Each of us has our own sources of inspiration, unique “places of power” where we draw energy for our creativity. A place where we collect various references for visual images we like. A place where we always return to find something that will inspire us to create something new.And sometimes such collections of visual references actually develop into something more than one large online moodboard. Want a great example? Then here’sDreamspaces- a dedicated Instagram account with tons of inspiring ideas for interior design and architecture.More info:InstagramThis post may includeaffiliate links.
Each of us has our own sources of inspiration, unique “places of power” where we draw energy for our creativity. A place where we collect various references for visual images we like. A place where we always return to find something that will inspire us to create something new.
And sometimes such collections of visual references actually develop into something more than one large online moodboard. Want a great example? Then here’sDreamspaces- a dedicated Instagram account with tons of inspiring ideas for interior design and architecture.
More info:Instagram
This post may includeaffiliate links.
Isabelle, who has many years of experience working with brands such as Farfetch and Burberry, has been running this Instagram account since September 2019, collecting the creations of designers and architects from different countries and times that inspire her, match her inner mood, or which she simply likes very much. “Your definitive source for really good design” - this is how the creator describes her project.
Well, judge for yourself - among the creations collected in the Dreamspaces virtual museum, you can find both ultra-modern interior design and the ruins of ancient buildings on the Isle of Skye in Scotland, from strict classical beauty in furniture, to some overly weird yet somehow attractive shrimp chaise longue. This is probably why creative people around the world do love this page - because here everyone will find something to their liking.
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