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I did a short drama in Bangkok last summer where I cheated on my husband with a werewolf & when he came back from his business trip — had to explain to him why we had 6 new pups lol

Four wolf pups in a wooden den, showcasing a wild and natural setting.


I did a commercial 24 years ago where the Director said “dance like a witch”Me -I don’t know what that meansDirector- repeats “dance like a witch” with no further clarification other than a bit of gesticulation and extra inflection on “witch”Me- “which sort of witch would you prefer” and begin infodumping historical information about witches. He became annoyed with me and snapped“Witches arent real. I want you to dance like a Halloween witch”Anyway, commercials aren’t for me.

Actress in a dramatic audition scene, wearing a mustard dress, expressing emotion towards another person on stage.

My first show the director made a big deal about doing something to stand out and make the scene our own during his intro speech, then gave us a script for the reading where a character drinks a potion and gains superstrength.Auditions were held in a classroom, so I had the idea to pick up a chair to demonstrate the superstrength. I practiced beforehand, it was all good, but during the actual thing, I uh. I dropped the chair.I only got a tiny part, but I later became friends with the student director and they told me that was one of the main reasons I got cast at all, so, it kind of worked?

Empty wooden chairs in an audition room setting, awaiting performers' stories.

Auditioning in Hollywood is wild. I did a monologue, and they said, ‘Now do it like you just found out you’re a vampire.’ Sir, this is a car insurance commercial.

Man in a suit smiling while reading audition notes on a call, sitting in a car trunk.

In 2022 i had an audition that required me to pretend to be a shark… after 7 years of acting that was my last audition lol

Person smiling during a theater audition, holding a script, dressed in casual attire.

I did a monolouge about a person who was upset with the idea that they weren’t grieving the loss of their parent in a traditional sense, but they asked me to do it again but like how an insanely happy person would say it. Auditioners ask you to do this to see if you’re capable of adapting your style to their vision not because they want you to be a vampire (or maybe they do in specific cases lol).

A woman in a striped shirt joyfully reads a script, illustrating a wild audition story moment.

Before the interview, someone asked for feet photos and asked if I was ticklish. So there was no audition.

Bare feet on tiled floor, a casual and unexpected setting related to wild audition stories.

My very first audition. I sang my 2 songs thanked them and left.I got a nasty scathing Emil about how dare I waste their time with my horrible voice and don’t come back because I have been blacklisted.I have seen been in 2 operas and 3 operettas with other companies. It has been over 20 years but I will never work with them

Performer on stage during an audition, dressed in a white gown with dramatic lighting highlighting the scene.

I once sang a charming little up tempo jazz song, and the director said, “Sing it again, but this time I want you to imagine that your significant other is a soldier at war…and you just found out they died in combat.”

Person smiling while holding a microphone, possibly during a wild audition performance.

I was once asked to mime riding a moped whilst trying to escape from a big blob of goo for a Coke commercial that ended up never airing

Person operating a professional camera against a green screen, capturing audition scenes.

I once had a casting director say to me, “you’re a dude!?” In front of the director and everyone else in the room LOL. At the time it was a bit embarrassing, I know I look androgynous and it caught me off guard but a casting director making that mistake, pretty unreal!

Person with laptop discussing wild audition stories with group in theater seats.

In ninth grade, I auditioned for How to Succeed with my high school. I minimally practiced, didn’t know anyone, and showed up on crutches (I have arthritis and couldn’t properly walk at the time). Some timer went off on my phone halfway through my song. I turned it off and tried again, but was in tears as a very anxious high school freshman. I was awful. The director came out to speak to the auditioners and told us dance auditions would be the next day. I walked out and called my dad to pick me up, devastated that I couldn’t even finish my audition because I couldn’t walk, much less dance.Five years later, I’m playing Hotspur in my college’s (obviously non-musical) production of Henry IV part 1! It’s my first non-tech part and I’m overjoyed (especially because it’s Shakespeare!) Many of my castmates are also disabled and our director has been careful to check in with us and make sure we don’t overdo it. I’ve never felt so seen & respected!If your first audition is shit, don’t sweat it. It’ll get better!

