It’s a dream come true for many fans if they end up meeting theirfavorite actors, musicians, public figures, and stars. However, unless you move in similar social circles or literally live in the same neighborhood, your paths crossing comes down to pure luck. Naturally, not everyone’s prepared for this!Some of the members of the sprawling AskReddit community took to an online thread tosharethe wildest, weirdest, and most wacky interactions they’ve ever had withcelebrities. We’ve collected some of their most bizarre and interesting stories to share with you, Pandas. Scroll down for a good laugh!This post may includeaffiliate links.
It’s a dream come true for many fans if they end up meeting theirfavorite actors, musicians, public figures, and stars. However, unless you move in similar social circles or literally live in the same neighborhood, your paths crossing comes down to pure luck. Naturally, not everyone’s prepared for this!
Some of the members of the sprawling AskReddit community took to an online thread tosharethe wildest, weirdest, and most wacky interactions they’ve ever had withcelebrities. We’ve collected some of their most bizarre and interesting stories to share with you, Pandas. Scroll down for a good laugh!
This post may includeaffiliate links.
This will get buried, but it’s a good story. When I was a wee lad, my father kind of sucked. Well, really sucked. So at one point in my childhood, I decided to recruit a new father: Jack Tripper, from Three’s Company. (To my child brain, he’d be the coolest dad in the world!) So I wrote to John Ritter, asking him to be my new dad.And he wrote back. About a thousand times. See, over the next several years, I wrote to him several times a week. And he answered each and every letter, not with a form letter and a picture, but an actual letter asking about how i was doing in school, giving me advice, etc.In short, I sort of hijacked John Ritter as a father. We kept in touch until I went off to college. I didn’t cry when my real dad died, but John Ritter’s death tore me up.That man is God.
Bored Pandareached out to entertainmentexpert Mike Singtonwith some questions about fan-celebrity interactions and what to do if you feel like you’ve embarrassed yourself in front of someone famous. He was kind enough to shed some light on this for us.We were curious how fans could make their interactions with stars as positive and memorable as possible. According to Sington, fans ought to keep things “brief and respectful.” For example, a simple “I’m a big fan” is often enough, according to the expert.“Be mindful of their personal space and avoid overwhelming them with requests. A genuine, short compliment about their work is always appreciated,” he told us.“Most importantly, remember they’re people too, so treat them with the same courtesy you’d show anyone else,” Sington urged fans to always keep in mind that celebrities are just like them. So, empathy goes a long way.
Bored Pandareached out to entertainmentexpert Mike Singtonwith some questions about fan-celebrity interactions and what to do if you feel like you’ve embarrassed yourself in front of someone famous. He was kind enough to shed some light on this for us.
We were curious how fans could make their interactions with stars as positive and memorable as possible. According to Sington, fans ought to keep things “brief and respectful.” For example, a simple “I’m a big fan” is often enough, according to the expert.
“Be mindful of their personal space and avoid overwhelming them with requests. A genuine, short compliment about their work is always appreciated,” he told us.
“Most importantly, remember they’re people too, so treat them with the same courtesy you’d show anyone else,” Sington urged fans to always keep in mind that celebrities are just like them. So, empathy goes a long way.
My friend and I always “call out” everyday people that we think look like famous people. Example: see a red head “Hey look! It’s Ron Howard!”. We were in a bar in Boston and I saw a guy at the bar and I go “Hey look! It’s Sean Penn”. She goes “Bad call. Looks nothing like him”. I look closer and go “Holy s**t! It IS Sean Penn!”. So I go up and thinking I am all cool I start talking to the guy who was with him. Sean eventually just turns to me, puts out his hand and says “Hi. I’m Sean”. I am dying inside but trying to play it cool. We start talking and I tell him how I am a big fan of his but also his brother Michael Penn (musician). He proceeds to pull out his cell phone, call his brother and he hands me the phone!!! So I am talking to Michael Penn on Sean Penns cell phone. Michael tells me to call Sean “Sean-ie” cause he hates that. I do it and Sean cracks up laughing. Seriously one of the best nights of my life and why Sean Penn will always be ok in my book.
