Being a parent is a joy like no other. You get to see a whole human being grow up from a little nugget into an independent thinker. Granted, it also comes with some challenges, like constant worry, having to discipline, the stress, and the fatigue.So, it’s healthy to sometimes take a break and have a laugh at the woes ofbeing a parent. Just like every month, we’ve collected a bunch of tweets from parents who managed to somehow make it through February. Scroll down and see for yourself that sometimeskids sayand do the darnedest things!This post may includeaffiliate links.

Being a parent is a joy like no other. You get to see a whole human being grow up from a little nugget into an independent thinker. Granted, it also comes with some challenges, like constant worry, having to discipline, the stress, and the fatigue.

So, it’s healthy to sometimes take a break and have a laugh at the woes ofbeing a parent. Just like every month, we’ve collected a bunch of tweets from parents who managed to somehow make it through February. Scroll down and see for yourself that sometimeskids sayand do the darnedest things!

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Tweet from a parent humorously depicting a conversation about coffee between a child, grandpa, and grandma.


Tweet from a parent describing a man at the playground with a powerful dad voice, causing them to drop their book.

Tweet from a parent wishing for missed childhood naps, reflecting on parenting challenges.

As you scroll through thesetweets, you might start thinking: “Are parents OK?” And the answer is no, parents are not OK. At least not at the moment. Researchshowsthat parents are spending more time on caregiving than any other previous generations. And, on top of that, both parents are usually working full-time.

Tweet from John reminiscing about getting a free gift in cereal, highlighting unhinged parent humor.

Tweet from a parent humorously sharing an interaction with their child.

Tweet from a parent humorously exaggerating the cost of taking kids to a movie; mentions drinks and snacks.

Just last year, the U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthywarnedthat the pressure that parents face has become a public health concern. In his issued advisory, he claims that the biggest stressors are the costs of childcare, education, and healthcare.But parents are also worrying about their kids and how they’re doing. With school shootings, the youth mental health crisis, and the loneliness epidemic, parents are feeling pretty powerless in their roles. What’s more, the added stress of the mental load, struggling to find the time to work, and finding childcare stressed parents even more.

Just last year, the U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthywarnedthat the pressure that parents face has become a public health concern. In his issued advisory, he claims that the biggest stressors are the costs of childcare, education, and healthcare.

But parents are also worrying about their kids and how they’re doing. With school shootings, the youth mental health crisis, and the loneliness epidemic, parents are feeling pretty powerless in their roles. What’s more, the added stress of the mental load, struggling to find the time to work, and finding childcare stressed parents even more.

Tweet from a parent sharing a humorous story about their daughter’s creative way of getting a boyfriend.

Parent tweets about a family bedtime mishap involving facial masks and a string of screams.

Tweet humorously reflecting a parent’s experience with kids, questioning why phones replaced giant TVs for teens.

Social media is stressing parents out just as much as it’s negatively impacting their kids. Psychologist and host of the “Authentic Parenting” podcast Anna Seewaldtold CNNthat parents need to take stock of how much time they’re spending on social media. “That’s a background stressor for a lot of people in a world of many stressors — and it’s one that you can control,” she says.

Tweet from a parent humorously planning a blanket fort, inspired by their child’s age restriction rule.

Tweet from a parent sharing a humorous moment with their two-year-old in denial about family relationships.

Tweet from a parent humorously discussing a child’s curious question, related to unhinged tweets from parents.

Instead, the psychologist says, parents should strive to connect with their kids and their loved ones in person. As social psychologist Alex DanversexplainedtoBored Pandain a previous article, being around people for at least four hours a day can be enough. “It really is just about being in other people’s company, even if you’re just talking about what frozen pizza to make while you play video games,” he said.

Parent tweeting about a conversation with their child, showcasing humor in parenting moments.

Tweet from a parent about an unexpected birthday party organized by their son with neighborhood kids.

Tweet from a parent humorously questioning if misnaming kids is part of parenting, posted by user Sarcastic Mommy.

Seewald also recommends parents don’t stretch themselves too thin. While it might sound and look cool to be a super parent, you don’t have to do everything. It’s okay to miss a birthday party, take some time for yourself, hire a nanny for a day, or have coffee with a neighbor. “Preserving and protecting your own energy and time is more important.”

Tweet from a parent humorously answering a stranger about her problem, mentioning drinking and eating chips.

Tweet from a parent about their child’s amusing expectation for an upcoming airport trip.

Tweet from parent sharing a humorous moment with their three-year-old at the dinner table.

Overall, parents should give themselves some slack. Seewald says that parents should practice self-compassion. That includes being kind to yourself when you make mistakes or yell at your kids. “Feeling inadequate and shameful is a recipe for failure,” she explained.

Tweet from a parent humorously discussing the high price of eggs and car seat priorities with kids.

Tweet from a parent about their son asking if they knew him at 2 years old, with crying emojis.

Tweet from a parent humorously recounting a child’s reluctance to spend their own money.

Humor can be a great outlet for parents to vent their frustrations about parenting. However, recent research alsoshowsthat parents who incorporate humor into their parenting have better relationships with their children. Kids whose parents used humor saw their childhoods in a more positive light as well.

Tweet from a parent humorously sharing an interaction with their child about the 1980s and 1880.

Tweet by a parent humorously suggesting the invention of a kid who listens the first time.

Parent shares unhinged tweet about a child’s reaction to a dropped waffle, emphasizing humor in parenting moments.