30 Auditions That Were So Wild People Had To Share Their Stories Online

30 Auditions That Were So Wild People Had To Share Their Stories Online

One time I had been sick and chugged a Gatorade before the audition. I think I got extra hyped up for the audition and the CD literally asked me if I was drunk! (Which I wasn’t, I was just hyper and nervous!)

Person in a blue suit peeking from red theater curtains during a wild audition moment.

I have actually peed myself during a Christmas carol. I developed a bladder issue a week before tech. I also wore a dress. So that was delightful. Body malfunctions on stage are a gateway to less stage fright that’s one thing I can say with absolute certainty

Woman in yellow sweater, appearing stressed, with hands covering her face; capturing a wild audition story moment.

I was only ever in one show, many many years ago.I went to a small 2-year college. I was in choir, just for fun. One day the head of the theater department came in and said they had decided to do The Pirates of Penzance for their fall production. Since the theater department was very small and it was more musically difficult than the musicals they had done before, they weren’t sure if the theater kids were strong enough singers to pull it off, so they were asking if any of us wanted to audition. He said he didn’t care if we could dance or act, they just needed singers to round out the chorus.I certainly can’t act and can’t dance, but I had the time and I love the theater, so I decided to go to tryouts. For whatever reason (I don’t know how these things work, but I thought I would only need to sing to try out for the chorus), they wanted everyone to do every part of the tryouts, including learning a simple tap routine that the policemen were going to do at one point. I did so badly at it I fell over right at the edge of the stage, and managed to fall off the stage as I tried to get back up. I was still allowed to play one of the bevy of daughters. It was a wonderful experience, but never again.

30 Auditions That Were So Wild People Had To Share Their Stories Online

Two actors in a theater setting rehearsing scripts, capturing a wild audition moment.

As someone who’s been on the judging side of auditions probably over 100 times, I’ll say that almost nobody’s audition is as bad as they think. I understand that people are nervous, that their song might be hurriedly practiced, that you might not have gotten an ideal warmup, etc. While you might be mortified at a lyric flub, I probably shrug it off.The actual terrible auditions tend to come from people who are not self aware and thus wouldn’t answer a question like this. Either people who think they’re awesome but are terrible, or people who present themselves in bizarre ways. Like dressing wildly inappropriately, saying weird things, or singing way out of genre. And I don’t mean singing classic broadway for a rock musical, I mean like singing something from the 16th century.

Two people on stage during an audition, smiling and holding microphones under stage lights.

30 Auditions That Were So Wild People Had To Share Their Stories Online

i wanted to try something new and auditioned for an improv theater show where we were gonna engage with the audience and everything. as soon as i walked into the room things went👎🏽 i wore platform dr martens and the heel part got caught and made me trip over this step (which you had to go down to get to the stage) in front of the ppl watching my audition they were like “oop!” then i messed up my monologue but kept going and then they put a chair in front of me and asked me to say my monologue to it. i hope the chair got my passionate message

Actor auditioning on stage in front of a panel, holding a script during a performance review.

I did a commercial audition where I had to dance, and I split my pants. I honestly wasn’t that embarassed and thought it was funny. I did not get the part.

Frayed blue jeans with a hole, illustrating audition stories.

I had a callback for Elle for a university production of Legally Blonde. I can’t belt for s**t and the callback song was “So Much Better,” and I pushed my voice the whole time unsuccessfully and sounded AWFUL. Don’t remember if I laughed or cried when I got home. I managed to get cast as a smaller role that I’d done before. Later one of the people on the casting panel that I was acquaintances with told me, “you were the best actor there but we were SO disappointed in your singing. We almost didn’t give you a part.”

Person passionately singing into a vintage microphone, representing wild audition stories.

I’d done my prep work, showed up ready to go and…….. I’d completely and utterly forgot all the lines.I have no idea why but I just drew a total blank. Embarrassing af.

Person in emotional performance during a wild audition, wearing a purple shirt with hands over their ears.

I bombed a KitKat audition pretty bad the other day. I went over it a bunch of times and it felt pretty solid but when I got there they changed a couple things and it totally messed with me.

Man holding head in frustration, embodying wild audition story emotion.

