Spice up your love life this Valentine’s Day with our list of naughty gifts guaranteed to add a dash of fun and excitement in your relationship! We’ve scoured Amazon to bring the best options to your fingertips. From flirty games to racy lingerie, and all things cheeky and romantic in between, there is something to peak everyone’s interest and make this day of love extra special.This post may includeaffiliate links.

Spice up your love life this Valentine’s Day with our list of naughty gifts guaranteed to add a dash of fun and excitement in your relationship! We’ve scoured Amazon to bring the best options to your fingertips. From flirty games to racy lingerie, and all things cheeky and romantic in between, there is something to peak everyone’s interest and make this day of love extra special.

This post may includeaffiliate links.

Review:“The letter arrived in perfect condition; it was not creased or bent. The letter looks exactly like how it is advertised online. It’s perfect.” -Jaquelin P.

Sometimes, Words Just Aren’t Enough. This Valentine’s, Say It With A Squeeze And A Smirk With The ‘Touch Your Butt’ Love Card

Celebrate This Valentine’s With Our Love For Wine Secure! Slip On A Wine Condom And Worry Not, Your Favorite Merlot Is Staying Top-Notch

Review:“Scent is amazing. My husband loves this! It is a bit hotter than I like for my back so he pours into his hand first for me. But I pour straight on his back. It only takes a few minute to warm up. It glides well and is not sticky plus it lasts a long time. Will be buying more scents. But we love the passion scent.” -Jovan Rachel

Get The Glow And The Oohs And Ahhs Rolling With A Massage Oil Candle That Turns From Ambiance To Hands-On Relaxation

Review:“Product was packaged very nicely. Came with massage oil, roller ball massage, a pump, and regular press top. The oil has a relaxing aroma. Easy to the touch. Some lucky women are going to be happy with this ;)” -Jacob K.

You, Me, And A Massage Roller Ball Drenched In Lavender Relaxation Massage Oil — We’ve Set The Bar High For Valentine’s Day

Leave A Little Sparkle (And A Few Feathers) Wherever You Go. Life’s Too Short To Wear Boring Robes , So Flaunt That Plume And Fill The Room With Your Fabulousness

Propose A Toast To Playful Passion With This Candy Bra - It’s The Kind Of Valentine’s Ensemble That Whispers ‘Eat Your Heart Out!'

Turn Up The Heat On V-Day With A Game That’s Bound To Get You Both Laughing, Loving, And Maybe Even Blushing A Little

Review:“Fun gift!! So naughty! It got A lot of laughs! The material was very solid. It is actually a high quality apron!” -Jennifer Rasmussen

Grilling Just Got Cheeky With This Apron That Boldly Boasts Your BBQ Skills. Bet You Can’t Wait To Put Their Gourmet Grilling To The Test This Valentine’s

Review:“I originally bought this as a gift for a friend, but also, later, bought one for myself. It’s great for a quick laugh, sure, but……actually trying to use the product is the real punchline. You have to effectively have-your-way with this product in order to use it properly. Be prepared for an awkward moment of slow realization that you look like a total perv if you use your hips to achieve the cleaning motion with this soap, instead of your hand. Also, a bit of “swelling” may occur while using this product. When that happens, you may very well have to break the soap in order to remove it from your person, as it will become locked in place. Other than that, I think it’s great!” -His Royal Dudeness

Whether He’s A Grower, A Shower, Or A Bathing Connoisseur, The Weener Kleener Will Have Your Valentine Soaping Up With A Smirk

See Also on Bored Panda

Review:“Arrived one day before Valentines. Very good quality. It does run a little big but that’s OK. I love it and I can’t wait to see him wear it!” -Marilyn Kalanjian

Set Cupid’s Arrows Aside And Get Straight To The Point With ‘This Is Mine’ Underwear , Because Nothing Says ‘I’m Attached’ Like Personalized Hubby Briefs

Review:“My husband loved it! It was a gift for him and he just cracked up!!!” -Mariana

This Hammer’s Not Only For The Fix-It Jobs, It’s A Naughty Nod To All Your Talents, Especially That Favorite One Of Mine. Keep On Nailing, My Love!

Review:“This book was so much fun. My husband and I have been married for almost 14 years and we had a blast reading this. We read through the whole book within an hour, makes for a great date night activity. Gets conversations going and lots of laughs.” -Tiffany

Spice Things Up With The Sort Of Would You Rather Questions That Leave Nothing But Laughter And A Few “Oh My…” Moments In Their Wake

Review:“Love it and so does he!” -Savannah

Things Just Got Tasteful With This Card , Babe. It’s Your Birthday, Anniversary Or Valentine’s Day And I’m Here To Remind You

Review:“Fits perfectly! I ordered a medium for my boyfriend and its was better than i expected! Super soft material.. worth every penny!!” -Kay

Send A Playful Message That His Beard’s Off The Market With A Tee That’s As Fun As A Valentine’s Day Wink

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