We all inevitably mess up in social settings from time to time. No matter how awkward the situation might be, it’s not the end of the world.Bored Panda asked entertainment expertSingtonwhat fans can do if they’ve done or said something embarrassing. “Acknowledge the slip-up with a brief, lighthearted apology and a self-deprecating joke if appropriate,” he suggested.“Then, quickly shift the focus back to the star, expressing genuine appreciation for their work,” Sington said.“Remember, stars are often understanding of fan excitement, so a sincere and respectful demeanor will usually smooth things over.”
We all inevitably mess up in social settings from time to time. No matter how awkward the situation might be, it’s not the end of the world.
Bored Panda asked entertainment expertSingtonwhat fans can do if they’ve done or said something embarrassing. “Acknowledge the slip-up with a brief, lighthearted apology and a self-deprecating joke if appropriate,” he suggested.
“Then, quickly shift the focus back to the star, expressing genuine appreciation for their work,” Sington said.
“Remember, stars are often understanding of fan excitement, so a sincere and respectful demeanor will usually smooth things over.”
In California many years ago, I saw Arnold Schwarzenegger walking near the beach. He was headed to his car and I wanted to say something before he got in and left, and felt silly running towards him so I just blurted out..“You Rock Arnold!‘With a stern look he replied simply, “I am not in a band..” but it sounded more like ‘um nod unna bond’.
My brother was at comic con and went to the bathroom and was taking a leak at the urinal..he looks and see’s its pretty much empty so he lets out a huge fart..then he hears, “RIGHT BACK ATCHA BRO” and a HUGEEEE fart come from the stalls. Washes his hands and Jason Mewes walks out of the stall..
Harrison Ford asked me and my dad for directions. We were filling up the car at a local gas station, and a big, white SUV pulls up close to us. A tall man gets out, and dad realizes he’s walking up to us… so he stops, turns around, and has the “HOLY S**T, IT’S HARRISON FORD” moment. Ford was really nice, and asked us for directions to the airport. My dad, being a jokester, told him that he never expected Indiana Jones to be lost in a little town like Morristown, to which Harrison replied, “Ah, Indiana Jones has been lost several times, sir. Thanks for the directions.“Great day.
Meeting acelebrityor an important public figure can be extremely stressful. Especially if you’re their fan, you haven’t had (m)any similar interactions, and you’re super self-conscious. This sort of reaction is natural. Nobody wants to make a fool of themselves or say the wrong thing in front of someone important and influential. And while it’s tough to prepare yourself for meeting your fave actors and singers, you can practice dealing with stressful situations in general.It’s natural for your body’s fight-or-flight (orfreezeor fawn) response to kick in during stressful situations, like in an emergency, when you’re meeting someone for the first time, or when you have to speak in front of a crowd.
Meeting acelebrityor an important public figure can be extremely stressful. Especially if you’re their fan, you haven’t had (m)any similar interactions, and you’re super self-conscious. This sort of reaction is natural. Nobody wants to make a fool of themselves or say the wrong thing in front of someone important and influential. And while it’s tough to prepare yourself for meeting your fave actors and singers, you can practice dealing with stressful situations in general.
It’s natural for your body’s fight-or-flight (orfreezeor fawn) response to kick in during stressful situations, like in an emergency, when you’re meeting someone for the first time, or when you have to speak in front of a crowd.
My family and I bumped into Richard Simmons in Italy while waiting to see Michelangelo’s “David”. After getting a picture with him, he looked my dad in the eye’s and said “you are just a lovely man” and kissed him on the lips.
Nobody’s met a rapper?My best mate managed a bar in London (this was just after the smoking ban had come into play). It was a nice gig with plenty of richer people and the occasional B lister making an appearance.One night however, Snoop Dogg books the entire VIP area out for him and his entourage! They buy out all the champers so my mate has to go get some more, party like mad men, the usual. When my mate comes back in, he sees the barman looking a bit uncomfortable and he asks whats up. “Snoop Dogg is smoking”. Huh, fancy that, the Dogg has a f***g gigantic cuban in his mouth and he’s puffing away. Well, the law being the law and my mate not wanting to lose his license, he goes over to Snoop.“Hi Mr, er, Dogg… I hate to inform you that smoking is illegal in clubs and bars now, so you’ll have to extinguish your cigar or you’ll be fined"Snoop looks at him like he’s taking the ps, sighs and says"Mother f****r! How much is the fine?““£2000"He just hands my mate £2000 and keeps smoking….