30 Auditions That Were So Wild People Had To Share Their Stories Online

I actually had one more. I auditioned for a very popular sit com in which 2 middle aged actresses were playing twenty-somethings. I got through the casting director, the director, the producers and even the studio! I had my dream car picked out and was looking at apartment listings. Then came the final audition: videotaped with the actresses. I should point out that I was 23 and was still getting carded as I looked like I was 17. One actress walked out on stage and just started giggling. She put her arm around my shoulder and said “Sorry, kid.” The 9ther walked on stage, took one look at me and screeched “Are you fucking kidding me? He could play my son!” And walked off. Once again, I didn’t get the job.

30 Auditions That Were So Wild People Had To Share Their Stories Online

This wasn’t in an audition room, but –I had a self-tape where my character was defiantly chopping her hair to prove a point. I had blocked it where I was miming it of course - using the scissors to chop several inches in front of my hair, clear out of the way.On one of the takes, I got too close to my hair and chopped it clear down the middle, a huge chunk. And now I have a video of it to laugh/cry at forever.

Woman holding scissors and hair, showcasing a wild audition moment with a concerned expression.

I half flashed an audience recently - was wearing a button up shirt in a scene where I spread my arms wide. Of course the button over my boobs had come undone and I had no clue until much later in the scene. I was wondering why the audience seemed so pleased with my performance…

Person in a blue and white striped shirt, one hand on hip, representing wild audition stories.

I changed my audition song the night before. I learn music really fast and this was just a reprise of the song I was originally gonna sing so I thought it’d be fine. I kept forgetting the words and stopped probably five times. It was horrible.Worst callback I’ve had was for a play where they told us before we came in to make up a story about bullying or camping. I figured it wouldn’t be a big deal if I used a real life bullying story since they wouldn’t be able to tell if it was real or not. Have told that story with nothing but laughs for a decade but for some reason in the circle I just started full sobbing the whole time I told it that time. Everyone knew it was real. I was a mess there were no tissues for all my snot, sitting in that circle for everyone else’s stories. It was horrible and I did not get in 🤣

Person with short hair singing into a microphone, illustrating wild audition moments.

I was confident I knew my one line so I left my sides in the waiting room. Of course I did not remember the line for god knows what reason and the casting assistant (thank god it wasn’t the actual CD) had to keep stopping my tape to give me the line, it was at least 4 times. Mortifying, always take your sides folks no matter how off book you think you are you can never be too safe. And hey it hasn’t stopped them from still calling me in so it wasn’t the end of the world.Fun fact: the very office I f****d up in, in this story just pinned me for something 🥲

Actors rehearsing on stage, holding a clipboard in an audition setting with red curtains in the background.

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Man reading script during a wild audition, another man and cameraman in background, preparing for recording.

Mid-interview my strapless bra slipped off (long story as to why I was in one) and fell under the girls for 10 minutes. I was trying desperately to keep my nipnops from showing through my top.

Person in a white strapless top and jeans, hand in pocket, representing wild audition stories.

My second full length production I was in, I accidentally flashed an entire audience my panties. Had a panic attack. Ironically I have no shame now. I often prefer roles where im naked. Strapless bra strapless bra how useless you are. I hope you have strong straps in your future auditions.

Black bra on a hanger in a store, representing a wild audition story.

At a friend’s birthday in LA, a woman talked to our group and cast* for “Let’s Make a Deal” and invited me to audition. I got it mixed up with “Deal or No Deal”, so when I watched clips of “LMAD” later that week I was - not excited to do it.But I didn’t want to let the woman down, so I went to the studio to audition. It wasn’t until I got there and signed in that I realize she probably talks to so many random people a day and probably doesn’t care or even remember me. But oh well, I’m here and let me do my best.A super energetic guy is in a room with a camera and gets me set up. He starts filming and says “So, what was your childhood like?!“Oh my God I scrolled through so much of my brain as fast as I could to try to spin it in any positive way. “Wellllll…. I grew up in what we called in the ’90s a broken homeee….“A blessed b**b, but I still cringe and laugh at it years later. But also WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT?!

Filming a candidate during an audition, with a film crew setting up cameras in a studio environment.