Benjamin Levi, professor of pediatrics and humanities at Penn State College of Medicine and senior author of the study, explained why humor can help parents. “Humor can teach people cognitive flexibility, relieve stress, and promote creative problem solving and resilience.”

Tweet from a parent humorously expressing constant tiredness, part of unhinged tweets collection about parenting.

Parent tweets humor about a child’s comment on neighbor’s Valentine decorations legality.

A funny tweet from a parent about their child’s perception of yelling, highlighting parenting humor.

Pediatric resident Lucy Emery, co-author of the study, likened the effects of humor on parenting with the benefits it brings to business relationships. When used in workplace environments, humor diffuses tension, reduces hierarchies, and helps build a better environment for teamwork. It works similarly in families, only the relationship between a parent and a child is more loving.

Tweet from a parent humorously discussing bedtime and kid’s curious questions.

Tweet from a parent humorously describing kids coating the kitchen with avocado oil in two minutes.

Tweet from a parent sharing a funny bedtime question from their kid.

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How do you think these parents fared in February, Pandas? Did you find any of their tweets particularly relatable? Share with us your adventures from the past month, parent Pandas! And, if you haven’t already, don’t forget to check out our edition of the funniestparenting tweetsfromJanuary.

Tweet from a parent joking about canceling a paternity test after a toddler asks for cornbread.

Tweet from a parent humorously sharing a story about taking blame for wife’s embarrassing moment.

Tweet humor from a parent about leaving dishes to soak overnight.

Tweet from a parent humorously reacting to their child’s question about “The Babysitters Club” graphic novel.

Tweet from a parent featuring an unhinged conversation with a 4-year-old about talking to the dead.

Tweet from a parent about finding pringles under their child’s pillow, humorously calling him their life coach.

Parent tweet about time spent waiting in car for kids, posted by Simon Holland.

Unhinged tweet from a parent humorously comparing toddler behavior to adult mistakes.

Tweet from parent humorously deleting a school fundraiser email.

Unhinged tweet from a parent joking about ignoring $30,000 hospital bills after giving birth.

Tweet from a parent humorously noting their child’s sudden energy at bedtime.

Tweet humor from a parent about kids' unpredictable movements; knees and elbows as “guided missiles” to sore spots.

Tweet from a parent humorously discussing teasing with their kids, mentioning Wi-Fi passwords.

Tweet from a parent humorously recounting a child’s wake-up time change after late bedtime.

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Parent tweet with a funny misunderstanding about weather and age.

Tweet about a kid eating Fun Dip humorously shared by a parent.

Tweet from Henpecked Hal about a child’s convincing argument for pizza.

Parent tweet humorously reflects on baby sleep preferences with cotton swaddle and crib mattress.

Tweet from a parent humorously describing their daughter’s assertive comment about wanting clothes.

Tweet from a parent about their 9-year-old downloading Google Slides for a presentation.

Tweet from a parent humorously commenting on the irony of “no stress” products.

Tweet from a parent humorously wondering how to enjoy a day off while kids are in school.

Tweet from a parent humorously comparing their plant skills to their child’s success.

Tweet from a parent humorously noting kids likely won’t eat dinner of grilled chicken, broccoli, and mac n cheese.

Parent tweet humorously listing reasons their daughter is upset over small issues.

Tweet from a parent humorously noting their baby’s odd eating habits in February.

Tweet by a parent describes a 13-year-old’s group turmoil after a girl’s nonchalant reaction to another’s dog’s death.

Tweet from a parent about a humorous interaction with their 7-year-old, referencing a preference for cash.


Tweet from a parent keeping their mind active by worrying, part of unhinged tweets collection.

Tweet from a parent humorously asking Alexa to fold laundry, highlighting unhinged parenting moments.

Tweet from a parent humorously addressing issues with Berenstain Bears books regarding Lizzie.

Tweet from a parent about kids finding a new screen when PlayStation is down, showcasing humorous parenting moments.

Parent tweet humor about kids fixing a phone screen.

Tweet from a parent humorously describing the challenge of managing kids during sickness.

Parent jokes about using college fund for child’s DJ dream, highlighting humor in parenting tweets.

Tweet from a parent humorously describing a child’s candy business plan.

Unhinged tweet from a parent sharing a humorous interaction with their child.

Parent tweet with a humorous caption about kids and YouTube shorts, featuring a historical painting.

Tweet from a parent humorously comparing a therapy session to dealing with kids.

Tweet about a parent’s experience with their child’s pet fish and responsibility, highlighting a funny lesson learned.

Tweet from a parent humorously asking about “accidentally” eating a sleeve of Oreos.

A humorous tweet from a parent about kids and $15 milkshakes.

Parent tweets about child’s dislike for Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, humorously questioning if switched at birth.

Tweet humorously contemplating Smurf smoothie color, reflecting unhinged parenting moments.

Tweet from a parent humorously questioning their sanity, with engagement icons visible.

Tweet from a parent humorously telling their child it’s “really sigma” to brush their teeth.

Tweet from a parent joking about enjoying time without responsibilities, featuring humor about parenting challenges.

Tweet joking about a parent’s lifestyle shift, highlighting humor in parenting tweets.

Tweet from a parent humorously discussing conversations with Alexa about listening issues.

Parent humor tweet exchange about no TV night due to kid’s mishap on couch.

Tweet about parenting challenges with preteens and teens, mentioning fights and broken door jambs.

Tweet from a parent humorously comparing their child to others, part of unhinged tweets from parents.

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