I saw Tracy Morgan walking down the street in New York City. I shouted to my friend, “HEY! Its Tracy Morgan!“Tracy hears me turns around and says, “oh s**t! Where?” and looks around, then continues walking…
Rapid response nurse Sarah Lorenzini, the founder of the Rapid Response Academy,toldCNN that you should practice what you’re scared of so that you’re prepared for high-stress situations ahead of time.Meanwhile, you can build up your nervous system resilience ahead of stressful situations. Dr. Inna Khazan, from the Harvard Medical School, explained to CNN that people could exercise their heart rate variability (HRV). The higher your HRV, the more healthy your nervous system and its ability to adapt to challenges and stressors.For example, you could practice resonance frequency breathing: slow diaphragmatic breathing, usually 3 to 7 breaths per minute, to synchronize with your heart rate. This should raise your HRV. According to Khazan, people with higher HRV find it easier to focus, respond to challenging situations, and make decisions.
Rapid response nurse Sarah Lorenzini, the founder of the Rapid Response Academy,toldCNN that you should practice what you’re scared of so that you’re prepared for high-stress situations ahead of time.
Meanwhile, you can build up your nervous system resilience ahead of stressful situations. Dr. Inna Khazan, from the Harvard Medical School, explained to CNN that people could exercise their heart rate variability (HRV). The higher your HRV, the more healthy your nervous system and its ability to adapt to challenges and stressors.
For example, you could practice resonance frequency breathing: slow diaphragmatic breathing, usually 3 to 7 breaths per minute, to synchronize with your heart rate. This should raise your HRV. According to Khazan, people with higher HRV find it easier to focus, respond to challenging situations, and make decisions.
Meanwhile, we can all handle stress better when we’ve taken care of the basics: getting plenty of sleep, eating a nutritious and balanced diet, getting plenty of exercise, staying hydrated, and staying away from unhealthy habits.
Paris Hilton gave me a ride home. Well, her driver, not her. But she was in the car. We all left a club in LA and were all drunk, she said she thought my friends and I were cool and didn’t want us to pay for a cab home so she dropped us all off. Needless to say, it was a funny night.
I don’t remember it, but my dad insists this is true: When I was 4 years old I saw Whoopi Goldberg at the grocery store (mind you this was in the early 90s so it was arguably the peak of her career) so approached her and said “Wow, you’re ALMOST as famous as the Ninja Turtles!!”.
At Bonnaroo I met Zach Braff.He had just gotten done doing a Q&A for Garden State, and I was waiting in line to go to Aziz Ansari’s Q&A for 30 Minutes or Less which was right after Braff’s thing.Well, Braff leaves his Q&A and sees people waiting outside for Aziz. He is on the opposite side of the fence, so none of us can reach him. He hops on top of a garbage can, that was against the fence, so that you could see only the top half of his body. I was the first one to spot him, so I run over to him as fast as I possibly can. I climb a different trash can against the fence, and me and Zach Braff are literally inches away from each other, a fence the only thing in between us.We look at each other, he laughs. He grabs both my hands and whispers into my ear, “I’ll never let you go Jack, I’ll never let you go.“He then hugs me, waves at everyone rushing towards him, and hops down from the garbage can, and vanishes.What an awesome guy. He seemed so excited to see his fans, he had the biggest smile on his face.
I went to Flavor Flav’s son’s birthday party at Chuck E Cheese.EDIT: For context, he’s my grandparent’s neighbor. He loves my grandparents and always invites them to shows he’s going to be at or events and so we were visiting them and he came over to see if we wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese for his son’s birthday. Nobody wanted to go but me and my grandma, so we went and he wore his big clock and his neon green shirt that he always wears, but he’s actually fairly normal when the cameras aren’t around. I have a picture of him and I that day. I’ll try to find it and get it up here.