I was an 18-year-old senior in high school, and a local community theatre was doing Measure for Measure – auditioners had to be 18 or older, but that was the main stipulation. Got called back a few times for Juliet, but they sent me home after seeing some of the potential Claudios, who were in their 30s and 40s. During my last round, they asked my age and about school or work; when they learned “I’m in school” meant high school and not uni, that was the end of that.

I realised I was WAY out of my league when I arrived there. I went to throw up in the bathroom because I was so nervous and my voice cracked so bad when I was doing my singing part. The directors expression was everything I needed to know that I’m never going back there

Woman looking stressed with hands on throat, highlighting wild audition experiences.

My “worst” audition stories aren’t very exciting because it just boils down to not being 100% and also being so nervous but the audition story is the one that sticks out in my mind the most. My first audition was in 5th grade and my school was doing Willy Wonka Jr. For the audition,we had to prepare dialogue and a song. I performed the dialogue with no problem but when I had to sing,at the time I was super shy about singing in front of people(I still am but it used to be a lot worse) so the ladies who were running auditions asked if I’d like to turn around and face the back wall to sing and that’s exactly what I did! I ended up getting cast as Mrs.Bucket which is the role that made me fall in love with theatre so it worked out!Side note: I was in Willy Wonka Jr with my best friend and my crush at the time and he got cast as Mike Teavee whereas my best friend got cast as his mom! They ended up liking each other and they were “dating” so that was a fun time

Auditioning for Guys N Dolls when I was in middle school. Foolishly, I decide to wear white pants.I get up on stage, introduce myself and give my audition song. At the end, notice a stain on my pantsGuess who’s period came early?There was a giant stain that was clearly visible from where I was standing. I was obviously mortified, but the people overlooking the audition said not to worryI did manage to get cast as the General, but that memory haunts me to this day

I do stage plays and I’m horrid at memorizing monologues for auditions. For the actual play- no problem. But once while auditioning for Lyle Kessler’s “Orphans” I went up to do my monologue and totally drew a blank. I had been practicing it for like 3 days and standing there my mind just refused to work. So I improvised a monologue. Totally killed it too, not to brag or anything. But I did get the part.Another time I was auditioning for “the Mousetrap” and chose Juror 3’s final speech from 12 Angry Men. Yeah it wound up being a mash-up of words from that monologue, but in no real particular order. That time I only got the part cause I was one of like 8 actors to audition for the whole show.

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I had an apple before going in. Scene was a meet cute. Suddenly felt terribly nauseous and puked in CD’s bin. I didn’t connect it just then, but turns out I had developed an intolerance to apples, and my body chose then to start rejecting it.

As someone who started theatre recently, so far my first audition ever has got to be my worst lmao. i chose a song that was a bit up in my range but could still do decently and my monologue was good. But then of course the day of the audition I got so nervous I could barely breathe, sang like a howling dog because of said lack of breathing and blanked after the first half of my monologue

I started crying in the middle of singing I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Out of My Hair.”I had zero sleep the night before. I was a straight actor and wanted to try musical theater. Wasn’t ready.

