A German artist, Mesut Kaya, creates funny comics that range from relatable to bizarre. The common thread in his work is the protagonist—an exaggerated version of himself. This makes it no surprise that his comics offer a peek into Mesut’s real life.It’s been a while since we last sharedMesut’s work, and that’s because he recently experienced a major life change—he became a dad! Mesut shared: “I’m a dad now and was a stay-at-home dad for the last six months. I had to put everything on hold, but now I’m back to drawing and working.”With that, let’s dive into his latest comics and this exciting new chapter of his life!More info:Instagram|youtube.com|patreon.com|x.com|imgur.com|webtoons.comThis post may includeaffiliate links.

A German artist, Mesut Kaya, creates funny comics that range from relatable to bizarre. The common thread in his work is the protagonist—an exaggerated version of himself. This makes it no surprise that his comics offer a peek into Mesut’s real life.

It’s been a while since we last sharedMesut’s work, and that’s because he recently experienced a major life change—he became a dad! Mesut shared: “I’m a dad now and was a stay-at-home dad for the last six months. I had to put everything on hold, but now I’m back to drawing and working.”

With that, let’s dive into his latest comics and this exciting new chapter of his life!

More info:Instagram|youtube.com|patreon.com|x.com|imgur.com|webtoons.com

This post may includeaffiliate links.

Funny comic by Mesut Kaya showing a man being embarrassed at a club when a woman offers to dance with him.

In an interview withBored Panda, Mesut shared what drew him to the world of artistry.


Comic by Mesut Kaya showing a person hoping baby will sleep, both closing their eyes humorously.

Funny comic by Mesut Kaya showing a humorous interaction between two characters in bed.

Mesut also described the essence of his comics: “My comics are about human interactions and emotions. I try to keep them short and to the point. Sometimes a lot is happening, but the conclusion is always quite simple.”

Funny comic by Mesut Kaya showing characters humorously discussing farting in a theater setting.

Funny comic by Mesut Kaya depicting a checkout line scenario with humorous dialogue between characters.

As for the audience’s takeaway, Mesut commented: “Be kind and don’t be cynical. Enjoy the smaller things and don’t be too serious.”Lastly, the artist added: “Thanks for reading my comics! I hope you had fun reading them!”

As for the audience’s takeaway, Mesut commented: “Be kind and don’t be cynical. Enjoy the smaller things and don’t be too serious.”

Lastly, the artist added: “Thanks for reading my comics! I hope you had fun reading them!”

Funny comic by Mesut Kaya showing a couple on a scooter, entitled “Hop on and Hold Tight."

Funny comic by Mesut Kaya showing a couple exhausted from unpacking boxes over four weeks.

Father and child pointing at animals in a funny comic by Mesut Kaya, featuring a capybara, toucan, and a pigeon.

Funny comic by Mesut Kaya featuring a character using a dating app for hacking schemes.

Funny comic by Mesut Kaya showing characters exchanging brushes as gifts in a humorous twist.

Funny comic by Mesut Kaya featuring a humorous take on bald passengers on a flight, emphasizing “bald is beautiful."

Funny comic by Mesut Kaya featuring a playful interaction between two game consoles.

Funny comic by Mesut Kaya showing a parent struggling with a child who refuses to sleep in his own bed.

Two elves mistakenly build toy blocks instead of a PS5; child opens gift looking disappointed. Comic by Mesut Kaya.

Funny comic by Mesut Kaya featuring a character’s missing pizza dilemma.

Funny comic by Mesut Kaya: characters react to a man in a funny deep V-neck shirt with humor and surprise.

Funny comic by Mesut Kaya showing a character venting to a stranger, ending with both relaxing while ignoring a work message.

Funny comic by Mesut Kaya of a character activating beast mode but falling asleep on a pull-up bar.

Funny comic by Mesut Kaya: A snail gets encouragement, then another character finds the snail on a post three days later.

See Also on Bored Panda

Funny comic by Mesut Kaya featuring ducks and humans in various humorous situations.

Funny comic by Mesut Kaya featuring a playful journey from childhood to adulthood with a humanoid game device.

Funny comic by Mesut Kaya featuring a gorilla and a man admiring a baby, highlighting humor in parenting compliments.

Comic by Mesut Kaya: A character is shown a palace built by a turtle, expressing amazement and excitement.

Funny comic by Mesut Kaya featuring a turtle, a couple in a car, and a roadside scene.

Funny comic by Mesut Kaya featuring cars and a character making funny sounds.

Funny comic by Mesut Kaya showing a chick dressed as a bat hero, surprising its mom with the costume.

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