I was flying to japan when I was very young. Being in an airport and having to wait made me very agitated. I began throwing a tantrum and the man beside me asked if he could play with me and my toys. Little did I know that man was Jackie Chan.
Was watching a US World Cup match in a hotel bar in Frankfurt when a familiar looking redhead walks in and stands at the bar next to my friend and I. He had a wheelie suitcase with him and a fully stuffed backpack on, so I figured he was on his way to the airport and stopping in to catch the game before hopping on the S-Bahn. I made some flippant comment about the match to him (I think it was US v BRA?) and he returned the sarcasm, so I offered to buy him a drink.He grins and says, “Yeah sure, why not.” So I order the beers, we chat and as he finishes up he says, “I have to catch a train, it was nice talking with you.“And I say, “It was great chatting with you too, Alan.“Then he kinda stares at me and asks how long I’d known who he was. I grin and say the entire time and he gives me a big ol’ hug and says, “Thanks for being quiet about it.” And was on his way.TL;DR- Bought Alan Tudyk a beer while he was promoting Serenity in Germany and he’s a seriously awesome dude..
Got high with Kelly Osbourne and listened to her talk speakerphone with her father. They may be the one case of reality television portraying people accurately.
Bill Murray stole one of my fries and then looked me dead in the eye and said, “No one will believe you”.
Flew without my parents when I was 9-10. They put me in first class because I was so young. My dad is a huge manchester united fan and I happened to be wearing their home kit on the flight. Foreign guy asks me if I’d like him to sign it. I thought it was weird and creepy and said no. Later found out/realised it was Eric Cantona. My dad was genuinely pissed when I told him.
My Brother was an aspiring actor, and he got a few gigs working as an extra on a couple Disney shows. He worked as an extra on Suite Life, Hannah Montana, etc. Well, when he was working as an extra on Wizards of Waverly Place, he became close with Selena Gomez. This was back when the show was out for a couple months, and society didn’t obsess over Selena. But people would still know who she was. Anyways, I walk home and what do I see? My little brother making out with Selena Gomez. I start laughing like the d****e older bro I am, and s**t got awkward. Selena just left the house in embarrassment.
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Bill Murray said “hey” to my dog once…
I’ve only ever met one famous person, and funnily enough no-one ever believes me. I got on a really busy subway train (in Glasgow) a few years back and quickly grabbed the only seat left. I sat for a good five minutes minding my own business, before asking the guy next to me if I could have his newspaper when he was finished with it. Turns out that guy was Michael Keaton. “Hey uh, yeah sure” and handed me the paper right away. I couldn’t even read, I pretended to, but all I could think was “Holy f**k!“TL;DR BATMAN..
I used to work in SoHo, NYC. I’ve met a ton of celebrities, most of which are extremely pleasant to chat with if you don’t get in their faces. Here are two stories:Elijah Wood (after about a year of chit chat and serving him coffee in 2007): So what are you doing later tonight?Me: Folding laundry. How about you?His response was an “are you f**g kidding me?” face. Later my friend/co-worker pointed out the mistake I had made. I think I may have turned down a date with the most sweet, knee-weakeningly adorable man on the planet. I never saw him again.Cut to 2008, me smoking a cigarette on the curb of the sidewalk, on break from a 14 hour shift at a frame shop.Mischa Barton ties her little dog up to a street sign post. Points at the dog, then points at me (obviously exhausted) and mouths “I’ll be just a minute.” Then she walks off into a store on Spring Street. I stand up, look at the dog for about 5 seconds, flick my cigarette into the street and go back to work.Bh, I am not your dog sitter.Edit: SpellingEdit: Oh oh, one more! Whoopi Goldberg was coming out of a newsstand, and I, very sheepishly, tapped her on the shoulder and apologized for interrupting her day or drawing attention. I quietly told her how great of a person I think she is. She told me how sweet she thought it was, and gave me a hug. Every time I’ve seen her after that, we’ve waved and smiled.
