30 Unhinged Pics That Prove The World Is A Strange, Strange Place

You can’t always trust the internet to be accurate, but at least you can count on it to never run out of nonsense.And no page embraces that better thanWelcome JPEGonInstagram. With no rhyme, no reason, and barely any context, it delivers a steady stream of unhinged,absurd images. If that’s exactly what you need today, stick around—we’ve rounded up some of their best. Scroll down and enjoy.This post may includeaffiliate links....

February 26, 2025 · 8 min · 1632 words · Craig Chen

30 Work Memes To Fill That Existential Void With Laughter (New Pics)

It can be a disconcerting realization when it finally clicks that we spend a third of our lives asleep, but what about the just as relevant fact that we also spend a third of our lives, give or take some years,at work? So it shouldn’t surprise anyone that humans can and will make this into online content. More info:Instagram This post may includeaffiliate links. RELATED:Anyone who has had a sub-part boss and manager has probably realized just how much someone’s delusions can (and will) causeheadachesfor the folks actually trying to get work done at the end of the day....

February 26, 2025 · 5 min · 981 words · Sara Martin

36 Times People Were So Infuriated By Canceled Reservations, They Had To Vent Online

Last-minute cancellations are high risk whenbookingrelatively anything—flights, accommodations, dinners, appointments, events, and even classes. Sometimes mistakes or circumstances beyond anyone’s control happen, and cancellations leave people high and dry. That’s just how life usually goes but this doesn’t mean that these instances aren’t highly infuriating or that they can’t occur due to the most ridiculous reasons.Below, ourBored Pandateam prepared a whole list of cancelled reservations that made people want to scream into the void....

February 26, 2025 · 8 min · 1628 words · Tara Parker

37 Of The Most Random Items People Always Carry – From No Reason At All To Surprisingly Adorable

Do you sometimes catch yourself doing some kind of unexplainable, random, and odd thing? Well, no matter what you say, we know you—because, don’t we all?For instance, having a random item that has no real purpose or use in your day-to-daylife, but never throwing it out or giving it away. We think that this perfectly fits the online joke about “having no original experience,” because haven’t we all had items like that?...

February 26, 2025 · 11 min · 2235 words · Brendan Clark

50 Wholesome And Cute Comics By Irregular Galaxy Doods (New Pics)

If you love comics that are equal parts absurd, heartfelt, and surreal, thenIrregular Galaxy Doodsis a must-see. This artist’s work is filled with pastel colors, offbeat humor, and a unique perspective on life—one that can make you laugh one moment and feel deeply understood the next.In our previous interview, the creator shared, “I draw inspiration from conversations, everyday objects, and a generally overactive imagination. I have an ungodly amount of note files on my phone with a ton of ideas, half-ideas, incoherent jive, and puns....

February 26, 2025 · 4 min · 766 words · John Anderson

Aimee Lou Wood’s Intimate Scene In ‘The White Lotus’ Ignites Debate About Intimacy Coordinators

After an intimate scene fromThe White Lotussparked widespread discussion,Aimee Lou Woodopened up about the meticulous planning and collaboration behind the moment, highlighting the crucial role of intimacy coordinators and her co-starWalton Goggins. Her remarks sparked a heated discussion online about the need forintimacy coordinators, especially after Wood, 30, admitted she used to say “yes” to many scenes when she was younger. HighlightsAimee Lou Wood spoke about her experience working with an intimacy coordinator for ‘The White Lotus....

February 26, 2025 · 5 min · 1000 words · Amber Kennedy

Biologist By Day, Cartoonist By Night: 28 Funny And Relatable Comics By This Artist

If you’ve been craving some retro-style comics, you’re in for a treat as Ahmed, the artist of Canetoonist, delivers fresh content. With Ahmed, you never quite know what he’ll illustrate next, keeping his audience on their toes! More info:Instagram This post may includeaffiliate links. In a further interview withBored Panda, Ahmed shared a bit more about his background. “I have a Master’s in Microbiology/Immunology, so my comics sometimes do have a scientific side to them....

February 26, 2025 · 3 min · 531 words · Julie Cooper

Bride Goes All Out For Her Wedding, Ends Up In Debt, Now She Wants Refunds From Everywhere

It’s natural for brides and grooms to want everything to be perfect on theirspecial day. The flower arrangements must be fresh, the DJ’s playlist needs to be full of bops, and the photographer better capture every single precious moment. But if something doesn’t turn out exactly how the couple imagined, are they entitled to a refund? One artist recentlyreached outto the Bridezillas subreddit detailing how a client demanded a refund 2 months after her wedding because she suddenly decided that she wasn’t happy with her service....