My agent sent me to this crazy audition for a supposedlya SAG film. Red flags galore. Just the fact that it was in Brooklyn was already strange, then the appointment is 8pm for God knows what reason. I get there and the building looks like it may be residential. I would’ve bailed right there if not for the fact that while triying to confirm I was at the right address, another lost actor came up to me. Buzz the “suite” on the email and indeed it is someone’s house, the CD allegedly. She leads us in and the apartment is like 65% cats.The lady sits us at her dining table. She’s drinking, the lights are dimmed. All super sketch. The CD claims she’s waiting on someone, a producer, director, I forget. She offers us each a glass of wine while we wait. I decline because fuck that. The other dude accepts! She keeps us waiting for 30 minutes, I’m half expecting the other guy to pass out when the drugs in the wine kick in. I’m eyeing the exits, considering which of these cats will do the most damage when thrown. Finally, I decide this shit is just not worth it. I get up and grab my stuff, tell the lady I have somewhere to be. She says give her another 15, we’ll go without the other person.It is already maximum awkward in this room and I cave, agree to wait. The lady says we’re going to start. The other guy and I are gonna take turns reading and switch! She asks the other guy to go first and then just sits back in her chair. I’m at the head of the dining table and the guy is sitting two seats down on the side. We just look at the lady like, “here?” She says whenever we’re ready. I ask if she’s going to tape this or anything (you know, for the producer that no-showed?). She’s like “Right!” and grabs her iphone out of her pocket. Stands up and starts filming, she’s gonna do this handheld.So we fucking read. It’s awkward as it could possibly be. She’s giving the guy adjustments and everything while I’m sitting there watching. Then I go, she gives me no adjustments and actually points it out, out loud, with this poor guy sitting there reading for me. It probably helped that the scene was incredibly uncomfortable, I was inspired.The next day I get a call from my agent. I got the part (yay?). Production calls me immediately after my agent to get my sizes. They’re going to the wardrobe fitting the day of the shoot, which starts in 3 days. At this point these been so much weirdness, this move doesn’t even register.Then it’s the evening before the shoot. I have a 3pm call according to what wardrobe told me, but production hasn’t confirmed or, you know, given me a location or anything. I contact my agent. The next day they still haven’t gotten a hold of anyone. Call time comes and goes, still nothing. Eventually, my agent calls back; she says production of claiming someone stole all their cameras! So the shoot is “postponed.” This is clearly bullshit, but it’s enough, I’m out.Never learned whether the project was ever completed or whether it was ever legit. Don’t really care. The upside is I’ve learned not to take this kind of crap in the future. My list of deal breakers now is huge and I leave at the first red flag. No chance any project like this could possibly advance my career in any way, there’s no point in the risk. Could’ve been my last damn audition for all I know. Irony of ironies: the film was about kidnapping and human smuggling.

Well, my stories of what happened on stage are much more bizarre than my audition stories, *(*I danced off the edge of the stage and into the orchestra pit during a show once, and another time I got locked inside a tiny backstage bathroom in a theatre in Paris during a performance and the stage crew had to take the door off its hinges so I could make my entrance).But one audition horror happened when I was about 21, I and was at one of my first big musical auditions in New York. I was terribly nervous. As the guy before me came out of the audition room after his song, he said, “Oh whatever you do, don’t listen to the accompanist, he didn’t play my song right.” So, I went in, certain that I was just gonna sing my sixteen bars the way I’d rehearsed them. It was a song I knew really, really well, or thought I did. So, he started playing, and I made sure not to listen to what he was playing, and barrelled ahead. I sensed something was wrong, but I kept going. Unfortunately, I was singing the song in my key, while the accompanist played it in the original key, that was on the sheet music. They stopped me, and let me start again. But I did the same thing. “Thank you,” is all I heard a few bars into my second try, and I was out the door.I was too green to realize that the key I sang it in was not the key the sheet music was in. I’d never sung it in that key, so I didn’t even get what was wrong. I never did that again.

It was for a drama school. I fainted on the train on the way to the audition. Sometimes I just faint and this happened to be one of those times. I was therefore running late and felt awful as it always gives me a migraine. I get there only a few minutes late as the next train was fast luckily. The first round was dance. I could not see anything as the entire world was spinning around me. I got through it and then had singing and acting after. I got through it all but I know it was not good at all. I didn’t get in…

I once fell on my a** in a dance audition, right at the end. I posed on the floor and gave a big smile but alas it did not win them over.

I was auditioning for Little Shop in university (I was a theatre major) and I was pretty confident about my song and my dance and I didn’t mind if I got ensemble, I just wanted a part. But after the audition, one of the directors was like, “You’re the student with the heart condition, right?” and immediately I went pale because I knew how this was gonna go. They told me my audition was great but they weren’t casting handicapped people today. Pretty much never auditioned again after that.

Technically, it was the only musical audition I’ve done (the other ones were for plays). It’s really not that bad of a story, but it’s still worth mentioning.In my senior year of high school, we were doing Anything Goes. I play the flute. I was part of the theatre company, but flute is my priority and I wanted to play in the pit band for the show.A few days before auditions, our band teacher announced he was leaving. (He’d been there for 28 years and basically left because administration treated him and the music department like crap and he was tired of being disrespected. I don’t blame him, but it was a hard situation.) He was the one that conducted the pit orchestra for the musicals. Since he was gone, I tried out for the musical just in case I wouldn’t be allowed to be in the pit cuz I still wanted to be involved.I love singing. I can’t sing in front of people. I was terrified. I sang ‘Charming’ from Great Comet, just cuz it works well with my voice. The accompanist was all over the place with the piano part and it threw me off. I was also dead last– I had to sit for an hour and a half and see how good everyone else was before going, as if I wasn’t already scared enough!I was placed in the ensemble, but I ended up being able to play flute/piccolo in the pit, so we have a happy ending!

