Meet the whimsical world of Jason Adam Katzenstein, a talented cartoonist and illustrator whose work brings joy and humor to life. You’ve probably seen his drawings in The New Yorker. He also wrote and drew “Everything Is an Emergency” - a comic book about “all the self-destructive stories someone tells himself, over and over, until they start to seem true”.Through his clever and relatable comics, Katzenstein has a unique way of capturing everyday moments with a funny twist. Whether you’re a fan of witty observations or just looking for a good laugh, join us as we explore the charm and creativity of Jason Adam Katzenstein’s captivating cartoons.More info:Instagram|jasonadamkatzenstein.comThis post may includeaffiliate links.
Meet the whimsical world of Jason Adam Katzenstein, a talented cartoonist and illustrator whose work brings joy and humor to life. You’ve probably seen his drawings in The New Yorker. He also wrote and drew “Everything Is an Emergency” - a comic book about “all the self-destructive stories someone tells himself, over and over, until they start to seem true”.
Through his clever and relatable comics, Katzenstein has a unique way of capturing everyday moments with a funny twist. Whether you’re a fan of witty observations or just looking for a good laugh, join us as we explore the charm and creativity of Jason Adam Katzenstein’s captivating cartoons.
More info:Instagram|
This post may includeaffiliate links.
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