While parenting is a lot of work, it’s also a constant reminder, in between messes and tantrums, that toddlers are prettyfunny. On top of that, it’s a pretty human reaction to fight stress and tiredness with plain good old humor, which, in the 21st century generally means taking a human experience and making it a meme.

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Parenting meme about sex-ed classes, featuring a humorous suggestion involving crying babies and Peppa Pig.


Text meme about parenting humor: “I used to wonder why my mom never got sick. Now I know she did; she just didn’t have time for that."

Text on a textured background reads, “One of the weirdest things about being an adult is having a favorite stove top burner.” Parenting memes humor.

It can be difficult to properly discuss parenting, since it’s one of those things you truly can not understand until you actually do it. Non-parents are often also confused when parents will call it both incredibly rewarding and also exhausting, stressful and sometimes pretty scary. However,research suggeststhat the majority of parents actually see the experience as a good, fulfilling thing.

Parenting meme sign humorously highlighting interactions with toddlers and toy phones.

Smartwatch noise alert reads 90 decibels with crying baby in the background. Humorous parenting meme.

“Parenting memes featuring cartoon dinosaur as grandmother and realistic dinosaur as mom, illustrating family roles humorously."

Bird labeled “my toddler” reaching for “that” on a beach, illustrating a parenting meme humor scenario.

Parenting meme about changing expectations with kids, featuring spaghetti as a hat.

1985 parenting meme about sending kids back in time for fun.

Monkey and lemur representing parenting memes about kids ignoring conversations.

Parenting meme about a child unplugging life support to charge a phone, with humorous emojis.

Parenting meme about TV as emotional support background noise on a red background.

Parenting meme about a mom humorously explaining savings disappearance by sending a picture of the kids.

Parenting meme text: “You are not ‘just’ a mom, you are someone’s safe place, home, entire world” with a pink globe icon.

Funny parenting meme about a mom forgetting what to say due to constant interruptions from kids.

Parenting meme text reads, “I used to have a cute, innocent infant. Now I have a toddlersaurus rex."

Laughing reaction meme about parenting, with a messy background of clothes and dishes highlighting the chaos of parenting life.

Person holding a phone, looking distressed with text about kids' school caller ID. Parenting meme humor.

Mother duck leading ducklings with humorous parenting meme text in background.

Parenting meme text reads: “Kids don’t put anything back… unless it’s an empty food box."

Text-based parenting meme about the struggles beyond childbirth, with a humorous tone.

Child in sunglasses with arms crossed, facing adult; humorous parenting meme captures daily challenges.

Funny parenting meme about watching movies, highlighting the challenges of finding free time after having kids.

Parenting meme about texting your child, comparing it to dating someone uninterested. Background with orange slices.

Mom looking frustrated in a parenting meme about kids interrupting her rest time.

Overflowing trash can with text “Invisible to everyone else in the house except for mom,” highlighting parenting memes humor.

Couple with wide eyes in humorous meme about household tasks, capturing the chaos of parenting.

Text meme: “Having an empty laundry basket is the best 12 seconds of the week.” Parenting humor in a relatable quote.

Parenting meme with a humorous quote about kids' ability to find their mom no matter where she hides.

Text reads, “My toddler really don’t care. I be like ‘Get DOWN! One… Two…’ And they’ll be like ‘freeeeeeee, four!'” Parenting memes humor.

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Goat mimicking a toddler demanding attention, with the text “My toddler making sure I’m watching, ‘Look mom! Look! Are you looking?!'"

Parenting meme about sharing a straw with a toddler, with humorous emojis.

Cartoon child with an angry expression, representing a humorous parenting meme about safety decisions.

Funny parenting meme about kids having public tantrums.

Text meme about parenting: “The toughest part about parenting teenagers is convincing them you know what you’re talking about."

Woman in flooded hallway, humorously depicting parenting chaos after a child’s shower.

Inspirational parenting meme text about strength and love from children, set on a black background with “Never Empty Nest” below.

Text meme about adulthood humorously highlights eating Gushers and Capri Sun.

Text meme about parenting struggles and cleaning frustration, capturing the humor in everyday mom life.

Man in period costume holding a drink with a humorous expression, text implies parenting struggles seen by a mom.

Funny parenting meme with kids asking to turn on the heat and the humorous response about wearing a summer hoodie.

Man sitting calmly on a burning couch; a humorous take on parenting memes about overtired toddlers.

Man sitting in a room while kids sleep, with text about enjoying a movie. Parenting memes humor.

Daffy Duck looking frustrated as a parenting meme about kids repeatedly emptying toy boxes.

Mom parenting meme about staying up late for alone time and regretting it in the morning, with laughing emojis.

Parenting meme with glowing body humor, captioned about gentle parenting frustration over repeated requests to a child.

Two people stand in front of a large stack of money, captioned with a daycare expense joke. A funny parenting meme.

Parenting meme text reassures moms they’re doing enough.

Mom holding a crying baby, overwhelmed on the phone, with the caption “Can I call you back in five years?” in a parenting meme.

Parenting meme about dream toy rooms and kids spreading toys everywhere.