This was actually probably one of my best, but I have the least memory of it. I was in high school, and I had strained my back earlier that day during class so badly that I couldn’t move without extreme pain. I went to the doctor and he prescribed muscle relaxers and OxyContin in hopes that I would be able to move around at the audition later. I was literally in a fog, I don’t remember getting there, I don’t remember doing the dance, and I don’t remember singing my song (“Find Your Grail” from Spamalot no less). Apparently I killed it, cause I got a callback for Vivienne in Legally Blonde and ended up getting the part. But I have no recollection of it. Someone took a video of my audition (cause they were in front of everyone of course) and after I looked at it, you could literally see how my body was contorted in pain from my injury earlier that day, but I did sound pretty darn good.

Right after lockdown, I got an off-broadway audition at a theater I’d been wanting to work in. Obvi, this was one of like two in-person auditions I’d had in 2020. And they didn’t provide sides! I had a lot of copy (a 3 page monologue) so I was familiar but not off book, and I had to read it from my phone. They also had us perform in the theater on the stage under the bright lights and I just was not ready for that after being stuck inside for 6 months. I was a hot mess lol.TL:DR First post covid lock-down, in-person theater audition didn’t provide sides, was on a stage and I was a mess

Actor passionately performing on stage in an audition, wearing a dark outfit with a red curtain backdrop.

Someone came up to the casting director in the middle of my audition and just started talking to them. The CD didn’t shoo them off but instead had a whole conversation as I stood there stunned. Then when my audition continued the CD said I looked scared. Bro, I was pissed. I did not get that role.

They assumed I was auditioning for Tracy turnblad. That’s pretty much all you need to know right there. I was auditioning for a male role. Because they had an emergency casting for males… they weren’t casting Tracy tonight. This feels like a sitcom joke. The director yelled at me when I asked a clarifying question as well. “Give me a second! This is community Theatre! If you don’t have patience you can leave!” (I did)Edit: the casting list was posted. They weren’t able to cast all the male roles. Some are still listed as TBD

I had a callback for a role that called for someone similar to a certain tv insurance guy. Anyway they were happy with my audition but during the callback I got the feeling that they wanted me to pretty much do an impression of the guy and it threw me off. I was kind of pissed when I didn’t get it because it was a really long monologue split into six different scenes full of actions and swings of emotion. Not to mention loads of medical jargon. Ugh

literally just started auditioning (but have been taking classes for the past 3ish years). this was like 2 weeks ago and it was for an agent and i messed up my first line and screamed “FUCK” when i realized i messed up and asked if we could start again (i know you’re supposed to just keep going but 😐) lol she was nice but probably not a good first impression

Callback for an indie feature. I read once and the director gave me a note and told me to take a second to prepare while he got some water.While waiting for him to get back, the producer and I started talking. She asked me who my agent was and I told her I’d just been signed with a new agent a few weeks earlier. Her: “Oh, I’ve heard some really bad things about them. How do you like them?” Me: “uhhh insert non-answer about everyone having their own experience” Her: “Ok cool. I think we’ve seen all we need to.”Needless to say, I did not book that job.

When I went to a film audition - made it through 2 callbacks - was down to three of us - I was the front runner - until they said “now show us your karate” - uh… agent missed that!

