30 Nostalgic Toys You May Have Forgotten Existed If You Were Born Pre-2000

Growing up, I had a plush version of Toto (Dorothy’s dog inThe Wizard of Oz) that I was utterly obsessed with. I took that little ball of fake fur everywhere with me, and after a few years, he started looking extremely worn down. But I didn’t care. He meant everything to me and was the closest thing I had to a pet after begging my parents incessantly for a realpuppy.Toysfrom childhood can hold a lot of sentimental value, and seeing ones you’ve forgotten about can instantly flood you with nostalgia....

February 24, 2025 · 9 min · 1827 words · Kelly Johnson

30 Of The Funniest Examples Of People Being Clueless On Facebook Marketplace (New Pics)

Selling somethingonlineisn’t as easy as it might look. It’s a real learning curve that is usually full of trial and error. From poor listing photos and descriptions to inadequate pricing and communication, there are many things sellers and resellers online have to look out for if they want to succeed. Luckily, nowadays websites likeFacebook Marketplacemake it easier to sell, but even with their help, some people just can’t figure it out....

February 24, 2025 · 11 min · 2233 words · Caleb Farley

30 Times People ‘Ate The Onion’ And Got Fooled By Satirical News (New Pics)

Despite the fact that “you can’t believe everything you read online” being common knowledge (and sense) basically since the inception of the internet, millions of people still find ways tofailthe very simple test of not publicly reacting to obviously not-real stories. This post may includeaffiliate links. RELATED: While it might seem positively archaic now, the Onion was actually founded as aprint newspaperin 1988, in Madison, Wisconsin. This means there are some folks out there in the Midwest who probably still have physical, pre-internet copies of the Onion....

February 24, 2025 · 3 min · 610 words · Samuel Snyder

40 Times People Saw Something That Made Them Go “Hmmm” And Had To Share It (New Pics)

How long do you need to look at a picture before you get what’s going on in it, Pandas? According toresearchers at MIT, the human brain can process visuals in 13 milliseconds. So, you’re supposed to get what’s in aphotographbefore you even blink.But is that really the case with the pics from the r/hmmm subreddit? They usually haveno context, feature some detail that’s just a tad bit off, or confuse you in general....

February 24, 2025 · 7 min · 1369 words · Sheila Palmer

41 People Share The Most Unexpected Things That Happened After Losing Weight

Embracing a healthier lifestyle can take months, if not years, of diligent effort, but it’s worth it in the end. But the process can be challenging. Hormone expert Daniella Astor went viral on Threads afteraskingeveryone to share the biggest drawbacks that occur when losing weight. Bored Pandahas reached out to Astor via email, and we’ll update the article as soon as we hear back from her. More info:Instagram|TikTok|Facebook|DaniellaAstor.com This post may includeaffiliate links....

February 24, 2025 · 8 min · 1534 words · Calvin Duran

43 Times Housekeepers Were Taken Aback By Things Left In Rooms: “Forgot His Inflatable Girlfriend”

Everyjobcomes with certain ups and downs, advantages and disadvantages. But it’s safe to say that no profession is exempt from an occasional bizarre moment or two. Forhousekeepers, though, they seem to be ample. This post may includeaffiliate links. RELATED: Not me, but my friend from Ukraine worked at a c**ppy casino hotel in Wendover, Nevada, because they would sponsor his work visa. He wasn’t a housekeeper but would have to do maintenance in rooms....

February 24, 2025 · 16 min · 3261 words · Angela Davis

50 Funny Cat Memes To Brighten Up Your Day If The World Feels Like A Cat-astrophe Right Now (New Pics)

LOLcats,Grumpy Cat, Caturday, cat videos, celebrity cats… They stalked us silently, then pounced out of nowhere, came in with a whole lot of cattitude, and took over the internet. It’s no secret thatcatshave been ruling the World Wide Web for decades, turning it into a virtual cat park. Sometimes I wonder if they’re secretly plotting to take over the real world as well. If you consider yourself a bit cat-obsessed, you might have heard of the annual CatCon gathering....

February 24, 2025 · 7 min · 1344 words · Terry Taylor

50 Times People Had Enough And Called Out Injustice On Social Media (New Pics)

When you witness discrimination, you have two choices: stay silent and move on or speak up and challenge it. Many of us like to think we’d always choose the latter, but with so much injustice in the world, it doesn’t always happen as often as we’d hope. That’s why seeing others take a stand can be inspiring—especially through conversations in spaces such as theFacebook groupFeminist Info. Dedicated towomen’s rights, this group tackles complex and often overlooked issues head-on....

