Nowadays, the world feels as if it’s overwhelmingly full of people obsessed with variousaesthetics. From cottagecore to dark academic – there’s probably one for every single person out there.Well, today, we’re also going to focus on two aesthetics – liminal spaces and dreamcore. They might not be as cozy as some other popular ones, but doesn’t mean they don’t have their own fans. Of course they do – quite a lot, in fact. So, today let’s explore how these aesthetics blend together and who knows? You might just become a fan yourself.More info:InstagramThis post may includeaffiliate links.
Nowadays, the world feels as if it’s overwhelmingly full of people obsessed with variousaesthetics. From cottagecore to dark academic – there’s probably one for every single person out there.
Well, today, we’re also going to focus on two aesthetics – liminal spaces and dreamcore. They might not be as cozy as some other popular ones, but doesn’t mean they don’t have their own fans. Of course they do – quite a lot, in fact. So, today let’s explore how these aesthetics blend together and who knows? You might just become a fan yourself.
More info:Instagram
This post may includeaffiliate links.
Since you opened this article, we will assume that you use social media in some capacity. Who doesn’t nowadays anyway, right? Well, at least5.07 billionpeople for sure do. Since there are so many users of the World Wide Web, there (almost) just as many niches you can discover.One of the most popular niches in the last couple of years is theaesthetictrend. In a nutshell, it’s a form of identity expression that usually involves some kind of sharing on social media. For example, curated images,videoedits, mood boards, memes, and playlists being posted online to evoke an aesthetically pleasing feeling.
Since you opened this article, we will assume that you use social media in some capacity. Who doesn’t nowadays anyway, right? Well, at least5.07 billionpeople for sure do. Since there are so many users of the World Wide Web, there (almost) just as many niches you can discover.
One of the most popular niches in the last couple of years is theaesthetictrend. In a nutshell, it’s a form of identity expression that usually involves some kind of sharing on social media. For example, curated images,videoedits, mood boards, memes, and playlists being posted online to evoke an aesthetically pleasing feeling.
The list of possible aesthetics is almost never-ending, as new ones keep getting added basically every day. Take thislistas proof of that – it contains numerous names, from more mainstream ones like Y2K to lesser-known (at least to us) ones likeCrowcore.Today, we’re going to focus on only two aesthetics that, in a way, are interlinked with each other –liminal spacesanddreamcore.The former refers to the images of empty, abandoned places that evoke eerie, surreal feelings, representing places of transition. Then, the latter is a surrealist aesthetic that uses motifs ofdreams, daydreams, and/or nightmares.
The list of possible aesthetics is almost never-ending, as new ones keep getting added basically every day. Take thislistas proof of that – it contains numerous names, from more mainstream ones like Y2K to lesser-known (at least to us) ones likeCrowcore.
Today, we’re going to focus on only two aesthetics that, in a way, are interlinked with each other –liminal spacesanddreamcore.
The former refers to the images of empty, abandoned places that evoke eerie, surreal feelings, representing places of transition. Then, the latter is a surrealist aesthetic that uses motifs ofdreams, daydreams, and/or nightmares.
But why do these liminal spaces feel this way? As thisReddit userput it, “Scary because it’s empty without people. Comforting because it’s empty without people.” That is kind of an ingenious way to explain his phenomenon.
In a tad broader sense, some peopledescribea liminal space as a place between ‘what was’ and what will be ‘next.’ Essentially, it is a place of transition, waiting, not being in the know. It doesn’t even have to be a physical space – it can also beappliedto emotional or even metaphorical places.Emotional liminal space is where a person ends after life-altering events likegraduation, divorce, and the death of a loved one to name a few. Metaphorical one refers to a time between twoideas. For example, when a person is making a decision, until they do, they’re in there.
In a tad broader sense, some peopledescribea liminal space as a place between ‘what was’ and what will be ‘next.’ Essentially, it is a place of transition, waiting, not being in the know. It doesn’t even have to be a physical space – it can also beappliedto emotional or even metaphorical places.
Emotional liminal space is where a person ends after life-altering events likegraduation, divorce, and the death of a loved one to name a few. Metaphorical one refers to a time between twoideas. For example, when a person is making a decision, until they do, they’re in there.
So, the thing that connects all forms of liminal spaces is the unknown. The thing is that theunknownis one of the main sources of humanfear– unpredictability tends to cause people discomfort. Thus, since that’s what the liminal spaces are based on, no wonder they make people rather uneasy.Well, the popularity of pages like the one discussed today shows that sometimes people clearly crave something to make them a bit uncomfortable. Well, it’s no secret that some people like therushthat fear brings on, as the surge ofadrenalinereleases dopamine and serotonin to the brain, which makes us feel good. So, maybe indulging in some creepy images from time to time isn’t so bad, is it?
So, the thing that connects all forms of liminal spaces is the unknown. The thing is that theunknownis one of the main sources of humanfear– unpredictability tends to cause people discomfort. Thus, since that’s what the liminal spaces are based on, no wonder they make people rather uneasy.
Well, the popularity of pages like the one discussed today shows that sometimes people clearly crave something to make them a bit uncomfortable. Well, it’s no secret that some people like therushthat fear brings on, as the surge ofadrenalinereleases dopamine and serotonin to the brain, which makes us feel good. So, maybe indulging in some creepy images from time to time isn’t so bad, is it?
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