Humor is subjective, that’s no secret. Things that are funny to you might be the unfunniest thing ever to someone else. It doesn’t mean there aren’t any people who share your sense of humor–with a dedicatedGoogle searchyou likely can find some pages posting stuff that’s funny to you. After all, the internet is basically limitless.Today, we decided to play it safe and go with relatively random memes. In this list you’ll find some memes that are funnier than others to you, but for someone else it might be the other way around. That creates a perfect chaotic blend that many of you can enjoy.More info:InstagramThis post may includeaffiliate links.
Humor is subjective, that’s no secret. Things that are funny to you might be the unfunniest thing ever to someone else. It doesn’t mean there aren’t any people who share your sense of humor–with a dedicatedGoogle searchyou likely can find some pages posting stuff that’s funny to you. After all, the internet is basically limitless.
Today, we decided to play it safe and go with relatively random memes. In this list you’ll find some memes that are funnier than others to you, but for someone else it might be the other way around. That creates a perfect chaotic blend that many of you can enjoy.
More info:Instagram
This post may includeaffiliate links.
The internet we know today wouldn’t be the same without memes. Since their initial creation, memes have undergone quite an evolution.
Granted, some of you might categorize or name these periods a tad differently, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s a pretty good description of the evolution we saw in the last two decades. By being able to constantly change their appeal and adapt to people’s wants and needs,memeswere able to become one of the biggest driving forces in the modern online world.Also, for some folks, memes aren’t hitting the same as they used to. In their eyes, it might beTikTok’sfault, for twisting them into something different than they used to be. Well, we can’t say we disagree; we just talked about how memes are constantly changing, and knowing how influential TikTok is, it’s likely that it changed memes too.
Granted, some of you might categorize or name these periods a tad differently, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s a pretty good description of the evolution we saw in the last two decades. By being able to constantly change their appeal and adapt to people’s wants and needs,memeswere able to become one of the biggest driving forces in the modern online world.
Also, for some folks, memes aren’t hitting the same as they used to. In their eyes, it might beTikTok’sfault, for twisting them into something different than they used to be. Well, we can’t say we disagree; we just talked about how memes are constantly changing, and knowing how influential TikTok is, it’s likely that it changed memes too.
For example, it’s said that avid users of this app might struggle with shortenedattention spans. What else got shorter in the last couple of years too? Yes, it’s the longevity of memes. Of course, TikTok isn’t the only one to blame for it, but the correlation is there.Besides that, what TikTok influenced or at least showed us is how different the internet can be for each of its users. It’s no secret that the app’salgorithmis very intuitive and manages to tailor each user’s FYP according to their activity. In fact, such smartness of the algorithm is one of the keys that led to their success.
For example, it’s said that avid users of this app might struggle with shortenedattention spans. What else got shorter in the last couple of years too? Yes, it’s the longevity of memes. Of course, TikTok isn’t the only one to blame for it, but the correlation is there.
Besides that, what TikTok influenced or at least showed us is how different the internet can be for each of its users. It’s no secret that the app’salgorithmis very intuitive and manages to tailor each user’s FYP according to their activity. In fact, such smartness of the algorithm is one of the keys that led to their success.
The app is so intuitive, it has manysides. At some point, it was known that there were “straight” and “alt” sides on there, but pretty quickly it became apparent that there were many more. From food andbooksto cleaning and the paranormal – there’s a niche for everyone. The more you use the app, the more your “for you page” will actually be yours.That means that depending on which side you’re on, your humor, and the memes you consume, can differ. So, for instance, while you might find ‘cave divers’ jokes funny, other people might not have a clue what it is about.
The app is so intuitive, it has manysides. At some point, it was known that there were “straight” and “alt” sides on there, but pretty quickly it became apparent that there were many more. From food andbooksto cleaning and the paranormal – there’s a niche for everyone. The more you use the app, the more your “for you page” will actually be yours.
That means that depending on which side you’re on, your humor, and the memes you consume, can differ. So, for instance, while you might find ‘cave divers’ jokes funny, other people might not have a clue what it is about.
Plus, algorithms are getting increasingly intuitive even outside ofTikTok, meaning that there are more and more niches of the internet opening up almost constantly, leading tonichememes that not all can understand.
At the same time, there are still pages posting rather random memes that hit the spot for many folks, like@sonny5ideup. This Instagram page currently has over 1M followers that they collected with their relatable and amusing posts. We picked out the best of them for you to enjoy here today.
See Also on Bored Panda
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