February 24, 2025 · 8 min · 1676 words · Latoya Mcdonald

50 Toxic Teachers Who Deserve To Be Called Out For Their Unprofessionalism (New Pics)

Teacherscan be extremely influential people in their students’ lives. Even if they don’t realize it, one meaningful conversation might alter the trajectory of a child’s educational career. And while the educators that we love are remembered as saints for decades to come, the ones that we despised are never forgotten either… This post may includeaffiliate links. RELATED: Looking back on my time in school, my memories of most of my teachers are a blur....

February 24, 2025 · 6 min · 1191 words · Rachel Taylor

Guy Asks People How They Get Their 10k Steps In Daily And 41 Deliver

The idea of aiming for10,000 stepsa day has been aroundsince 1964. It was actually popularized through a marketing campaign for the Tokyo Olympics, as the Japanese character for 10,000 bears resemblance to a person walking. This clever idea quickly caught on, and it’s still an extremely popular goal for people to have today. After all, walking can do wonders for your physical and mentalhealth!But if youdrivea car, work anoffice joband spend your evenings watching Netflix, it can be difficult to travel about 5 miles on foot during your daily routine....

February 24, 2025 · 8 min · 1679 words · Doris Mason

Guy Ends Up In Trouble With HR After Helping Out A Coworker In An Emergency, Ignores Her In Return

You know the saying, “No good deed goes unpunished”? Well, in some cases, that’s very true, especially when someone gets reported to HR for helping out a coworker. Because office favors are tricky business. One minute you’re just being a good coworker, helping out with a task, and the next you’re somehow the villain. One Redditor learned that the hard way after doing hiscoworkera solid, only to find himself sitting in the HR office, being investigated for being “too helpful....

February 24, 2025 · 4 min · 689 words · Justin Burgess

Guy Faces The Biggest Crisis Of His Life After Discovering Roommate Hasn’t Paid Rent In Months

Generally, when we think of rude andentitled people, it’s “little” things, like taking up a handicapped parking spot or being too loud in public. But there are some unfortunate souls that end up having to deal with levels of entitlement that might need law enforcement to step in. RELATED: Stealing rent money is basically never acceptable Image credits:pvproductions / freepik (not the actual photo) But one man learned his roommate had just pocketed three months of rent and ran away Image credits:mehaniq / Freepik (not the actual photo)...

February 24, 2025 · 3 min · 575 words · Lynn Miller

Guy Hides His Lottery Millions For Years Until He Meets The One And Can Finally Reveal It

If I ever won the lottery, I think I’d spend it all in one go, traveling from one country to another, and I know that that’s how I’ll go bankrupt. Unlike me, there are some real-life lottery winners who are quite smart and know how to handle themoneywell. Just like Reddit usersneakyballer, who won the lottery in 2011 and became a millionaire, but he has kept it secret from his toxic family, who might try to mooch off of him....

February 24, 2025 · 4 min · 846 words · Brian Williamson

I Paint Everyday Objects And Transform Them Into Fairytale Artworks (22 Pics)

I am a Romanian artist who loves painting and creating art with a touch of magic. I was born in Bucharest and started painting as soon as I could hold a paintbrush. Art runs in my family—my late grandfather was a sculptor. Although I never got to meet him, my mother passed on his talent and taught me the basics of painting, always encouraging me to move forward. After graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts in Bucharest, I struggled to make a living doing what I loved most: art....

February 24, 2025 · 3 min · 428 words · Regina Sanchez

I’ve Selected Dipti Dhakul’s Most Captivating Futuristic Bags (27 Pics)

From the rugged Tyre Tote to the playful Heart Shape Bag and the elegant Dustbin Clutch, each design seamlessly blends functionality with cutting-edge creativity. Perfect for those who love to stand out, these innovative handbags offer both style and practicality for any occasion. More info:in.pinterest.com This post may includeaffiliate links. RELATED:See Also on Bored PandaSee Also on Bored Panda RELATED: See Also on Bored Panda Modal closeAdd New ImageModal closeAdd Your Photo To This ListPlease use high-res photos without watermarksOoops!...

February 24, 2025 · 2 min · 337 words · Michael Escobar