February 26, 2025 · 8 min · 1655 words · Amanda Collins

Disney Worker Downloads Free AI Tool—Loses Job And $200,000 Bonuses

The life of aDisney workertook a dramatic turn when he washackedafter downloading afree AI toolto use with his children. Matthew Van Andel, a former engineer at the renowned company, downloaded the software from the code-sharing site GitHub in February 2024. The tool, supposedly designed to create images from text prompts, ended up being malware that gave hackers access to his personal information through a password manager. HighlightsMatthew Van Andel lost his job at Disney and $200k bonuses after accidentally downloading malware....

February 26, 2025 · 4 min · 770 words · Omar May

Guy Comments On Woman’s Outfit, Asking Her To Never Wear It Again, Many Surprisingly Agree

You usually get a glimpse into what a company expects its employees to wear during your interview with them. Did the recruiter greet you in a sweater or a jacket? Are they sitting across the table in jeans or pants? If you’re hired, your observations in the first few days should help even further. However, there seems to have been some sort of miscommunication between Taylor Harley and her employer. She recently came to work in her beloved cherry outfit, but a higher-up told her it was “inappropriate” and that he doesn’t want to see it ever again....

February 26, 2025 · 4 min · 692 words · Kelly Williams

Guy Works 50+ Hours/Week Only For His Successor To Automate Everything And Have Nothing To Do

For manyworkers, repetitive tasks like entering data into spreadsheets can be a nuisance. In fact, in a 2021 survey, 94% of American workerssaidthey perform time-consuming, repetitive tasks in their roles. And 65% say they’re less stressed after they’re able toautomatethese tasks. Recently, one womansharedhow she barely does any work after automating 90% of her daily tasks. Now she is wondering whether she should fess up to her boss about slacking off for most of the day or just accept it and spend the time doing something she likes....

February 26, 2025 · 4 min · 736 words · Charles Jackson

Harsh Truths About Human Existence That People Often Don’t Want To Accept (33 Examples)

Life is a journey full of learning curves and experiences that shape how we think, feel, and act. Everyone would love to live every day, facing absolutely nochallengesor difficulties, but a completely smooth path is often one devoid of learning.That’s why people need to accept the harsh realities of life, which are necessary forcharacter development. This list contains all of those eye-opening truths that folks often tend to ignore but need to accept in order to thrive....

February 26, 2025 · 9 min · 1865 words · Kimberly Wilson

Homeowner Fed Up With Neighbor Who Takes Their Packages And Gives Them Back While Asking For Cash

Neighbors are a special breed. Some are great, watering your plants when you’re away, lending you a cup of sugar, and waving politely from across the driveway. Others? Well, they treat your front door like their personal help desk, showing up unannounced with all kinds of requests. It’s like living next door to a human pop-up ad – you never know what they’ll want next, but you’re sure it’ll cost you....

February 26, 2025 · 4 min · 675 words · Sabrina Cline

Husband Throws Away Wife’s Pillow To Make More Space For Himself, She Bursts Into Tears And Leaves

Ever had a “simple” solution to a problem that totally backfired? Sometimes, what seems like a quick fix (like tossing a pillow for more bed space) just ends up earning you the coldest shoulder of all—literally. Today’s Original Poster (OP) was tired of not having enough room in the bed with his wife and was even more tired of her dismissing it whenever he brought it up. His approach to fixing it; however, soon became a problem when his wife refused to speak to him....

February 26, 2025 · 3 min · 612 words · Brianna Briggs

Michelle Trachtenberg’s Life In Photos: From Nickelodeon Fame To Her Last Days

Michelle Trachtenberg, an American actress best known for her roles inBuffy the Vampire SlayerandGossip Girl, has left a hole inHollywoodfollowing herdeathon February 26, 2025. Police responded to an emergency call made from 1 Columbus Place in New York City around 8am, the NYPD told People. “Upon arrival, officers observed a 39-year-old female unconscious and unresponsive. EMS responded to the location and pronounced the victim deceased. Criminality is not suspected,” they stated....

February 26, 2025 · 5 min · 906 words · Jeffrey Wong