My community theater used to have one weekend of auditions for their whole season, so you would typically audition in groups of 5-10.We were doing the vocal audition and a girl around my age in my audition group sang 16 bars of Take Me or Leave Me. I was the last to go and sang my song (I can’t remember what it was). The first person on the audition panel to speak asked me if I could sing Take Me or Leave Me — straight up asked me if I would sing this other girl’s song. It felt dirty, but I did it. And then I felt even worse because I truly ate 😭It was the worst because the whole thing played out like I was the villain in someone else’s nightmare when I was just minding my business in the first place

I was in 5th grade and auditioned for the community musical. It was my first time doing a non school audition and I was completely unprepared. It was one of those “everyone who auditions will be cast” shows and I wasn’t cast. So …

I commented about this a couple years ago, but my worst was probably when I auditioned for NYU back in January 2018.It was my first time visiting NY, so I had planned to be there a few days and take in some shows here and there. Well the day after I arrived, I woke up with a heavy fever, and a sore throat that made it super painful to speak. My audition was still two days out, so I drank all the tea I could and got all the rest in an attempt to make my audition doable - I mean, it’s NYU!I got to a good place with my illness, show up for my audition and enter the room where I introduce myself. They ask if I’m currently sick, and I mention that I recently was but no longer am, my voice is just working it’s way back. The audition panel visibly moves back in their chairs on the opposite side of the table, almost in disgust (as if we aren’t already a good five or six feet away from each other to begin with). Made me feel great to be in the room with them, you know?What was asked was that auditioners prepare two monologues and two songs, all contrasting. I can’t remember everything that I prepared, but I told them I wanted to start with a cut from the beginning of For Forever from DEH. They ask if I can instead sing the back half of the song with higher notes… after me having just told them that my voice wasn’t where I wanted it to be (hence why I strategized to showcase myself away from my circumstance). But I obliged anyway, started where they asked, and when I got to the climactic note - 🎵Shines on my FAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE🎶 - my voice gave out and they cut me off and said they had heard enough. They didn’t ask to hear my other song, nor to see me perform either of the two monologues I had prepared.Needless to say I did not get accepted. I still think NYU is a phenomenal institution, but that was the day it stopped being my dream school.

I froze up three times at three auditions. Mostly it was because I blanked on what the next lyric was, though the most recent time I also couldn’t hear the music because I had provided it, but my phone wasn’t loud enough.

Recently, I auditioned for a musical, completely blanked on the lyrics 3 times. I rehearsed it so much and my brain decided to forget it, On top of having very little sleep that night. But I have to move on lol

Oh god, one of my very first auditions I was asked to try the character as a mentally disabled person. I nailed it. Blew them away. Got the call back and played the same choice and then I was told the character wasn’t mentally disabled and asked how I came to that choice.I froze. Had no idea what to say and pointed to The fellow that gave me the original direction and pretty much shouted, “HE TOLD ME TO.”….I didn’t get that part.

when i was 13 i had an audition and didnt prepare enough and i couldnt get past the first page and couldnt remember the lines then i started sobbing

I had a writer/director in the room stop me and say “smile there” okay, fair enough. Read again stopped “Now sigh after that line” okay okay. Again, “and now start with your chin forward” hmmm… Again “Now raise your eyebrow on this line but not too much”… again “Giggle” I do “Not so fast… and don’t look at him during these words"It was the most insane micromanaging I’ve ever experienced. He ended up telling me where in the scene to BREATHE. Afterwards I watched some of his previous work and the acting was terrible (one of the actors I knew well and is usually fantastic) this guy just doesn’t know how to direct or shut up.

I have 2 stories, one with a sad ending one with a happy ending. Here’s one of them, see if you can guess which one it is before it ends;I had gotten into a theatre school thingy the year after I graduated high school and big part of the corse was at the end we were gunna do a show, but you had to audition for it. This included both a singing and a dance audition. So, I’m not a dancer really. I took dance when I was a toddler, and then tried to do some classes when I was in my late teens but that didn’t work out, ( long story.) so I was very nervous about the dance audition. Luckily one thing I was good at was following instructions, and they were gunna give us a good chunk of time to learn the combo before the actual audition. However, I knew that how well I did in my audition was definitely gunna depend on how long I had to learn it.Singing audition day comes and passes, I feel good about that. Dance audition day comes and… my car breaks down. MY CAR BREAKS DOWN. Luckily it was and easy fix but that didn’t stop me from being decently late. I get there and everyone else already knows the combo and is practicing it. I have 5 minutes to learn the roughly 2 minute combo before auditions start. I’m getting pity and judgmental looks left and right cause everyone knows I’m not a dancer and there’s no way I’ll learn it that quick. An instructor gives me a speedy demonstration, I copy best I can, get one chance to practice it one more time on my own, auditions start… AND I FUCKING NAIL IT! Through nothing but sheer willpower and spite, I memorized the combo and only slipped up once! That was nearly 5 years ago now and I’m still riding that high.