Text meme about parenting expenses, humorously comparing daycare and diapers to sports mom costs.

A toddler with a pacifier and bow, looking tired in a blue chair; a funny parenting meme.

Skeleton in a bathtub with text: “Me waiting for this parenting thing to get easier”, illustrating parenting memes.

Cartoon dog holding a bandage in a bathroom, illustrating humorous parenting meme.

Two humorous men’s outfits illustrate parenting memes about kids’ clothing sizes.

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Sheep with a wild, unkempt mane humorously compared to a teenage son’s refusal for a haircut, reflecting parenting memes.

Parenting meme about kids complaining when asked to help with chores, like feeding the dog.

Text-based parenting meme about the joy of receiving a “love you mom” text from a child, by Moms of Bigs.

Encouraging parenting meme reminding moms they’re incredible.

Mom enjoying coffee in pajamas on couch, with text about coffee as an emotional support drink. Parenting meme humor.

Cartoon of a person in bed drinking from a giant cup; text reads “POV: Breastfeeding mums at 3am” with laughing emojis.

Cartoon character looking concerned, illustrating the bittersweet feeling of watching a child grow in parenting memes.

Text on a dark background saying to appreciate parental sacrifices for a beautiful life, reflecting parenting memes.

Teen parenting memes: candy hearts with teen sayings like “I Need Money” and “Where’s My Charger?"

Text about parenting, reminding to enjoy time with kids without always teaching.

Cartoon character looking frustrated as soon as the WiFi stops, illustrating parenting memes humor.

Parenting meme with the text: “The bags under my eyes are designer, designed by my kids.” Colorful bows in the background.

Person gesturing toward baby items and fast food bags humorously depicting parenting expenses.

Green character with a huge plate of spaghetti, humorously illustrating parenting meme about kids’ menu transition.

Parenting meme about connecting with kids only to find they have earbuds in, humorously highlighting communication challenges.

Text meme on a blue background praising a mom rocking her baby to sleep at night, highlighting parenting struggles and efforts.

Fish with open mouth, humorous parenting meme likening it to a child coughing directly at you.

Tweet from MomTruthBomb about parenting frustrations and kids avoiding chores.

Parenting meme with animated dogs discussing a “mom jar” concept, humorously exaggerating earnings from kids saying “mom."

Funny parenting meme showing a doll’s two expressions reacting to hearing “mommy” repeatedly.

Child in rain boots holding toys, surrounded by more toys, humorously illustrating the challenges of parenting.

Funny tweet about kids’ bathroom resembling a toothpaste explosion.

Parenting meme with humorous quote about spending time with kids, shared by Dads with Attitude.

SpongeBob meme about parenting, showing spending differences on kids versus oneself with humorous expressions.

Parenting meme about humorous mom moments, featuring text on a purple background about smelling a child’s diaper.

Man listening with a knowing expression, relatable parenting meme humor about finding connection through shared mom complaints.

Man reacting to a parenting meme comparing marathon running to buckling a toddler into a car seat, highlighting parental humor.

Parenting meme about toddler taking a long time to buckle car seat, causing lateness. Text by @247MOMS.

Man giving thumbs up with text: “When you text your sons an important question and they respond with this.” Parenting memes.

Parenting meme showing a tired woman listening to a story captioned “When your kid has been telling you the same story for 167 hours."

Kids surrounded by couch stuffing, creating a parenting meme scene of joyful chaos in the living room.

Text meme with the phrase about paying bills and a weary face emoji, reflecting humorous parenting struggles.

Parenting meme with text: “Wherever my kids are, that’s where my heart is” and a small red heart icon.

Parenting meme with text about a child texting “Ma” and preparing to beg, featuring various emojis below.

Parenting meme about kids needing attention after bedtime; features laughing emojis on a peach background.

Three Barbie dolls humorously depict parenting stages: no kids, one kid, and two kids, showcasing different hairstyles.

Humorous parenting meme contrasting polite versus casual mom language.

Two people dressed as clowns, mimicking a famous movie scene, illustrating a humorous parenting meme.

Man in suit with humorous expression, reacting to a parenting comment about having older kids being easier.

Text meme humorously credits Tetris for dish loading skills, relevant to parenting memes.

Cartoon girl sleeping with a crown, showcasing a humorous parenting meme about dealing with a child’s attitude.

Shrek dressed in pink robe relaxing with a mug and phone on the couch, reflecting parenting meme humor.

Parenting meme about roasting kids at home with three laughing emojis at the bottom.

SpongeBob meme with text: “My toddler ignoring your call while watching YouTube on my phone.” Parenting meme humor.

Text humorously highlights parenting challenges about kids not realizing financial struggles.

Donut with missing icing on a green plate, surrounded by toddler toys; a perfect parenting meme moment.

Chihuahua with a humorous expression, captioned about kids’ smiles, capturing the essence of parenting memes.

SpongeBob meme showing a funny reaction to someone’s comment about a baby’s resemblance to the parent.

Child being playfully lifted in a living room, capturing a humorous parenting meme.

Two people stand in a chaotic scene with debris, humorously illustrating parenting challenges.

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Greta Jaruševičiūtė

Ilona Baliūnaitė
