of “9 out of 10 dentists” recommending something has become, it’sstillused on company websites. You can find it onSensodyne’s siterecommending their toothpaste for sensitive teeth, and you’ll hear it in commercials all the time.But some companies have decided to be a bit more careful about their claims, as in 2007, Colgate found themselvesunder firefor their bold statement that 80% of dentists recommend their toothpaste.
No matter how cliche the idea of “9 out of 10 dentists” recommending something has become, it’sstillused on company websites. You can find it onSensodyne’s siterecommending their toothpaste for sensitive teeth, and you’ll hear it in commercials all the time.
But some companies have decided to be a bit more careful about their claims, as in 2007, Colgate found themselvesunder firefor their bold statement that 80% of dentists recommend their toothpaste.
Nowadays, it’s really easy to spend time in echo chambers online. We’re pushed similar content to what we engage with and click like on, and we tend to follow pages that share beliefs that we agree with. But sometimes, it’s healthy to be introduced to ideas and opinions that are different from our own. That’s why The 10th Dentist subreddit can be such a great place! You might fervently disagree with many of the photos and opinions you see shared there, but they’re still opening up your mind to new ideas.
See Also on Bored Panda
I will admit that there are definitely things on this list I would never do. But I’ll never judge anyone for their bizarre combinations and beliefs, as long as they’re harmless! Try to keep some of that childlike wonder alive in yourself, pandas, and try some guacamole on an Oreo! (Okay, maybe not that one… But find something new to try!)
After looking at some of these photos, do you feel that you fall more into the majority on many of these opinions, or do you find yourself resonating with these misunderstood 10th dentists? Keep upvoting the pics that you find particularly surprising (or some that you might even agree with!), and if you’d like to read even more unpopular opinions from Bored Panda, check outthis piecenext!
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