Rita Maikova Zaporozhets paints worlds that feel both familiar and dreamlike. Her work is full of flowing shapes, symbolic figures, and rich colors that draw you in. Born in Ukraine and now based in Barcelona, she creates art that explores love, change, and the emotions that shape us. Each piece tells a quiet but powerful story, inviting the viewer to look closer and find their own meaning.Her paintings have been shown in galleries around the world, from London to New York. While her style is deeply personal, it connects with people in different ways. Some see her work as poetic, others as mysterious, but no matter how you interpret it, there’s something undeniably human about it.More info:InstagramThis post may includeaffiliate links.

Rita Maikova Zaporozhets paints worlds that feel both familiar and dreamlike. Her work is full of flowing shapes, symbolic figures, and rich colors that draw you in. Born in Ukraine and now based in Barcelona, she creates art that explores love, change, and the emotions that shape us. Each piece tells a quiet but powerful story, inviting the viewer to look closer and find their own meaning.

Her paintings have been shown in galleries around the world, from London to New York. While her style is deeply personal, it connects with people in different ways. Some see her work as poetic, others as mysterious, but no matter how you interpret it, there’s something undeniably human about it.

More info:Instagram

This post may includeaffiliate links.

Abstract painting by Rita Maikova Zaporozhets featuring two surreal figures amidst a mystical landscape.


A surreal painting by Rita Maikova Zaporozhets depicting a woman with a harp in an abstract landscape setting.

Surreal art by Rita Maikova Zaporozhets, featuring abstract figures and a dreamy landscape with warm hues.

Surreal landscape painting by Rita Maikova Zaporozhets, featuring abstract pink and brown creatures with a flowing river.

“The Healing Heart”

Rita shared that she approaches each artwork intuitively, letting her emotions and impressions guide her. “My process doesn’t follow a strict ritual—it’s more of an inner dialogue that unfolds naturally. I often draw inspiration from nature, particularly from the landscapes and elements that surrounded me during my childhood. Every piece is like a living story, where my characters evolve with me, taking on new roles and meanings as the work progresses.”

Surreal artwork by Rita Maikova Zaporozhets featuring abstract skeletal forms and dreamlike elements.

Surreal artwork by Rita Maikova Zaporozhets featuring imaginative creatures in a dreamlike purple and orange landscape.

When asked about the most rewarding part of being an artist, Rita shared that it is the creative process itself—an exploration of the unknown within her. “It feels like uncovering hidden layers of emotion and thought through each brushstroke. At the same time, witnessing how others connect with my work adds a profound sense of meaning. When someone resonates with my paintings and finds their own reflection in them, it creates a silent, yet powerful, exchange—one that extends beyond words or personal experience.”

Surreal landscape painting by Rita Maikova Zaporozhets, featuring abstract organic shapes under a vibrant sky.

Surreal art by Rita Maikova Zaporozhets, depicting abstract figures intertwined against a serene backdrop.

“The Treasures Of Experience”

Surreal painting by Rita Maikova Zaporozhets, blending imagination and reality with abstract figures and organic shapes.

Surreal artwork by artist Rita Maikova Zaporozhets depicting a fantastical landscape with vibrant colors and abstract forms.

Surreal artwork by Rita Maikova Zaporozhets, blending imagination and reality with abstract figures.

Surreal art by Rita Maikova Zaporozhets featuring intertwined figures on a beach with flowing hair and abstract shapes.

See Also on Bored Panda

Surreal art by Rita Maikova Zaporozhets with abstract shapes and pastel colors, blending imagination and reality.

Surreal artwork by Rita Maikova Zaporozhets depicting abstract, dreamlike forms in a whimsical landscape.

Surreal art piece by Rita Maikova Zaporozhets featuring an abstract form and a draped white cloth.

Surreal artwork by Rita Maikova Zaporozhets features imaginative organic shapes in vibrant colors.

Surreal painting by Rita Maikova Zaporozhets depicting abstract figures in a dreamlike landscape by a pond.

Surreal art by Rita Maikova Zaporozhets depicting abstract forms in a vivid, dreamlike landscape.

Surreal art piece by Rita Maikova Zaporozhets depicting a whimsical, abstract figure in a dreamlike landscape.

Surreal artwork by Rita Maikova Zaporozhets depicting a dreamlike abstract form with flowing shapes.

Surreal artwork by Rita Maikova Zaporozhets, blending imaginative elements with realistic forms on a dark abstract background.

Surreal landscape artwork by Rita Maikova Zaporozhets featuring abstract shapes and warm colors.

Surreal artwork by Rita Maikova Zaporozhets featuring abstract shapes in vibrant colors blending imagination and reality.

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