I met Nathaniel Lees, he played the leader of the Uruk Hai Aragorn and co were chasing in LOTR the Two Towers. We got him to do the line:“Looks like meats back on the menu boys!“Not so much weird as it was awesome.
My brother and his class chased Daniel Radcliffe down the halls of our school screaming “Burn the witch” in the early days of the harry potter films.
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I’ve told this story before but i stole Justin Timberlakes watch when i was about ten years old.
I met Gary Sinise and the Lt. Dan Band after a support the troops concert they gave at the Pentagon. I was a volunteer for one of those organizations. After the concert the band was giving autographs. When I reached the table and greeted them with the group name I was representing. I was fairly shocked to learn they had heard of our organization and thought highly of it. I’m trying to move down to the next band member, but each one fired multiple questions holding me up - which in turn held up the folks behind me trying to get autographs. I felt so bad for those behind me. The whole band’s attention was on me and oblivious to those waiting. I pushed on and finally made it to the end of the table where Gary Sinise was standing. I told him my name, who I represent and his face lit up and gave me the biggest smile. I thanked him for all his, and the bands, efforts on supporting the troops. He said, “No. Thank you! It’s organizations like yours that really make a difference.” I told him, “How about we agree that we are in the mutual admiration club.” He laughed, shook my hand after signing and began asking me a ton of questions about our group.*tl;dr: met Gary Sinise & the Lt. Dan Band - they appeared star struck over the group I was representing.
A couple of years ago my mom was Jennifer Love Hewitt’s personal makeup artist for the show Ghost Whisperer. I was sitting in the makeup trailer and Jamie Kennedy walks in, comes up to me, and asks “Hey dude, boxers of briefs?” Confused, I say “uhhh… boxers?” He then laughs and says, ““NOPE, COMMANDO!” and proceeds to pull down his pants and completely moons me.I completely lost my s**t when he did that.EDIT: He didn’t know that I was the makeup artist’s son, so he got really embarrassed when he found out haha.
Hung out in a hotel room with Snoop Dogg while he watched a tennis match.Funny guy.
Bruce Campbell gave me and my friends the finger at ComicCon Chicago last year.We were just standing with the crowd checking out the Walking Dead table when my buddy taps my arm. I look up and see Bruce in one of the big windows (green room area) above the arena looking right down at us. I quickly do the shoulder nudge to my other buddy and point him out. No one else around noticed him up there yet. After all three of us are looking up at him, he held up his hand in a half-a*s wave, and then did the whole pretending-to-rub-your-eye-with-your-middle-finger thing and walked away smiling. We laughed our asses off.
Met Bruce Campbell and we pretended to arm wrestle for a picture together.
I was with a friend who had a film at the Toronto Film Festival many years ago and we were at the roof restaurant of a private club having a few drinks.Conan O’Brien stumbles over and trips and sort of lands across our table. His buddy pulls him up to maneuver him toward the door but Conan sweeps his arm over toward us and slurs (loudly) “THEEESSE ARE MY FANZZZZZZZZZZZ”.
I met Barack Obama when I was in 8th grade. He was my Senator at the time.Anyways, we are talking with him and his staff just chillin and whatnot. I walk up to him, shake his hand, he says “Hi hows your trip?“I tell him about how all the monuments in Washington DC kinda all look the same after 4 days of site seeing.He laughs. I say, “Hey can we get a picture together"He says no, then walks away… i already had my camera ready too.I played it off like he was just a d**k, but now with him as president, I think of how cool it would be to show that picture to my children. But I did’t get my picture with him…Also, i bought Rob Scheider a drink once at a comedy club. I got a shout-out when he took the stage… Thats all i got as far as celebs go.
I played the tuba in front of Bill Nye when he was at Cornell for homecoming. Hasn’t aged a day.