I had two horrible audition episodes. The first was in college auditioning for a regional theatre. They wanted everyone to read the same monologue but did not make copies that we could read and think about or even practice in advance. Plus it was a monologue the playwright had written - single space taking up a page and a half. I was first. I stood there, reading this badly written monologue with no prep, I’d never seen it before standing on a stage in front of 200 people. They requested that take off my glasses so I had a completely unknown page and a half on single spaced typing that I couldn’t friggin see because I hadn’t worn my contacts that day. I ended up holding the page about 4 inches from my face, squinting, trying to read this thing stone cold. The other folks reading at least had a chance to hear it first and my roommate was was about #176 practically had it memorized after listening to 175 people ahead of him. He got cast. I didn’t. The shoe never opened since it turned out they didn’t have financing.My next was shortly after I arrived in LA. I auditioned for a new tv show. Once again, I didn’t get the sides in advance but at least had an hour before to practice in the parking lot. The scene was something about a guy whose brother had died and my character was interviewing for his old job which had been a partnership between the brothers. The other character mentioned the death of his brother twice. I showed sympathy and commiserated with the other character. I got through it and the casting director looked at me and said that’s nice but it wasn’t funny. I looked at him and blurted “This is a comedy?” Didn’t get that role either.

I auditioned for Pepper in Annie when I was in 6th grade. I was singing Tomorrow until someone came in and my voice cracked. The director told me to stop singing. Afterwards, I begged them for the role with another audition. Well all that begging gave me the role L.T. Ward the policeman which nobody wanted. My costume was also very bad so I think I should of just kept the ensemble orphan role.

Allrighty then! My second worst audition was the one where I sang the song and then the entire room was dead silent and gaping at me in silent horror. I note that I still got in because this place will pretty much take any warm body for ensemble and they’d had me in shows before so they knew I wasn’t totally awful all of the time, but it was still embarrassing. I am now taking singing lessons :PMy worst one ever is a super interesting story: I was taking a college class one year where the professor would do this made-up fundraiser show once a year that took everyone. Very, very laid back audition process, people were basically pulling auditions out of their butts a few hours before (“oh, I found this poem on the Internet”), you could pick anything to do based on the theme and it may or may not be in the show, but you end up doing background dancing/singing if your bit isn’t picked, so that’s fine. So I did that show and then when I was no longer taking any classes there, wanted to do it again a second time the next year.However: I could NOT find out from anyone, INCLUDING THE TEACHER WHO REFUSED TO TELL ME WHEN I ASKED HIM DIRECTLY, what the theme was. Didn’t put it online, he didn’t answer me when I asked, my friend still attending the school said she couldn’t find a flier, nothing. Finally I was all, “okay, fine, they take everyone, I’ll improvise something.” Oh no, THERE WAS A THEME, THERE WERE FOUR POSSIBLE OPTIONS, and I could not, at all, do three out of the four of them. So I winged it on topic #4 but I admit I didn’t stick the landing because I was trying to make up a monologue on the topic. This seemed fine at the time, but then they have callbacks (!!!) and then the teacher calls me and says, “Your audition wasn’t very good. You should have sung. We can’t use you.“So….yeah. I have no idea why he was being a dick out of nowhere. That has never made sense.However, the happy ending to this is that since I didn’t get into that show, I did an audition for another one that was going on during the original show’s tech week, got in, and it really kicked off my theater career elsewhere. Go figure!

I went in to an audition once that was very early in the morning. I am just not at my peak that early in the day, but I had gotten myself together, even had time to grab a coffee on the way and everything.I introduced myself and my monologue very professionally, and then BLANKED. The only words that came into my head were from an entirely different monologue so I started talking, knowing I couldn’t stay silent, and then as I was delivering it I remembered why I had stopped using it, and that tripped me up so I started to jumble words and ended up gibbering like a lunatic, said thank you and left.I never expected a callback, but at least I got to see the auditor’s hopeful smile slide right off her face so I knew the exact moment I lost her….

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Agata Gri

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Viktorija Ošikaitė
