Aschildrenor young adults, many people can’t wait to grow up—they are sick and tired of having to nap, eat their veggies, and have someone else handle their expenses. Yet the tables are quick to turn when they reach sought-after adulthood, and all of a sudden, they want nothing more than to take a nap, have a hearty home-cooked meal, and have someone else cover their bills for once.These are just some examples of how things change once people enter the zone of being an adult, and we have many more on the list below! So scroll down to find some of the most spot on descriptions of whatadultingis like, and upvote the ones that resonate with you the most.This post may includeaffiliate links.
Aschildrenor young adults, many people can’t wait to grow up—they are sick and tired of having to nap, eat their veggies, and have someone else handle their expenses. Yet the tables are quick to turn when they reach sought-after adulthood, and all of a sudden, they want nothing more than to take a nap, have a hearty home-cooked meal, and have someone else cover their bills for once.
These are just some examples of how things change once people enter the zone of being an adult, and we have many more on the list below! So scroll down to find some of the most spot on descriptions of whatadultingis like, and upvote the ones that resonate with you the most.
This post may includeaffiliate links.
If you could travel back in time and ask your younger self, ‘What is something you’re looking forward to in life as an adult?’ what would the answer be?
While what people consider fun or look forward to when growing up differs with each person, one thing seems to be universal: adulting doesn’t affect people the same way—or at the same time—as it used to.
“Adolescents are pursuing a slower life strategy in a social context of greater parental investment, lengthened education, delayed reproduction, lower pathogen prevalence, and longer lives. The developmental trajectory of adolescence has slowed, with teens growing up more slowly than they once did,” the study read in part.
Millennials are also reportedly not as keen to marry orhave childrenearly. “Compared with previous generations, Millennials—those ages 22 to 37 in 2018—are delaying or foregoing marriage and have been somewhat slower in forming their own households. They are also more likely to be living at home with their parents, and for longer stretches,” Pew Research Center notes.
When asked how they would define becoming an adult, more than half of the respondents (56%) in the Adulthood Across Generations survey said that adulting means being able to pay their own bills. For 45% of them, being an adult is being financially independent, while 46% said they started feeling like adults when they moved out of their parents’ home.
For many people, it takes something more significant than paying taxes to make them feel like an adult.Surveyscarried out in the UK found that for roughly 55% of respondents, becoming an adult was dependent upon major life events, such as having children or getting married.Moreover, for roughly half of people, the transition to adulthood happened in their 20s, while one in five respondents didn’t feel like an adult until their 30s. One in 20 respondents shared that they only felt like they had grown up when they were in their 40s.
For many people, it takes something more significant than paying taxes to make them feel like an adult.Surveyscarried out in the UK found that for roughly 55% of respondents, becoming an adult was dependent upon major life events, such as having children or getting married.
Moreover, for roughly half of people, the transition to adulthood happened in their 20s, while one in five respondents didn’t feel like an adult until their 30s. One in 20 respondents shared that they only felt like they had grown up when they were in their 40s.
Whether you’re in your 20s or your 40s, married, single, or divorced, living with your partner, your parents, or alone, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to what makes someone an adult. But if you found yourself relating to most of the posts on this list, chances are, you might have reached adulthood after all. But don’t worry! Some say that life only gets better from there.
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