Oh god this was awkward.So a few years ago, my then-girlfriend and I went to see Russell Howard do a warmup show at a small pub in Islington. We were stood near the bar having a drink and - as you do when drinking - I started to feel the need to ps. Fine, no biggie, I can hold it for a bit because (I can’t remember exactly why) we were waiting for Russell to come down the stairs. After a few minutes, he comes down the stairs, looks in a bit of a hurry, we make eye contact, acknowledge each other with a nod and say “hi” to each other. Lovely, now I can go for a ps so I walk off to the toilet with a purpose - I’ve been holding it in for a while now and I broke the seal earlier. A few seconds into my power-walk, I realise that Russell Howard has come downstairs to use the toilet and has noticed me walking behind him, seconds after giving him a friendly nod…he went into the cubicle, I had a p**s and left as quickly as I could. Got some weird looks from him during his;dr - waited for Russell Howard, saw him and pretty sure he thinks I followed him into the toilets.
Not my own interaction, but my friend’s. I’ll post it anyways.So my friend and his dad were at a restaurant when the singer Björk walks past them. The dad says loudly and awkwardly “Hey, look son! It’s f*****g Björk!“Björk looked at them with killer eyes and said “I am NOT a caged animal”.
Once, when people still thought Soulja Boy was cool, I found his AIM Screenname on a random forum. He called me a “d******d cracker” and signed off.I also, found one A7X’s phone numbers and called them. They were pretty nice. So yep.
I met Felicia Day at NYCC, and I was dressed as Sailor Neptune. She was freaking adorable and super nice/humble, but she got really, REALLY excited about my costume and said, “Omg, your eyes are the same color as your wig! ARE YOUR EYES REAL?!“tl;dr Felicia Day asked if I was wearing my ‘real eyes’ at NYCC XD.
I was at the Book of Mormon last march and sat right next to John Stamos. Hearing him laugh was like seeing the musical and watching Full House at the same time. He signed my playbill, and then on my way out I met Trey Parker and he signed it too, but halfway over Johns signature. On purpose.
My highschool history teacher was a really funny, dry humor kinda cat.He told us the story of when he met Katie Holmes. (We’re from Toledo, OH)He was driving in a rather rich area of town called Ottawa Hills. He sees a woman jogging.While stopped at a red light, as she passes, he says “Hey, you know you look a lot like Katie Holmes?“She says “I am Katie Holmes.“He says “Oh. That’s cool.” The light turns green and he says “Bye!” as he’s pulling off.
A big, gay friend of my parents ran up to Gok Wan and yelled “ARE YOU WOK??? He took it as a racist comment and stormed off.The poor guy just forgot his name in his excitement, he left having made an enemy of his hero…
Some friends and I decided to hit up a strip club after a night of clubbing. Once inside, I had to go straight to the bathroom and take a p**s. While I’m at the urinal, this drunk fat idiot with white hair bumps into me while he was undoing his fly. Puts his hand on the wall above the urinal and lifts his head up once he began pissing. He looks at me and says, “these bitches here are wild!” It’s Ron White. He’s obviously plastered.(it was about 3 in the am to be fair)as we exit the restroom, I asked him if I could get a picture with him, to which he replied,“I don’t take pictures with dudes."TL:DR Met Ron White at a strip club. He was drunk.
When I decided to go take a ps at an airport bathroom in Chicago, I had no idea it would be the craziest experience of my life. So I go into the bathroom none other than Bruce fg Willis walks in. Bruce Willis! I was fg pumped. I grew up watching Die Hard and The Fifth Element so he was my favorite actor. Even when the new Die Hard movie came out, I was the first in line to see it. I was on a date with a girl and she thought she was going to see that stupid Nancy Drew movie, but when we got there I said “I’m seeing Die Hard with or without you. Your call.” She was really pissed at me but I didn’t give a fk. She wouldn’t talk to me the whole way home either so I just dropped her off at her house instead of taking her back to my place. We wouldn’t have f****d anyway, because she insisted on me wearing a condom and I knew I didn’t have any left. I tried going to Acme to get more condoms before we went out but they f***g lock them behind the counter at the pharmacy and I couldn’t find anyone to open the cabinet door for me. Fk Acme. I think they have a hidden agenda to prevent people from getting contraceptives.
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